i’m literally just a (gym) girl wearing the NEW @oneractive shade ‘velvet pink’ in the new unified collection! full review is on my YT creatine + preworky- @pescience code SHMEGS.
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@oneractive unified try-on ft some bad bi$hes - 🫛 the new collection is dropping super soooon! get your lists ready!!! my support link is in my story and bio if you decide to shop! cant wait to see u cuties .
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4-exercise leg day sumo deadlifts- 3x5 @ 205lbs b-stance rdl- 3x8-10b-stance hip thrust into 10sec iso hold on last rep- 3x8 each legstanding hip abduction with plate 2x15 lots of unilateral work on this day + getting back into sumos 🫶 sipping on @wom
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hotties get up it’s time to hit legs 🫡 save & let me know if you give this a try!!! sipping on @womensbest strength powder always & wearing @oneractive always (both links in my bio to shop!) #legdayworkout #workoutroutine #gymroutine #lowerbodyworkout
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@oneractive unified try-on ft some bad bi$hes - 🫛 the new collection is dropping super soooon! get your lists ready!!! my support link is in my story and bio if you decide to shop! cant wait to see u cuties in this NEW NEW — mwah for reference- i wea
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bras and bangs 🫦still loads of stock from the new “on you” capsule by @Oner Active !!! this featured the timeless collection in both new + existing styles & colors! happy shopping pretty girls go spoil urself bc u.
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gym advice i’d give beginner me- part 1 if there’s a piece of advice i would give you early on in training, it’s to slow down and have intention behind every rep you do. it’s OKAY to not have perfect form as you a.
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push day princesses wya!!! 🫧 🫶 workout deeeets- flat db chest press 4x8-10 half kneeling KB overhead press 3x8-10 seated chest flies 4x10 cable lateral raises - 3x12-15 overhead tricep extensions - 4x8-10 front.
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i’m literally just a (gym) girl wearing the NEW @oneractive shade ‘velvet pink’ in the new unified collection! full review is on my YT creatine + preworky- @pescience code SHMEGS.
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@oneractive black friday sale outfit inspo for more BFS deets check out my latest youtube video - the pdf in my “links” highlight!!! get those wishlists built today before the site closes i wear a size small in.
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full body workout - voiceover work in rep ranges that match the weight you are using! as a broad range i’d recommend 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps on these movements (& as long as you can or 20-30sec on the side planks) .
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