Misunderstandings…the root of conflict. In episode 9 of season 2, we discuss the importance of perspective and tolerance. As the trio continues to discuss the current events of the world, we realize that we have a moral obligation to pursue understanding and knowledge from a point of view other than our own. Through open dialogue and conversation, we are able to view events and situations from a lens that we may have never considered and are able to gain empathy and compassion. This week, we challenge our listeners to get out of their comfort zone and seek to learn a new perspective on life or a topic from someone that you may not relate to.
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Season 2 EP 8- War, What Is It Good For? This week, the trio discusses the current rise of conflicts in the world. Is there ever any justification for war? If so, what is something that you are so passionate about that you would be willing to die for or defend to the end of you? We question why war is normalized in society and whether the rationale of protecting American interests is a shroud for the capitalistic machine that is fueled by greed and money. As Semi-Americans, we strive to be conscious of our foreign policies, which are oftentimes enforced upon other nations albeit their choice. Money is the root of all evil, but if love is an option...choose it… if cooperation is an option... choose it.#semiamericanspodcast
Season 2 Ep 7- Eddie the Betty?
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