Nobe Omniscope
That's a wrap of the 2024 work season; my last gig was in the EIC and Shader position. While I had a complete Engineering Rack, I took Time in Pixels NobeOmniScopes to task on this one with a six-source input [email protected]. I love having a heads-up display vs the usual toggling.
That’s a Wrap
That’s a wrap, one more in the rear view. Grateful for industry tools that make production life easy, Time in Pixels NobeOmniScopes, shout out to Noel Riddle over at Freeman for teaching me how to use scopes to match cameras specifically the Diamond.
Time in Pixels now have TwinPeaks in its software base OmniScopes, what I love about software vs. hardware, I can visually stack my scopes/sources makes aligning and matching much easier.
#technicaldirector #videoscopes #eventproduction #cameraswitch #liveevents