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Rebound Magazine is the official magazine of the NBRPA and approved by the WNBA, NBA, Harlem Globetrotters, and ABA. It’s a living storyboard meant to capture the stories and lives of past and present players. Rebound Magazine reaches over 250,000 elite read
ers and grows each issue. Readers include Current and Former NBA, WNBA, ABA, Harlem Globetrotter players, NBA and team executives, NBA team owners and NBA Season Ticket Holders. FEATURES AND DEPARTMENTS
Where you’ll find the story of how these basketball icons made it to the big time. Learn where they grew up, who taught them to play, and follow their journey through their years to becoming professional basketball legends. WHERE ARE THEY NOW
This is where you can catch up on the lives of the Legends of Basketball today. CENTER COURT
Honors, awards and more are all part of Center Court’s focus. It’s where you’ll find the latest happenings in the lives of these Legends and their organizations. BASKETBALL 101
Learn the true behind-the-scenes stories of yesteryear’s professional basketball heroes, both on and off the court. Not only do these legendary masters of the round ball tell their personal stories, they also share the lessons they learned. In this department Rebound also tells the history and evolution of professional sports from style to league to player changes. THE SUCCESS INSIDER
This department offers financial literacy assistance, various business outreaches and opportunities unique to professional basketball player
This section Features high-end products and services offering the very best for those wanting a luxury lifestyle.