Sometimes in an election, we prevail. Sometimes, we don't. Losing gracefully is hard and ultimately shows others what we are made of. Winning by gloating, harassing others and ignoring the competition is just bad behavior.
My opponent Lou DiMambro was an example of behavior at its worst on Election Day.
He began by blatantly ignoring the laws surrounding proximity to the polling place, despite being forewarned by a School Committee Member, and he continued to exhibit bad behavior throughout the day when his supporters pulled up near him and blocked the entrance to the polling place, so that some of the elderly turned around and left the polling place without being able to vote.
I witnessed his supporters move to the polling entrance after dark with their signs and, when my husband said something to Mr DiMambro to alert him to the law, Mr DiMambro and his supporters harassed and insulted both my husband and my family.
Finally, when we could go back into the polling place to see the results, Mr DiMambro put his arm up and blocked the entrance so that he could get in first. He and his supporters also gathered around the results so that I couldn't get in to see.
When it became clear that he had won, I put my hand out to shake his and he looked past me and then walked away. One of his supporters did speak to me for a minute, giving me some encouragement.
I hope that this was just a one-off and not an example of the leadership of Ward 6.