Replying to @jordan🌻💐 #teacherinterviews #teacherinterviewtips #teachertips #newteacher #teachertipsoftiktok
Woke up early this weekend! #teacherweekend #ratgirl #teacherlife #teachervlog
We are teachers. #teachertruth #teachersleaving #teacherquittok #teachersquitting #typesofteachers #teacherworkload #teacherpay #teacherpayraise #teachersalary #teachersalarydoesntpaybills
Replying to @drew ) #secondyearteacher #secondyearteaching #teachertips #teacherlife #firstyearteachertips #firstyearteacherproblems
Replying to @AJ Lando #teacherplanning #teacherprep #teacherworkday #teacherworkingafterhours
Rat girl night routine. The creativity program beta has been upsetting me recently. For over 7million views the last month ish i have gotten almost nothing. @tiktok creators help. #tiktokcreator #creativityprogrambeta #runnergirl #runhappy
GRWM to run!!!! Wearing @CALIA and drinking @stokcoldbrew #grwmtorun #runneroutfit #runningoutfit #runnergirl #runningmotivation
Come run with me! Hop on over to my instagram (lexiefirment) for more vlogs daily! @Brooks Running ) #brooksrunning #runnergirl #runwithme #runnervlog #runningvlog #runhappy #runningmotivation
Classifying myself as a rat girl who spends a whole lotta time doing nothing #ratgirl #ratgirllife #lifeinyour20s #spendingtime #sillygirl #weekendlife #justagirl
#greenscreen things that happened today teaching #teacherthings #teacherlife #teacherstory #firstyearteacher #firstyearteachertips #teachertips #genzteacher #ratgirl #ratgirlteacher
my dad is my favorite person ever. If you want to match with my dad and i… link in bio! #teacherootd #teacherlife #teacherdayinthelife #grwmtoteach
Hey rats! I forgot my computer to teach with me #teacherlife #teachervlog #teacherdayinthelife #teachervlogs #teachergrwm #grwmtoteach #ratgirl #ratgirlteacher #teachermorningvlog #teacherootd