101.9 WKRP

101.9 WKRP Northeast Raleigh's Community Radio Station! The goals of 101.9 WKRP are simple: Educate. Inform. Entertain. Attn.: D.P.

101.9 WKRP is a low power FM radio station owned and operated by Oak City Media, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation in Raleigh, North Carolina. Founded in 1995 and operating as an amateur sports organization under various names, in 2013 we chose to change our scope of operations, applying for a construction permit to build what is now WKRP. On March 18, 2014, the Federal Communications Commi

ssion (FCC) granted our application - the first such grant in Raleigh in over a decade - along with authority to use a call sign revered by broadcasters as well as fans of the 1970's/80's television series, "WKRP in Cincinnati." On WKRP you'll hear familiar, contemporary music, but you'll also hear songs you simply don't hear on commercial stations anymore. You'll also hear shows that offer "appointment" listening, with personality-driven programming. WKRP broadcasts at 101.9 MHz on the FM dial in the communities of northeast Raleigh, with an effective radiated power output of 100 watts. As a non-commercial station, WKRP is supported solely by tax-deductible listener contributions. Contributions of TEAM (Time, Effort, Action and Money) are always welcome. For more information on how you can help 101.9 WKRP, please contact:

101.9 WKRP
Oak City Media, Inc. McIntire, General Manager
4829 Alenja Lane
Raleigh, NC 27616-5029

Business Line: (984) 664-4646


Our General Manager is full of "sayings." Some profound, some funny. And this week we learned that he lived up to one: "If you're going to do something? Go all the way with it." So, what'd he do?

Somehow, in his sleep overnight last week, he managed to 'blow out' two of the three major nerves that control his right hand. One of which is addressed by the surgery used to correct carpal tunnel syndrome. The other is addressed by what baseball players term "Tommy John" surgery. His doctors claim they've never seen anyone manage to do both simultaneously. And everyone is baffled at the fact that he's in no apparent pain.

So to whomever reads this and is in regular correspondence with him? Odds are you aren't going to get a response anytime soon - he can't type, write his name, or even give us his favorite obscene gesture. But he's laughing about it: "I told ya! Go all the way with it!" We do, Chief. We do.

Ten years ago today, what is now Oak City Media, Inc. was granted the construction permit to build what would become 101...

Ten years ago today, what is now Oak City Media, Inc. was granted the construction permit to build what would become 101.9 WKRP.

Since going on the air in 2015, we've been proud to educate, inform, and entertain the small slice of Raleigh our signal covers. And some of those behind this longshot bid that paid off a decade ago today are proud to be helping numerous others who have, or are about to, launch similar stations in their communities.

We have no idea what the next decade will bring. But just making it this far is in and of itself an accomplishment that, today, we'll celebrate.


In preparing our financial statement for February, we simultaneously found ourselves laughing and crying over these two line items:

$ 4.89 - Late Payment Fees on Music Licensing Rights
$ 0.00 - Net Receipts, All Sources

STATION UPDATE FOR 02-24-2024...While we continue to do what we can in updating our on-air sound, our financial state re...

STATION UPDATE FOR 02-24-2024...
While we continue to do what we can in updating our on-air sound, our financial state remains not precarious... but stagnant.

The 'KRP folks who took last summer heading up their LPFM Inc. project are still working with their clients, the "third wave" of LPFM stations. When done they anticipate their "midwifery" will result in between 18-21 new LPFM stations coming on the air, which is a source of pride for them - and a much needed source of cash for us, as they've committed to donate all profits to our operations.

But that money is still months off, and in the meantime we're eeking things out. Big thanks to Will Eichler and Bruce Ussery, each of whom not only appear to be steady listeners to the station but actual contributors - something we appreciate more than they'll ever know.

Meanwhile the GM has ordered us to "push the keychains" so we can make partial payments on our music licensing bills. We're still a long way from paying them off, but we're chipping away. So? We just revised the eBay listing - dropping the price on single key chains but increasing the discounts for those who buy more than one.

So if you've bought a keychain already and think they'd be a good gift for someone else? Buy another. If you've bought a half dozen and are impressed by them being made of solid plastic? Buy another so you're not fooled by cheap imitations.

The Official 101 Nine WKRP Key Chain. in keeping 101 Nine WKRP on the air. "Don't Settle For Cheap Imitations". ALL NET PROCEEDS from the sale of each key chain will.

PREVIOUSLY ON OUR TWO-PART EPISODE OF "WKRP IN NORTHEAST RALEIGH"...Folks, 101.9 WKRP has come a gnat's eyelash away fro...


Folks, 101.9 WKRP has come a gnat's eyelash away from extinction at a number of points over the years, every time to be saved maybe not at the last minute, but by one of our generous members who kicks in more than their annual membership dues to help get us through. They admittedly get a tax write-off for doing it, but they do all they can, as they can, when they can and where they can.

Our $1 a year lease aside, this station has bills to pay: rights fees, electricity, water, sewer, internet connectivity, telephony, web site operations and so forth don't come free in your world, and they sure don't come free in ours. So when someone asks us one of the questions put forth in the first part of this episode? We use our index finger and point to the same thing every time: M O N E Y. Otherwise, our GM might use another finger and offer a different, and completely inappropriate, response. We monitor his e-mail for stuff like that. Shhh. Don't tell him, though.

We're not quite yet at the begging stage here folks, but a lot of what we'd planned for 2024 and beyond is being delayed because of... wait for it... M O N E Y. Right now? We're broke as a joke, folks. And our usual "marks" (read, "members with money") are, abnormally, unable to help. BUT YOU CAN. How?

Use the link with this post and buy a 'KRP key chain. Or half a dozen of 'em. Better yet, visit wkrpfm.com and just make a donation to our parent organization, Oak City Media, Inc. We'll even go old school and take a good old fashioned check in the mail from you.

And as Jay Ashworth, Will Eichler, Erik Rogers and others would likely attest? We may do you a "solid" in return. Our GM for instance has been known to mail a donor something from his personal radio memorabilia collection in personal gratitude. We can't promise that, but at minimum we'll have him autograph a letter verifying your donation for purposes of a tax write-off.

It's hard to run a radio station with $ 39.87. Help us make it so we don't have to try.


The Official 101 Nine WKRP Key Chain. in keeping 101 Nine WKRP on the air. "Don't Settle For Cheap Imitations". ALL NET PROCEEDS from the sale of each key chain will.

IN A SPECIAL, TWO-PART EPISODEOF 101.9 WKRP UPDATE...This came in our mail today.  It's our monthly bank statement, cour...


This came in our mail today. It's our monthly bank statement, courtesy of Fidelity Bank, who deserves an appreciative mention here - when we chose them as our bank, probably around two decades ago, we did so in no small part because they didn't impose fees on customers who had the temerity to occasionally run balances this small. They've been a far better bank to us than we've been a customer of theirs, but we're appreciative all the same.

$ 39.87.

Believe it or not, this statement is in part reflective of our most successful fundraising effort EVER to date: the currently ongoing "WKRP Key Chain Sale" on eBay. Thanks to it we were able to pay almost 7% of our 2024 licensing fees and still maintain this as our bank balance as of January 31. Woo-hoo!

Do you sense the combination of sarcasm and snark, frustration and futility here, folks?

101.9 WKRP went on the air in 2015 thanks principally to two members of its parent organization, Oak City Media, Inc.: one who gave up an entire floor of his house to be home to our studios, offices and transmitter site, in exchange for a $1 a year lease (one which we're 9 years delinquent on). And to one who, out of sheer frustration over our comically bad fundraising capabilities, wrote a personal check for over $19,000 to buy the equipment and clear the kinds of hurdles only money can clear.

In the years since, our members have on average put about $3,000 a year into station operations and maintenance. Tell that to someone who knows how radio truly works and they'll look at you in awe: that's not running a radio station on a shoestring, but running one on the aglets of a shoestring. By contrast, in the nearly ten years since securing WKRP's construction permit, we've raised maybe... maybe... $1,000 from non-member sources. Not $1,000 per year. $1,000 total.

All the while, we receive once- or twice-weekly inquiries: Why does the station sound a little off compared to those guys a couple notches down the dial? Why can't I pick the station up from where I'm located? Why don't you offer online streaming? Oh, and by the way... why can't you send me some free merch to promote your station?

This bank statement and the $ 39.87 it represents?
It's our answer to those questions and many, many more.

M O N E Y.

We're pleased to report that as of this morning?  We've actually sold a few of these.  But we've also learned that eBay ...

We're pleased to report that as of this morning? We've actually sold a few of these. But we've also learned that eBay does all in its power to direct sellers toward shipping things in an expensive (but trackable) method... and collecting $2.01 for shipping and spending $6+ to use their preferred methods? Isn't what we signed on for.

If you ordered a key chain from us in the past several days? It's going out today. We're going to rely on this thing called the "honor system," because (a) we're cheap, and (b) we're not nuts enough to charge $6+ shipping for a $7.99 key chain.

Please allow a week for delivery via the good ol' USPS. If for whatever reason you don't get it in a week? Talk to us before destroying the GM's rep on eBay, okay?

The Official 101 Nine WKRP Key Chain. in keeping 101 Nine WKRP on the air. "Don't Settle For Cheap Imitations". ALL NET PROCEEDS from the sale of each key chain will.

YOU!  Yeah, you!  You look like you could use a key chain.  So buy one and help out 101.9 WKRP, will ya?

YOU! Yeah, you! You look like you could use a key chain. So buy one and help out 101.9 WKRP, will ya?

The Official 101 Nine WKRP Key Chain. in keeping 101 Nine WKRP on the air. "Don't Settle For Cheap Imitations". ALL NET PROCEEDS from the sale of each key chain will.

And now, we have an actual, live listing.  Buy a few dozen, okay?

And now, we have an actual, live listing. Buy a few dozen, okay?

The Official 101 Nine WKRP Key Chain. in keeping 101 Nine WKRP on the air. "Don't Settle For Cheap Imitations". ALL NET PROCEEDS from the sale of each key chain will.


A question: As we're laying the groundwork toward preparing our new internet presence, we're considering what exterior 'social media' sites we may link to from the site.

Our Facebook home will be one. Twitter will not. Our nascent Threads feed will be one. But the GM's asking where else (if anywhere) we should be but aren't already. We jokingly suggested Grindr, but surprisingly he'd actually heard of that one and dismissed it (which now makes us wonder about him, but that's a whole other story). Anyway... anyone have any suggestions?


KRP MERCH UPDATE: We have a new merch item we hope to offer in the next week or so. Testing the USPS to see if we can get these out for the cost of a postage stamp and envelope. If the results are positive? More to come next week...

UPDATE, KINDA...  As told here over the past however many months, we're in the process of updating a lot here at the "Mi...

UPDATE, KINDA... As told here over the past however many months, we're in the process of updating a lot here at the "Mighty Fine 101 Nine." Last on this list? Our web presence, currently at www.wkrpfm.com and long overdue for an overhaul as well as making our programming available via streaming. And where we're going with this update is this: we have an idea that perhaps you can be part of.

While we have a basic idea how we intend to re-design the site's layout? The GM thought it'd be a neat idea to have our listeners send us photos of themselves, featuring them as a sort of collage. When we reminded him that we likely don't have enough listeners to pull that off very well? He suggested opening it up to "The KRP Community" at large, including those who're likely to listen to the online stream whenever we get it running. So, while we're not at all sure this is going to actually happen... we're inviting you to be a "Face of 'KRP."

We'd like you to send us a "passport like" photo - one clearly showing you, face front, and with some kind of plain, single color background (we may want to alter the background colors as part of the 'collage' concept'). Unlike passport photos we'd appreciate a smile. If you've family members who'd like to participate? Send theirs too. Communities are about families too, after all.

Should we be able to do this the way we intend? Your photo would be part of a collage of sorts, either on our main page or in a special section of the site. We promise *not to* mention you by name, to make outrageous or salacious claims about you (e.g., "When not living in Wake Forest as a pharmacist, Amy serves as a private 'pharmacological consultant' for her friends"), and we promise not to use your image in any salacious/commercial way whatsoever, beyond telling people that you're among our listeners (or wanna be listeners). Which, come to think of it, may be salacious... so govern yourself accordingly.

Okay. If you'd like to be part of this, send your photos to us via e-mail, to "[email protected]." There's no particular cut-off date as to when we'll stop accepting them except perhaps the date our web developer tells us to stop bugging him with them, so if you need to take some time to take a suitable pic and send it to us? That's fine. And hey, if you want to tell us a little bit about yourself in your e-mail? We'd like that to. We're lonely people here, and WKRP is... after all... all about communication!

101.9 WKRP is a low power FM radio station owned and operated by Oak City Media, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Coming into the Oak City Studios this morning at 8 to get cracking on the format revisions we're behind on, I decided to...

Coming into the Oak City Studios this morning at 8 to get cracking on the format revisions we're behind on, I decided to do the GM a favor and grab the mail from the station's mailbox. And as you can see? We're less than ten hours into 2024 and already have hit a "payment due date" for our annual SESAC performance license renewal. The GM laughed at the fact that SESAC mailed this so that it'd be received on December 31 - and gave us one whole, non-business day, to pay what's owed.

But at least they wish us "Happy Holidays and a Prosperous New Year." How nice of them.😁


To Those With Graphic Artist Talents...

After exhausting most of our normal avenues, we find ourselves in need of a graphic artist who's capable of doing some work for 101.9 WKRP... but also to do some work for some of the station operators 'KRP's volunteers have been doing as part of the LPFM Inc. project.

While these would be "paying gigs," we'll say up front that our resources for this (and moreso those of the other groups) is limited. And while we can't guarantee any particular item will be used for certain (we're "the decider" on our own items, but not anyone else's), we at least would appreciate any help anyone might be able to offer.

So if you dabble in graphic art design? We ask that you reach out to us via e-mail, to "[email protected]," so we can enter into discussions as to (a) our needs, and (b) the needs of those involved in the LPFM, Inc. project as well.


101.9 WKRP's holiday themed programming ends at approximately 12:01 a.m. Monday. After that? Pretty much what we aired before the transmitter blew up months ago. The new format is still being worked on, but our involvement in helping other stations get licensed had distracted us for a while. But even without the chance implemented as yet, we're back on the air, providing news, music and more, commercial free.


By best estimates, there will be 1,336 applicants nationwide who will are seeking new, small radio stations of the type I've been proud to operate since 2015, 101.9 WKRP.

With associates and through LPFM Inc., we were proud to be able to help dozens of groups in that number, and while sadly all won't result in new stations being built? I take a great measure of personal satisfaction in doing a small part in helping new stations be born.

Radio as a means of communication needs far more locally oriented presences, and say whatever you will about the long term survival of it as a medium in an era of "on demand" entertainment and information options? I'm glad to have played a role... and hope that as long as I'm able? I can continue to.

At noon today, The Mighty Fine 101.9 WKRP will celebrate 8 years of serving the people of northeast Raleigh while pursui...

At noon today, The Mighty Fine 101.9 WKRP will celebrate 8 years of serving the people of northeast Raleigh while pursuing Oak City Media, Inc.'s simple mission: to educate, inform, and entertain.

Still transitioning from our June transmitter failure, we're entering Year Nine not quite at full strength - the transmitter's doing just great, but our programming format tweaks are still at least weeks away and WKRPOnline won't be ready until well into 2024. So "celebrating" the anniversary might not be quite the right word... and we truly apologize for the Christmas music we're playing right now.

But... thanks to those involved in the side LPFM Inc. project? We may soon be indirectly responsible for new low power FM stations springing up in different locations. Just as Steven White at Oak 93.5 was instrumental in our debut 8 years ago today? We're trying to pay it forward for others. And if they succeed in their efforts? We'll have more to celebrate than anything we may today.


Though we're still "stress testing" the transmitter here at 101.9 WKRP, our annual Thanksgiving tradition of airing the "Turkey's Away" episode of "WKRP in Cincinnati" continues, starting at 6 pm ET and continuing for 36 hours, non-stop. So if you're in our broadcast radius and wanted to hear audio of a television show repeated 72 times in a row? This is for you!


Folks, the FCC explicitly prohibits us from "plugging" businesses on the air. But it doesn't prohibit us from giving unsolicited, uncompensated endorsements... not on Facebook, anyway.

If you happen to live in the Wake Forest area, we'd like to suggest that you consider Village Pharmacy for filling your pharmaceutical needs. Our GM, who had been getting his happy pills and other drugs at a CVS within spitting distance of the Oak City Studios, had such a good experience at Village Pharmacy that he's been singing their praises to the rest of us; and he asked me to give this endorsement via social media.

Village Pharmacy is conveniently located at 900 South Franklin Street in Wake Forest, is open from 9 to 6 each weekday and 9 to 2 on Saturdays, and just like the big boys offers you the convenience of dropping off prescriptions and picking them up when filled via a drive-through window. And per our GM, unlike the windows at CVS or Walgreens? Village Pharmacy actually has a member of their friendly, knowledgeable staff at that window, for whenever you pull up.

So if you're in the Wake Forest area and are as drug addled as our GM or just in need of the occasional prescription or two? Give Village Pharmacy a try. Their phone number is (919) 556-2757. And if you call or stop by? Tell 'em you heard about them from 101.9 WKRP!


If you're in northeast Raleigh at the moment, and you have your FM radio dial tuned to 101.9... and if you're hearing strange beeping noises interrupted every minute by a different voice telling you what time it is? Be not alarmed. It is a test. It is only a test. And thus far? It is passing with flying colors.


ANOTHER ACTUAL, ALMOST MEANINGFUL UPDATE... Wow. They're coming fast and furious now, huh?

Today we'd like to announce part of our long-overdue plan to make 101.9 WKRP's programming available online. This... is a long story. But it's one we feel we need to tell, if not to be informative or entertaining, then at least to acknowledge that we're really glad our GM uses his brain for things like this instead of Pinky & The Brain-like plans to take over the world. Anyway...

Online streaming of 101.9 WKRP was intended from day one. As late as two weeks before going on the air in 2015, we intended to simulcast our signal online via our web site. And then? Events started unfolding that kept making us revisit our plans.

Now, to play music over the air or online? You have to pay rights fees. In our case, every year we pay three "performance rights organizations" (ASCAP, BMI and SESAC) for that privilege. While most grouse about this, we've never had a problem with it - as we believe artists who create work deserve compensation, however small, for others using it. These aren't "universal" licenses, however: if you've a radio station and you want to stream that signal online? You have to maintain two distinct sets of licenses: one for the radio broadcasts, and another for the "internet broadcasts." Again, we've no issue with that, and as we prepared to go on the air we'd budgeted for doing both.

But just as we were planning to sign on, the internet rights fees went into a state of flux... and when things finally shook out, the fees had tripled. Having spent $25,000 of member-donated money just to get on the air and pay for on-air broadcast rights? We simply didn't have anything left to pay tripled internet rights fees. So we reallocated that money elsewhere, and moved on.

We know what you're thinking: "Wait. That was nearly a decade ago. Why haven't you budgeted for it and gone online since?" Well, there's a story there, too.

101.9 WKRP is an "LPFM" class station. We're not only limited to 100 watts of power output, but we're also very restricted in what we can do to "monetize" station operations. We can't air commercials for instance. We can offer "underwriting announcements," but in doing so literally the use of one wrong word could result in a fine or even license revocation by the FCC. And unlike George Carlin's famous "Seven Dirty Words" routine? The FCC has never clearly stated all the words that could get you into trouble. We know a lot of them, but not necessarily all. So we resolved this potential issue by not bothering with it - 101.9 WKRP's never taken a dime from a local business in exchange for mentioning them on air. We may do so from time to time, but it could be positive or negative; and we guarantee, it's not because any money changed hands for that mention. We knew these restrictions going in, and just as with paying ASCAP/BMI/SESAC every year, we're fine with the FCC's restrictions in this area. But admittedly? It hurts the bottom line.

101.9 WKRP was built "lean and mean" with all this in mind. We have no paid staff. One of our members leased us the first floor of his house to broadcast from at $1 year, and then has conveniently forgotten to collect rent for nine years. What expenses we do incur? Are covered thanks to a combination of membership dues paid to the station's parent organization (Oak City Media, Inc.) and infrequent but incredibly generous donations from people who want to be of help. Guys like Will Eichler and Erik Rogers for example.

During COVID we again began exploring streaming seriously, but yet again, something happened that made us re-think it. LPFM station operators act as a loose, friendly community - we try to help one another when we can. I've never heard one refer to another as a competitor. And we routinely keep each other updated on issues that might impact the "LPFM Community" as a whole - often a case where an LPFM station operator begins violating FCC regulations by airing advertising, or "underwriting messages" that go over the arbitrary line the FCC has drawn in its sand. We as a collective frown on this, so our attitude in general when the FCC drops hammer on them tends to be "they had it coming."

But during the COVID era a case came up that got our GM's attention, and didn't produce a "they had it coming" response. The FCC received a complaint that an LPFM station was airing full blown ads, but there was a wrinkle: the complainant explicitly stated in the complaint that they were basing the complaint not off what they'd heard on the radio station itself... but rather, on its online stream. And as the FCC tends to go out of its way at times to base rulings on obscure technicalities? The GM predicted this case would be dismissed on a technicality - that the complainant, by their own admission, didn't listen to the actual broadcast station... but rather via the internet, something that's not regulated by the FCC.

It didn't work out that way. The FCC skipped over the technicality and slapped the station operator with a pretty substantial fine. Was the station guilty? Yeah, almost certainly. But the result of the case conveyed a stark message: right or wrong, anything a radio station operator put out via the internet could get it in trouble just as readily as its on-air signal could. And however we "did" streaming? We had to generate revenue from it somehow, at least to a point of self-sufficiency.

So when our transmitter failed this June, the GM met with the board and put together a plan - not just to put the station back on the air and return to the status quo, but to do more of what we'd originally intended a decade ago. That included online streaming, and doing it in a way that may generate revenue, but which keeps 101.9 WKRP "squeaky clean" in the process. So after all that backstory? Here's the convoluted, complex plan he devised, and which we're in the early stages of implementing...

First, a separate non-profit corporation (WKRP, Inc.) was organized. The membership rolls of WKRP, Inc. just happen to be identical to those of Oak City Media; and the GM, who serves as Oak City Media's executive director, serves WKRP, Inc. in the same capacity. WKRP, Inc.'s Board of Directors has a slightly different makeup, however.

Second, Oak City Media and WKRP, Inc. entered into an agreement that gives WKRP, Inc. the right to stream any and all programming Oak City Media airs via 101.9 WKRP, via a domain that'll be announced soon. 101.9 WKRP's web site will also link to WKRP, Inc.'s streaming service. But the streaming service cannot (a) use "101.9 WKRP" in a promotional manner, or (b) run a true simulcast of 101.9 WKRP's signal.

Third, WKRP, Inc. agreed to donate any 'profit' generated from its online streaming service to Oak City Media, Inc. as its license fee. So in effect, any money the streaming signal generates goes the same place, just through an intermediary.

Listeners will hear the same programming they'd hear on 101.9 WKRP, but with slight differences. Some shows may air at different times online than they would on the air. There may be commercials aired on the stream that won't be aired over the air. The online stream may be made available commercial-free, but via an inexpensive subscription service (think Max, Peacock or SiriusXM, but MUCH less expensive). The stream may be offered free but offer listeners the chance to turn it into something of a community jukebox - where for a donation made online, a listener could pick a particular song from our music library and have it air over the stream.

Specific details on all this haven't yet been ironed out. The online stream's currently scheduled simply for "sometime" in 2024, coinciding with a relaunch of 101.9 WKRP's web presence (and with it, the launch of the separate, online presence operated via WKRP, Inc.) But all money that may be generated via online streaming, after expenses, will ultimately end up helping keep 101.9 WKRP on the air and serving others.

It's admittedly a long and winding road. But it's one we need to take to bypass regulations that have made 101.9 WKRP hard to operate without our members digging deep into their pockets time and time again... all while avoiding the wrath of "the federales." Our GM? He's a stickler for rules, and while at times we chafe because of that, we also appreciate it. But he also has a knack for bypassing rules - always completely within the law - and in this case? I think long term we - and our listeners - are going to appreciate that trait more.


AN ACTUAL, ALMOST MEANINGFUL UPDATE... At 12:15 local time, the technical pieces of 101.9 WKRP's puzzle were, after a period of 140 days (we think), finally put back in place.

We'll be doing some type of signal testing over the weekend, after which we'll begin airing... something. At least enough to be able to give the FCC what the GM calls our "Poltergeist" notification ("They're baaaaack!").

As for the rest? Whatever the question is, the answer remains, "We're working on it." Programming format, web site, perhaps some station rebranding and other mundane things. Thankfully we didn't put a target date on anything we're doing, so there's no deadlines to be slipped or missed. But... we're getting there.

Fun Fact:  We have a greater percentage of Facebook site visitors from the nation of Nigeria than we have Durham...

Fun Fact: We have a greater percentage of Facebook site visitors from the nation of Nigeria than we have Durham...


101.9 WKRP is in need of the services of a graphic artist, particularly those of someone who (a) works either free, for a nice tax deduction, or at least on the cheap, and (b) can do "humanized" animal figures (like for example, a "Hobbes" like character depicted in our last post). If you can help and have some artistic chops? Please e-mail us at "[email protected]."

Just a reminder that a small quantity of 101 Nine WKRP t-shirts are available.  LOL

Just a reminder that a small quantity of 101 Nine WKRP t-shirts are available. LOL

AN UPDATE FULL OF SOUND AND FURY BUT SIGNIFYING NOTHING...A lot has gone on here since the last update.  Combing through...


A lot has gone on here since the last update. Combing through and updating music libraries. Contracting a web developer to start work on an all-new www.wkrpfm.com. Entering a licensing agreement or two. Initiating a search for a graphic artist. Trying to put more pieces of our revamped format in place. Trying to figure out how we're going to pay for all this stuff. And more.

101.9 WKRP is a low power FM radio station owned and operated by Oak City Media, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation in Raleigh, North Carolina.


What's the recent difference between an IHOP and a Georgia criminal courtroom? The courtroom is seeing more flipping.


A reminder to all who reside in Wake County that there is an election coming up. If you wish to cast your vote via absentee ballot and have not already initiated the procedure for doing so? Click on the link below to arrange yours to be mailed to you.




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