A Message to America...I unearthed this recently, if you agree, please share.
Unity and Diplomacy
Unity and diplomacy, this is what we stand for. We are, after all, The United States of America, a unified and diplomatic nation. At least that’s who we’ve been when it came to electing a president. When you are United you are the collective and the collaborative, combined into one harmonious people.
However, as a nation we cannot always be as cohesive as we would like. Nor can we be in agreement all of the time, or any of the time. It’s with cooperative action, United force, and the willingness to agree to disagree, that we preserve our unity. And with this conscious effort we maintain our respect and esteem as a country in spite of our disagreements.
As Americans, we understand what may be at stake when we permit our differences to shrink and fade the fabric of our nation – delectation to our adversaries – vulnerability comes at what cost? The diplomatic way in which we choose our president and the peaceful transfer of power is the cornerstone of our nation. The very foundation on which our constitution was built. It is this legacy we will leave our children, or at least we hope to. But not if we embrace the bruised egos, suspect opinions, and self-serving agendas that threaten to undermine our birthright.
Diplomacy is our brand, it’s the American Way. We cannot, we must not, allow disappointment, persuasion, or programming to manipulate our ways. We unequivocally must reject the disintegration of a nation as powerful and great as the United States of America. The world is watching, our challengers are watching; division weakens. Unity strengthens. Our decisions and our conduct in the coming days, and weeks, will guide our nation’s future.
“We the people” have a responsibility to our country, ourselves, and our progeny to uphold American civility. Therefore, it is imperative in this historic election that with unity and diplomacy we persevere the peaceful transfer of power, regardless of the outcome.
We are One Nation Under God and In God We Trust. I close with this one word, VOTE! Use your voice, leave the rest to God.