It’s Jonathan Oogie Richards Tuesday Bluesday with two shows at 12 & 8PM CT on TGRN - Blues.
Join Jonathan Oogie Richards twice on Tuesday. 12-1PM & 8-10PM CT.
TGRN - Blues the exclusive home of Mighty Mouth Bluesx
Mighty Mouth Blues is proud to be part of TGRN - Blues lineup!
Tuesday is Jonathan Oogie Richards Bluesday on TGRN - Blues. 12-1PM CT & 8-10PM CT. 1-CLICK TO LISTEN IN OUR BIO. #tgrnblues #mightymouthblues #blues #bluesradio
#blues #bluesradio #oogieblues #mightymouthblues #tgrnblues
Mighty Mouth Blues on TGRN - Blues Tuesday & Saturday 8-10PM CT.
TGRN - Blues has me twice today starting at Noon Central for the Blue Plate Special going out to Tee Barksdale at T's Blues & Tattoos! 8-10PM I’m back with Mighty Mouth Blues. ONE CLICK TO LISTEN 🎧 #bluesmusic #blues #bluesradio #mightymouthblues #oogieblues