Chords, Vines, and Dines is an Internet Talk Radio Show broadcasting each Sunday on the Temecula Entertainment Network (TEN). The show's original idea of pairing music and wine began in September 2013 by music photographer and promoter Kat Ellis (El-Ey Promo). With Co-Host Tom Plant (WINEormous) and Executive Producer Gaea Norvell (Images by Gaea) we have now included food and book talk. Chords, V
ines, and Dines gives the opportunity to many of our guests to be heard in areas where they wouldn't normally be heard, thus creating increased fan base, sales, employment, music and writing collaborations, etc and also introduces wines, brews, and food to new enthusisants and potential club members. Broadcast locations vary and have included El-Ey Promo Creative Studio, recording studios, restaurants, wineries, festivals, and several music and wine trade shows including the prestigious Winter-NAMM Show in Anaheim California, LA WineFest, San Diego Food and Wine Festival, Temecula Bluegrass Festival, and more. Interviews on some occasions are prerecorded phone interviews. We are also associated with several music, wine, and travel publications. Music guests on our show range from local artists to music industry greats such as the legendary songwriter Bobby Hart, Danny Sheridan, Andy Fraser, Michael Paulo, Alan White, Tracy Newman, Sally Champlin, Bob Henley, Jackie Bertone, and many others.