Eye Of The Storm - Mortal Kombat 1 News/Raiden Kombat League Gameplay (Kano Kameo)
make sure to take advantage of the refer a friend program. i kno i kno most of us dont have any friends that the rules actaully apply to but aye maybe we can get lucky lol
#mortalkombat1 #mk1 #mortalkombat1game #mortalkombatgameplay #mortalkombatraiden #mortalkombat1clips #mortalkombat1highlights #raiden #mk1raiden #raidengameplay #raidenkano #mortalkombat1news #mortalkombat1updates #mortalkombat1community #mortalkombat1shorts #mortalkombat1reels #mortalkombat1patchnotes #mortalkombat1communityhighlight #facebookgaming #DatBoyETV #EZMillionzz #OGV #AABG
Cant Be Stopped - College Football 25 Coach Sim League S1W8
these games to damn close for my liking and based of ratings dont make sense but ayae can malik and these boys keep up the win streak???
#collegefootball25 #collegefootball25game #collegefootball25gameplay #collegefootball25simleague #collegefootball25dynasty #CFB25 #CFB25game #CFB25gameplay #CFB25simleague #CFB25dynasty
Our newest free skin drops today and it's for sindel!!
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Jax (kameo) Buffs
- gotcha grab, 2 hits of armor and cancels out opponent kameo
#mortalkombat1 #mk1 #mortalkombat1game #mk1game #mortalkombat1raiden #mortalkombat1clips #mortalkombat1highlights #mortalkombat1news #mortalkombat1updates #mortalkombat1community #mortalkombat1shorts #mortalkombat1reels #mortalkombat1patchnotes #facebookgaming #AABG #OGV #ezmillionzz #DatBoyETV
Havik buffs
- arm swing/armor arm swing faster start up and faster armor frames
- New air move that ground bounce
- New low starter that launches
#mortalkombat1 #mk1 #mortalkombat1game #mk1game #mortalkombat1raiden #mortalkombat1clips #mortalkombat1highlights #mortalkombat1news #mortalkombat1updates #mortalkombat1community #mortalkombat1shorts #mortalkombat1reels #mortalkombat1patchnotes #facebookgaming #AABG #OGV #ezmillionzz #DatBoyETV
Sub zero (kameo) Buffs
- ice parry
- ice clone throw, plus on block
#mortalkombat1 #mk1 #mortalkombat1game #mk1game #mortalkombat1raiden #mortalkombat1clips #mortalkombat1highlights #mortalkombat1news #mortalkombat1updates #mortalkombat1community #mortalkombat1shorts #mortalkombat1reels #mortalkombat1patchnotes #facebookgaming #AABG #OGV #ezmillionzz #DatBoyETV
Cyrax & Sektor Kombat Kast Reiew
we had the kombat kast today and we got to see both cyrax and sektor as well as the buffs to havoc and mutiple kameos!! how are yall feeling about the upcomoing khaos reigns dlc so far???
Havoc Buffs - 00:47
Sub-Zero (Kameo) Buffs - 1:46
Jax (Kameo) Buffs - 2:41
Cyrax Breakdown - 3:33
Sektor Breakdown - 7:55
Sektor Gameplay - 12:27
#mortalkombat1 #mk1 #mortalkombat1game #mortalkombatgameplay #mortalkombatraiden #mortalkombat1clips #mortalkombat1highlights #raiden #mk1raiden #raidengameplay #raidenkano #mortalkombat1news #mortalkombat1updates #mortalkombat1community #mortalkombat1shorts #mortalkombat1reels #mortalkombat1patchnotes #mortalkombat1communityhighlight #facebookgaming #DatBoyETV #EZMillionzz #OGV #AABG
First look at one of sektors brutalities!!!
#mortalkombat1 #mk1 #mortalkombat1game #mk1game #mortalkombat1raiden #mortalkombat1clips #mortalkombat1highlights #mortalkombat1news #mortalkombat1updates #mortalkombat1community #mortalkombat1shorts #mortalkombat1reels #mortalkombat1patchnotes #facebookgaming #AABG #OGV #ezmillionzz #DatBoyETV
The finals stop of season 3s world tour is here!!
#thefinals #thefinalsgame #thefinalsgameplay #thefinalsclips #thefinalshighlights #thefinalshorts #thefinalsreels #thefinalsquickcash #thefinalsnews #thefinalsupdates #thefinalspatchnotes #facebookgaming #AABG #OGV #ezmillionzz #DatBoyETV
Shock Stick - Mortal Kombat 1 News/Raiden Kombat League Gameplay (Kano Kameo)
we got our new weekly quest skin live!! make sure to hop and knockout thoes challenges!!
#mortalkombat1 #mk1 #mortalkombat1game #mortalkombatgameplay #mortalkombatraiden #mortalkombat1clips #mortalkombat1highlights #raiden #mk1raiden #raidengameplay #raidenkano #mortalkombat1news #mortalkombat1updates #mortalkombat1community #mortalkombat1shorts #mortalkombat1reels #mortalkombat1patchnotes #mortalkombat1communityhighlight #facebookgaming #DatBoyETV #EZMillionzz #OGV #AABG
The latest lore video...things seems to be gettin interesting...
#thefinals #thefinalsgame #thefinalsgameplay #thefinalsclips #thefinalshighlights #thefinalshorts #thefinalsreels #thefinalsquickcash #thefinalsnews #thefinalsupdates #thefinalspatchnotes #facebookgaming #AABG #OGV #ezmillionzz #DatBoyETV
Sektor fatal blow, fatality, and animality!!!
#mortalkombat1 #mk1 #mortalkombat1game #mk1game #mortalkombat1raiden #mortalkombat1clips #mortalkombat1highlights #mortalkombat1news #mortalkombat1updates #mortalkombat1community #mortalkombat1shorts #mortalkombat1reels #mortalkombat1patchnotes #facebookgaming #AABG #OGV #ezmillionzz #DatBoyETV
Update 3.12.0 is now live!!
#thefinals #thefinalsgame #thefinalsgameplay #thefinalsclips #thefinalshighlights #thefinalshorts #thefinalsreels #thefinalsquickcash #thefinalsnews #thefinalsupdates #thefinalspatchnotes #facebookgaming #AABG #OGV #ezmillionzz #DatBoyETV
Sektor Gameplay Trailer
We got our sektor gameplay trailer baby!!!
#mortalkombat1 #mk1 #mortalkombat1game #mk1game #mortalkombat1raiden #mortalkombat1clips #mortalkombat1highlights #mortalkombat1news #mortalkombat1updates #mortalkombat1community #mortalkombat1shorts #mortalkombat1reels #mortalkombat1patchnotes #facebookgaming #AABG #OGV #ezmillionzz #DatBoyETV
Climbing The Ranks - Multiversus 2v2 Ranked Samurai Jack Gameplay
welll idk bout yall bout i am tired of running into the shaggys in rank!! i swear all they do is side special power up side special smh
#multiversus #multiversusranked #multiversusclips #multiversusgameplay #multiversusgame #multiversusleaks #multiversus1v1 #multiversus2v2 #multiversushighlights #multiversusnews #multiversusupdates #multiversuspatchnotes #multiversusgarnet #garnetgameplay #garnetmain #facebookgaming #DatBoyETV #EZMillionzz #OGV #AABG
Even more intro dialog!!
#mortalkombat1 #mk1 #mortalkombat1game #mk1game #mortalkombat1raiden #mortalkombat1clips #mortalkombat1highlights #mortalkombat1news #mortalkombat1updates #mortalkombat1community #mortalkombat1shorts #mortalkombat1reels #mortalkombat1patchnotes #facebookgaming #AABG #OGV #ezmillionzz #DatBoyETV
We are gettin out sektor trailer tomorrow!!!
#mortalkombat1 #mk1 #mortalkombat1game #mk1game #mortalkombat1raiden #mortalkombat1clips #mortalkombat1highlights #mortalkombat1news #mortalkombat1updates #mortalkombat1community #mortalkombat1shorts #mortalkombat1reels #mortalkombat1patchnotes #facebookgaming #AABG #OGV #ezmillionzz #DatBoyETV
- Infinite Respawns
- Last 5 teams get Eliminated after Round End
- Multiple Capture Points
- King of the Hill themed mode
#apexlegends #apexlegendsclips #apexlegendsnews #apexlegendsupdates #apexlegendsgame #apexlegendshighlights #apexlegendsgameplay #facebookgaming #AABG #OGV #ezmillionzz #DatBoyETV