With a nice, new warehouse that has lots of space and high ceilings, Dramm has also been able to invest in new automation and equipment to make some of their employees’ everyday tasks easier. For instance, a new vacuum lift helps the shipping staff move large boxes around and stack pallets much better—no more bending and lifting.
From Jennifer Zurko - If you watched the video from the poinsettia open house at N.G. Heimos back in November you saw the Burro Grande (a plant moving robot) following me around the greenhouse. At #MANTS, they introduced the Cortador—a mower that can be attached to the Burro Grande. (Sticking with the Spanish theme, Cortador means "cutter" in Spanish.) Completely remote controlled, you can send the Burro out to trim the grass or weeds outside of your greenhouse instead of one of your valuable workers. As you see here, it can be lifted up or down.
The GrowerTalks, Green Profit and Inside Grower team is back at it for day 2 attending Ball Seed’s annual field days in The Gardens at Ball! Here’s just a taste of what’s happening in the gardens this morning. Watch for video coverage coming soon. 😉
If you’re planning to visit The Gardens at Ball for the annual Ball Customer Day event July 24 or 25, be sure to stop by the Ball Publishing tables in the cafe area! We’ll remind you again as the dates approach.
But we also want to share some photos from The Gardens (taken this morning) to get you excited! Everything is starting to come together out there! You can find more info about Customer Day (open to the trade only) at https://www.ballcustomerday.com.
The newest Ball Publishing drone camera (named JAWS) in action at George Sant and Sons Greenhouse in Ontario.
New lobelia Masterpiece Blue with Eye - FROM SEED! It’s the first F1 lobelia from seed and it looks like a good one.
Peas N Pod Bernard from PRUDAC is a small pea plant that seems like a cool way to teach kids about how plants grow! You’re not going to feed the family but shelling peas grow quickly and once dry, they can be replanted to continue the cycle again.
Cut flowers at Takii Seed - 2024 California Spring Trials
Quick look at how Dummen Orange set up their 2024 California Spring Trials site to give retail ideas. From early season to mass market color blocking to IGC vignettes.
Solera Geraniums! The first interspecifics from Ball FloraPlant at California Spring Trials 2024