Be sure to read up on how to dispose of your deer properly!
Please dispose of your deer parts properly! 🦌
We've received reports of hunters dumping leftover deer parts in trash cans on neighboring properties near public land. This hurts relationships with local landowners near public hunting lands.
✅ If you're planning to hunt public land, have a plan for what to do if you're successful.
🛻 Some deer permit areas (DPAs) are within CWD zones and have carcass movement restrictions. In those areas, you can't haul out a whole, intact carcass. The DNR has placed dumpsters in DPAs with restrictions, find one near you: mndnr.gov/cwd/management-zone.html
🗑 Proper disposal methods include dropping parts off at a local landfill, bagging for your residential trash pickup, or if you're on private land and have permission from the landowner, leaving leftovers for local wildlife.
🔶 Not everyone hunts. Help us leave people with a positive impression of hunting, so they're open to understanding its impact on conservation, wildlife health, and people's connection to nature.