Experience Two Apps in One!
The BioMarx + Creature Capture 2 in 1 Application is the result of the research in Job's lamentations; Job 13:23 How many are mine iniquities and sins? make me to know my transgression and my sin.
BioMarx can be used on any digital photograph and is for personal evaluation in the privacy of your home
Use BioMarx to take a selfie photograph, and use the adjustable sliders,to reveal if your flesh is marked.
The instructions for the marks of darkness includes, photographic examples that can be compared with the results of your selfie photograph.
The Solution is in Scripture.
Creature Capture for photographing Creatures hiding in plain sight.
Creature Capture includes instruction on how to photograph the hidden and unseen.
Registered purchasers BONUS: Free Download - The Guide Course #2 Instruction on how to photograph Creatures in the Atmosphere; including resources for photographs of the heavenly realms. October 15, 2024.
Use Creature Capture to photograph a parallel world of energy/frequency beings that are hiding in plain sight.
Registered Users are eligible for the Creature Hunt and can submit their Creature Capture photographs to the Creature Encyclopedia.for review and consideration.
The BioMarx + Creature Capture 2 in 1 Application is the result of the research in Job's lamentation; Job 13:23 How many are mine iniquities and sins? make me to know my transgression and my sin.
Job confirms God marks for iniquity: Job 10:14, If I sin, then thou markest me, and thou wilt not acquit me from mine iniquity.
BioMarx can be used on any digital photograph and is for personal evaluation in the privacy of your home.
Use BioMarx to take a selfie photograph, and use the adjustable sliders,to reveal if your flesh is marked.
The instructions for the marks of darkness includes, photographic examples that can be compared with the results of your selfie photograph.
The Solution is in Scripture.
Creature Capture for photographing Cre
The End Times Chronicle is an information resource that presents the observations from the hard disciplines of science that evaluates the potential extinction level events that affect the earth.
The purpose of the video presentations is to reduce conjecture and provide accurate information that anyone can use, as events progress.
The hypothesis presented by the humanities on recognized references are correlated to identified potentialities from the hard disciplines of science that affect our inner solar system.
The Potentialities & Timeline
The potential extinction level event confirmed by scientific observation and evaluation is a comet C2014 that is expected to arrive in our solar system in @2031.
This video provides the accounts of science on (2) two eclipses that are visible in the US that form a cross (X) on the country, with the last eclipse in April of 2024, experiencing a comet passing between Venus and Earth creating a symbolic sign of the Church known as the Chiro.
The evidence is a civilization that was destroyed is being kept a secret, to prevent the confirmation among the world that the next extinction was foretold in the Bible.
This video demonstrates the veracity of the Biblical account that the world had passed away as it was destroyed by God.
The earth experiences cyclical extinctions that are recorded by science and are presented in a graph that demonstrates the next extinction level event is fast approaching.
The approach of comet C2014 is revealed and the result of our galactic center colliding with another galaxy 26-thousand years ago produced a galactic superwave.
Professor LaViolett proposed its occurrence, which was confirmed by observation of the remnants of an explosion in galactic center.
It is known that energy from galactic center requires 26-