Global to Local: Lessons for Open Government & Civic Engagement for DC. This event is co-organized by the DC Open Government Coalition and the U.S. General Services Administration’s, U.S. Open Government Secretariat.
This non-partisan event will feature an overview of international/national open government efforts and how they relate to local communities such as DC. Specifically, the event will set the stage for discussing transparency reform for all DC residents, including efforts to establish a Transparency Reform Commission.
Please let us know at your earliest convenience if you can join us.
Event Details:
Date: Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Time: 5:00pm - 6:30pm ET
Location: Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Public Library - 901 G St NW Washington, DC 20001; Metro: Gallery Place on the Red, Green, and Yellow lines
Participants: 40 in person (registration required)
RSVP: Due to space constraints, no more than 40 local participants may attend the in-person event: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1F5VQ2lUdWsibOz0nSSdzM0ko38gDvSTWDbW-nhvRiIs/viewform?edit_requested=true
Additional Information:
This event will be open to the public and recorded. The final attendee list, agenda, meeting recording, and high-level notes of the discussion will all be posted to the U.S. Open Government Secretariat Public Engagement website.
Please feel free to share this invitation with other interested organizations.
5:00 p.m. Welcome, Kirsten Mitchell, President of the DC Open Government Coalition
5:05 p.m. Overview of international/national open government efforts and how they relate to local communities such as DC, Daniel York, Director, U.S. Open Government Secretariat, U.S. General Services Administration
5:15 p.m. Keynote Speaker, Kathleen Patterson, D.C. Auditor
5:30 p.m. Panel on Establishing a Transparency Reform Commission in DC
• Niquelle Allen, Esq, Director of the DC Office of Open Government (confirmed)
• Ginger McCall, former Public Records Advocate, state of Oregon (confirmed)
• Robert Becker, Coalition board member who has drafted legislation to create a transparency reform commission in DC (confirmed)
Moderator: Tom Susman, Founder, DC Open Government Coalition, and five-term member of the federal FOIA Advisory Committee
6:10 p.m. Q & A/Feedback
6:25 p.m. Closing remarks
“Global to Local: Lessons for Open Government & Civic Engagement for DC," a public meeting co-sponsored by the D.C. Open Government Coalition and the U.S. General Services Administration. The event will take place on Tuesday, October 15, from 5 to 6:30 p.m. at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial L...