Agenda: 4 county rezonings, 5 Valdosta, 2 Hahira @ GLPC 2025-01-27
Lowndes County posted this agenda on lowndescounty.com/AgendaCenter at 8:23 AM this morning, after Gretchen asked the County Planner when it would be posted.
The meeting is this evening at
[Agenda: 4 county rezonings, 5 Valdosta, 2 Hahira, Posted 8:23 AM the meeting day @ GLPC 2025-01-27]
One of the county cases is for a subdivision by the Alapaha River: REZ-2025-04: River Run Farm, 6490 River Run, Naylor, Ga, Map/Parcel # 0259-029C, 27.12 acres.
Here is the agenda:
[Lowndes County Cases]
Greater Lowndes Planning Commission
~ Lowndes County ~ City of Valdosta ~ City of Dasher ~
~ City of Hahira ~ City of Lake Park ~ City of Remerton ~
Tuesday, January 21, 2025 5:30 P.M. Work Session
Monday, January 27, 2025 5:30 P.M. Regular Session
Lowndes County South Health District Administrative Office
325 West Savannah Avenue, Valdosta, Georgia
1. Call to Order, Pledge and Invocation
2. Approval of the Meeting Minutes: November 25, 2024
Lowndes County Cases:
FINAL ACTION by the Lowndes County Board of Commissioners,
327 N. Ashley Street, Valdosta, Georgia,
Lowndes County Judicial and Administrative Complex
Commission Chambers, 2nd Floor, Tuesday, February 11^th, 2025, 5:30
Point of Contact: JD Dillard, County Planner, (229) 671-2430
3. KREZ-2025-01 Hurtado Property, Bethany Drive, a portion of 0070
063, ~6.4 acres
Current Zoning: R-A (Residential Agricultural)
Proposed Zoning: R-1 (Low Density Residential)
4. REZ-2025-02: Hamilton Green, Phase II, 4618 Bemiss Road, 0145D
007A, ~1.12 acres
Current Zoning: C-G (General Commercial)
Proposed Zoning: P-D (Planned Development)
5. REZ-2025-03: Thomas Linville, 4888 Break Thru Road, 0218 021A,
019, 020B, and 020A, ~16.3 acres
Current Zoning: R-1 (Low Density Residential)
Proposed Zoning: E-A (Estate Agricultural)
6. REZ-2025-04: River Run Farm, 6490 River Run, Naylor, Ga,
Map/Parcel # 0259-029C, 27.12 acres
Current Zoning: C-C (Crossroads Commercial)
Proposed Zoning: R-21 (Medium Density Residential)
[Valdosta and Hahira Cases]
City of Valdosta Cases:
FINAL ACTION by the City of Valdosta Mayor-Council, 216 E. Central
Valdosta, Georgia, Valdosta City Hall, Council Chambers, 2nd Floor
Thursday, February 6^th, 2025, 5:30 p.m.
Point of Contact: Matt Martin - Planning Director (229) 259-3529
7. CU-2025-01 Marian Leonard (112 W Moore Street)
CUP for an Art Studio in R-P zoning
8. CU-2025-02 Perma-Fix of South Georgia (1612 James P Rodgers
CUP for a Solid Waste Transfer Station in M-2 zoning
9. VA-2025-01 James Warren (202 Denmark Street)
Rezone 0.73 acres from R-6 to C-C
10. VA-2025-02 Courlley LLC (1021 West Gordon Street)
Rezone 2.06 acres from R-6 to R-M
11. VA-2025-03 Alexander Wynn (212 Springhill Street)
Rezone 0.33 acres from R-10 to R-6
City of Hahira Cases:
FINAL ACTION by the City of Hahira Mayor-Council,
301 W. Main St., Hahira, Georgia Hahira Courthouse,
Thursday, February 6^th, 2025, 6:00 p.m.
Point of Contact: Matt Martin - Planning Director (229) 259-3529
12. HA-2025-01 Lemaka Holdings LLC (106 & 108 North Church Street)
Rezone 0.28 acres from R-10 to R-P
13. HA-2025-02 Lemaka Holdings LLC (106 & 108 North Church Street)
Variances to Section 6-1 of the Hahira Zoning Ordinance
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