APicisArt Photography a Southern Story

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APicisArt Photography a Southern Story Finding beauty and a story in our everyday surroundings, through a lens and into Art... Text to 843-478-4656 for quicker replies!

The Brown PelicanWhen you see something everyday you can grow blind to its beauty and place in your life. When I go almo...

The Brown Pelican

When you see something everyday you can grow blind to its beauty and place in your life. When I go almost anywhere from my home, I cross this small bridge that overlooks the grandeur of Charleston Harbor, the spire filled cityscape and the Arthur Ravenel Jr Bridge. Each one a magnificent sight on its own. This doesn’t even account for the great marsh in between myself and all that eye candy.

However, when I drive over this little bridge with the locals fishing, what I see is a piling in the water on its own with a small plank nailed to it like a cross. My eye is drawn to it each and every time, regardless of my direction, my feelings or the weather. When I look, every single time I look, I am looking to see if there are any Brown Pelicans sitting on it. On more than one occasion I have pulled off this busy road, nose in the marsh, as there are no true parking spaces, grabbed my camera, and risked life crossing the road to get a picture. My best is three Pelicans side by side. Amazing, considering they are the largest birds found on the East Coast United States and the only pelicans in the world that are not white. A-mazing and in my backyard.

I pass this piling each day and have created a superstition based on it. If there are any pelicans on the piling it is a good sign, but I don’t need additional worries in my life, so I’ve never defined what that good sign represents, just in case there are no pelicans which would then be a bad sign. Without defining a bad sign, I am free to ignore it and move on. This leaves me open for good things all the time. It’s very important to practice the Art of Fluid Luck. I am a Master First Class if you have any questions…

The Snowy Egret I’ve posted quite a few Anhingas in the last 24 hrs with a morning sun that has been both harsh and comp...

The Snowy Egret

I’ve posted quite a few Anhingas in the last 24 hrs with a morning sun that has been both harsh and complimentary. I thought I’d do one more tonight from the same shoot, but I was at a different angle from the sun. It hits just on the back of the Snowy Egret’s head, illuminating her bill, eye and most astonishingly her lores. The lores on wading birds often change color during mating season. Green, because green means Go!

This will be a part of my closeup series…

The Other Anhinga This is the Anhinga I was capturing when the Anhinga with the fish emerged from the water, as posted e...

The Other Anhinga

This is the Anhinga I was capturing when the Anhinga with the fish emerged from the water, as posted earlier.

The first thing I notice with this picture is there is a LOT going on. Marsh grasses, green, yellow and tan are all over the place, as well as, their reflections. The Anhinga is on a cement block that is mysteriously in the water and is also reflected perfectly. It’s almost impossible to figure out when reality begins and where the phantom realm takes over.

There is no shade at this part of the lake and, therefore, it has the full sun striking with mostly yellow colors, but enough golden hues to let other colors stand out. Oh, and most importantly, I have flipped this picture upside down so the reflection is on top…

The Anhinga and The FishIf I just came upon these pictures, I believe my first impression would be, “What the heck am I ...

The Anhinga and The Fish

If I just came upon these pictures, I believe my first impression would be, “What the heck am I supposed to be looking at?” The answer, “Breakfast.”

The large wrought iron gates had just been pulled open, that long deep squeal you can only get from heavy metal rotating on more metal and I drove straight in. The dew was heavy that morning and I could smell it on the fence, the grass. Glistening, like a giant had spread tiny crystals all over the grasses, they caught the sun and were left with little twinkles.

The damp gravel could be heard grinding and popping through my open windows and between my tires and sometimes pavement. The sunlight that came down this morning was both yellow and golden. Most people think that’s the same color, but it’s not. Yellow is hard, reflective and bleaches out the color that it touches. Golden, on the other hand, is rich, subtle and will make your colors glow. I find they both have their place for many different reasons and purposes.

I was parked on the verge photographing another Anhinga when this dear one came shooting out of the water like the Olympic Gold Medalist of Underwater Bill Fishing. A big splash and a shake. My lens immediately pivoted as though this Anhinga was the Olympic… well, you get the joke.

The sun came over from the East, or the right, of our champion, both blanching out color here and enriching it there. That’s what you see in the picture, victory! What the pictures don’t show is the dropping of the fish, the scramble to reach the fish and the new victory dance. Such are the struggles of life from Anhinga to human. Don’t worry if you drop your fish today, you’ll pick another one up…

The Little Blue HeronThe Yellow Crowned Night Heron The Anhinga Although Charleston, South Carolina is not considered Tr...

The Little Blue Heron
The Yellow Crowned Night Heron The Anhinga

Although Charleston, South Carolina is not considered Tropical, it is a Subtropical climate. You can expect palm trees, hot, humid summers and mild winters.

Knowing this, I still surprise myself when I look at some of these pictures. They look so much more Tropical than Subtropical to me. I’m not a 100% sure there’s much of a difference, environmentalists everywhere sigh heavily. There are actually many differences, but there are also many similarities.

Although downtown Charleston is known for its historic buildings and churches, cobblestones and charm, there is also this historic graveyard, Magnolia Cemetery, opened in 1850 and still taking in customers. It’s magical in the sense that it is in Charleston approximately 58 acres of marshland and 92 acres of high land on the Cooper River.

When I looked at these pictures, I see history. I imagine what the settlers saw when they first arrived. Well, a lot more manicured, but a good snapshot just the same. Two of the pictures have two birds and one has three.

The Roseate SpoonbillA Portrait of YouI sent this picture to my daughter the other night, she’s traveling right now, wit...

The Roseate Spoonbill
A Portrait of You

I sent this picture to my daughter the other night, she’s traveling right now, with the caption “Be Bold…” not an easy message to send to a 19 year old out in the world on her own without her Daddy standing behind her ready to catch. Now I stand back, watch with pride, and let her know I can catch if she wants me to.

It would have been easier to say, “Be careful…”. It certainly would have made me feel better, but my daughter is fierce. She needs to be herself, to be bold. To seek adventure and put herself out there.

Like this Roseate Spoonbill standing in all her glory of fluffy pink feathers and that bill, that spoonbill, front and center, proudly putting it on display. She doesn’t know embarrassment. She’s not concerned about appearance. This frees her from the chains of self consciousness.

That’s what I want for you. Shake free of those chains. I have heard from many followers that are homebound, health restricted or having difficulties in life right now. I can relate and I know you because quite often you are me. There are those that suffer quietly.

So I put out this call and I’m talking to you. Be bold. However you can. Call a friend or family. Get out of the house. Be the best you you can be. You can’t do everything, but you can do something. Be as bold as this Roseate Spoonbill. Spoonbill and all…

The Great Blue HeronA Close-Up Magnolia Audubon Swamp Garden Charleston, South Carolina

The Great Blue Heron
A Close-Up

Magnolia Audubon Swamp Garden
Charleston, South Carolina

The Little Blue HeronStarting life echoing the fashion style of the Snowy Egret, The Little Blue Heron is dressed all in...

The Little Blue Heron

Starting life echoing the fashion style of the Snowy Egret, The Little Blue Heron is dressed all in white with a two tone bill. Within the first year their features start to turn blue, giving them a “calico” appearance. It isn’t until their second year that they turn all dark blue.

This is a Magnolia Cemetery photo shoot. In the Spring and the summer, shooting at Magnolia Cemetery is a bit more fun. Sure, you have the migrating birds calling in, but what I like most of all is all the wild, tangle of new vegetation growth. Flowers (reds, yellows, oranges, pink, etc), marsh grasses (green, yellow and tan) and the trees all filled out.

Capturing the birds is on a whole new level now. Leaning, crouching, and moving about trying to shoot through all of it. Sometimes I use the vegetation and Spanish moss in the pictures to give that shootin in the marshes or swamps a wilder look.

This Little Blue was out on a dead branch fallen in the pond. Clear of any greenery, but the water caught the reflection of the sky, mirroring our heron’s colors. It makes for a striking similarity. As far away as he was, he comes out quite sharp in the pictures. At that very moment he had fluffed up in that morning sun which was right where I wanted it, at my back. I love the detail in each and every soft, blue feather…

The Aphylla Williamsoni more commonly known as The Two-striped Forceptail. I love this time of year, with the warm weath...

The Aphylla Williamsoni more commonly known as The Two-striped Forceptail.

I love this time of year, with the warm weather, hot and humid to be truthful, but it’s when the dragonflies come out. It’s always exciting with well over 100 species of dragonflies in South Carolina, what might we see?

I’ve never seen the Two-striped Forceptail before and I didn’t know what it was until I investigated it later. It sits on the Borrichia flower that is beyond its bloom. Those sharp points had supported the petals which were a magnificent yellow.

Gently she hovers down, grasping the flower with her six legs, careful not to be stuck by the sharp points. She is unusual, she is bright she is beautiful, but she is also deadly with an up to 97% kill rate. That is the highest kill rate of all predators in the world with mosquitoes at the top of their dining list.

I’ve seen at least 4 different dragonflies in our yard and it is a pleasure and a privilege to have them here. They eat hundreds of insects a day, some eating their own body weight in bugs. This one is absolutely gorgeous with are her colors. That yellow bump at the back of her tail is not a trick of the light as I first suspected. I’ve seen it in other photographers’ shots, always the same…

I haven’t put up a picture of an Anhinga in a while, so I thought it would be a nice change of pace. These pictures are ...

I haven’t put up a picture of an Anhinga in a while, so I thought it would be a nice change of pace. These pictures are fun because they show the many common ways the Anhinga is seen. Regular bird pose, with a dramatic sky, and generally found on a dead branch. The spreading of the wings, showing off the white highlights in their feathers, and drying them in the sun. Lastly, the head sticking out of the water, looking like a snake, and hunting for fish.

Charleston, and South Carolina as a whole, has such a variety of wading birds that are both bizarre and beautiful. Can you imagine coming across the sea to the Americas for the first time and seeing alligators, Spoonbills and Anhingas. It’s no wonder they were called snake birds, devil birds and water turkeys.

I don’t always take pictures of the Anhingas as they tend to be in the same poses each time, so your pictures look more like duplicates than originals. There is no denying that they are curious looking birds and beautiful as well.

Once I was released from the hospital, and staggered to the car, I was touched, but explained to the nice officers that ...

Once I was released from the hospital, and staggered to the car, I was touched, but explained to the nice officers that a police es**rt home was appreciated, but not necessary. They really liked me at the hospital…

I’m free…

I’m free…

The saga continues to unfold. The Great EgretThe appropriate doctors have been found and the discharge papers are ready!...

The saga continues to unfold. The Great Egret

The appropriate doctors have been found and the discharge papers are ready! Ahhh, but The Problem. Sometimes Charleston floods at high tide, but with all the rain it floods even more. It’s high tide. I wonder if I’ll ever get home…

I thought a Great Egret dunking it head was very appropriate for this story….

Nothing like a forced time into a 140 sq ft room with a small bathroom additionally on the side. Equipped with a bed, tw...

Nothing like a forced time into a 140 sq ft room with a small bathroom additionally on the side. Equipped with a bed, two swag chairs, a sink, two rolly tables and various garbage cans and laundry bags. A mounted tv, one picture and lots of plugs and switches that are red and say “EMERGENCY” on them even though they only do mundane things.

This has been my place of residence since they moved me in from the ER on Saturday Morning. It’s gives a person some time to look into their 26,000 pictures on their phone. To delete some, but mostly so I can say things like, “From Deep Within The Vault I Present…”

I have some that I cannot fathom why they haven’t seen the light of day?! My wife and I, the 9 yr old decided to stay in the car and be a major martyr and all around cranky pants, found a nesting area of these Green Herons. It was in a park in the island that was surrounded by fountain water. Very fortunate for us as it allowed us to clearly see the adult, the juvenile and the baby Green Heron (in order of pictures). Well, I guess I should say it.

From deep within the vault I present…

APicisArt Photography a Southern Story exclusive- Straight From The Hospital:The discharge papers never seemed to come, ...

APicisArt Photography a Southern Story exclusive- Straight From The Hospital:

The discharge papers never seemed to come, so it was time to take matters into my own hands. My bag was packed tight and the inventory drawer has been appropriately stripped of items I use. Shhh, tell no one and move on in the story please.

The new plan was to leave tonight, but not at the staff turn over. That’s only at 8pm and the halls are so small you couldn’t pass gas, let alone a person at that time. I’ll wait until the midnight check (that’s when they take my blood pressure, oxygen levels, temperature, and heartbeat) and make my way after that.

I never put on the hospital gown, between the flannel shirt and black, heavy, pajama pants, I looked more like a visitor than a patient. When you’re as weird as I am, people tend to let you do what you want if it doesn’t disturb the others.

The Tech came and went and so did I. This wasn’t a heavily secured area, so no cards were needed. Since I had no disguise, I did what I did best; I acted like I owned the place. A little swagger in my step, a certain swing of the hips, a bit of eye contact and then look of dismissal. Yeah, like I owned the play y’all.

Pushing through the exit door I find myself not in the freedom of Charleston, but in a large courtyard. In this beautiful place is a fountain and some water. This Mallard swims up to me and flexes as if to say, “Go back to bed man, you can’t handle sleuth!”

I do believe Mr mallard was correct, bless my heart, it was time to go back to my room. I was exhausted from this little jaunt and we’ll see what they say tomorrow….



I wanted to share my extensive knowledge that I accumulated while at the hospital. You see, if you are not aware, one te...

I wanted to share my extensive knowledge that I accumulated while at the hospital. You see, if you are not aware, one tends to watch a lot of TV while here. Even if you have it muted, it’s still on in the background.

1. Wendy’s is having a $1 special of Frostys if you spend $5. Dipping French Fries in a Frosty is a religious moment. 

2. Dominoes has finally realized that their pizza is pretty crappy. They have created a new “NY Pizza” and the average looking lady in the commercial said it was “delicious”. I agree with her (visually) and the average looking guy who said that he really liked the taste. They also liked that you can finally fold a Dominoes slice. These people truly know what is important about a pizza. Dominoes is having specials on these pizzas for a limited time.

3. In 2014 the movie “The Expendables 3” was released. Some of you probably know this, but I found out today. It was bizarre to have all these actors all in the same movie: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Harrison Ford, Sylvester etc Stallone, Mel Gibson, Antonio Banderas, Kelsey Grammer, Jason Statham, and others that I just didn’t remember their name, but knew their faces.

4. I can’t even explain the movie “Demolition Man” where every restaurant is Taco Bell 🔔. 

You’re welcome for the education in these matters.

Great Egret is here bc he’s very gooood lookin’

The Roseate SpoonbillA bit wiped out and wanted to put up something beautiful and inspiring.

The Roseate Spoonbill

A bit wiped out and wanted to put up something beautiful and inspiring.

Well, there’s no confusion that this cutie is a Snowy Egret and not a juvenile Little Blue Heron. It’s a great reflectio...

Well, there’s no confusion that this cutie is a Snowy Egret and not a juvenile Little Blue Heron. It’s a great reflection, but little fish blurred out the face, creating a new picture. It works for me. You can only see the top portion of her leg showing us just how deep the water is. Snowys are approximately 22-27 inches tall, so the water is not too deep. Under that water are black legs with yellow feet.

I like the Snowy Egret because they always seem to be up to something. Continually on the move and very photogenic. The reflection almost looks like a painting.

As for me, I was taken out of the ER this morning and put into a private room. They stamped my frequent flyer card and are taking good care of me. The hospitalist was the same one that took care of me last time I was here and remembered every part of my stay. Great doctor.

Oh wow! This Great Blue Heron is shocked that I just reached over 1,800 Followers!Just growing 1 follower at a time…

Oh wow! This Great Blue Heron is shocked that I just reached over 1,800 Followers!

Just growing 1 follower at a time…

The Juvenile White IbisThe Juvenile White Ibis is often a dark brown to black in the shade. Many people mistake them for...

The Juvenile White Ibis

The Juvenile White Ibis is often a dark brown to black in the shade. Many people mistake them for the infamous Glossy Ibis, which I’ve posted before on my page.

His look is the same look I had when I was told by my Nephrologist that he wanted me in the hospital after I’ve had a bad reaction to my blood pressure medicine. Ahhhh, my home away from home 😁

I captured this picture at Magnolia cemetery in downtown Charleston, SC. It was a fairly quick drive through bc Tropical Storm Debbie had begun. I’m assuming he came out so clear because he was under the canopy.

Made to the ER and it’s almost standing room only. I’ve found in the past that the ER is a very popular place. Everyone is giving me wide space bc I keep coughing. At least I’m wearing a mask. Strangely the coughing is a side effect of the medication, but it drops my oxidation into the 80’s. For those that don’t know, 80’s is not good. So I sit here with the same expression as the Ibis…

Nature. The Tropical Storm Debbie. Nature is a multifaceted thing and sometimes is a lot. I went out to take some pictur...

Nature. The Tropical Storm Debbie.

Nature is a multifaceted thing and sometimes is a lot. I went out to take some pictures during the storm and ran across this Yellow-crowned Night Heron and the Arthur Ravenel Junior Bridge. The bridge was the most difficult picture to take because is was mostly not there. I turned down the ISO to be able to see this much of it and this bridge is 1,546 feet (471 m), the third longest among cable-stayed bridges in the Western Hemisphere. Like a magician, Nature made it disappear.

The Night Heron is smaller at about 2.5 feet at its biggest, but Nature was still like, p**f! Although there is a a thick drizzly mist that filled the air, I’m not sure if there was also heavy fog about as well. Quite a remarkable viewing with my window Dow and shooting from the car. Man, I’m full of surprises! 😂

The kirplunk is an art form that takes timing, speed and passion whic, if executed correctly, will result in the proper ...

The kirplunk is an art form that takes timing, speed and passion whic, if executed correctly, will result in the proper splash. Sometimes it also ends with lunch, but not this time.

I wonder if I keep seeing the same Great Egret on these outings because either s/he’s not very good at catching things or there’s a whole group that can’t catch lunch. This is a picture from Magnolia Cemetery and I have dozens of failed attempts. Bless his heart.

I am very fond of the bird’s reflection, but it’s the marsh grasses that really pulls me in. I recall waiting for the Egret to walk over to them for a backdrop and I was not disappointed!

Big shout out to my newest top fans! Thank you to everyone for your support and especially to those down below for going...

Big shout out to my newest top fans! Thank you to everyone for your support and especially to those down below for going over and beyond. Speaking of over and beyond, I’m pretty sure my stalker is in this list…💎

Caitlin Su, Shari Hughes, Angie Garner McCabe, Lynn Moore, Suzanne Meredith, Natalya Kolovershina, William Rumfelt, Rex Vaughn, Debbie Dodge, Sven Scherer, Olga Estrada, Ginger Stoner, Sofia Milona, Tyrone Hagood, Jacqueline Ruttimann Oberst, Jeffrey Rogers, Jim Schaeffer

Standing on an isthmus, while scanning the marsh before me, I have a sighting. The largest wading bird in North America ...

Standing on an isthmus, while scanning the marsh before me, I have a sighting. The largest wading bird in North America hasn’t moved, but I see you. When out on a phot shoot, it was easy to miss these birds that look like they are frozen in time, but now, seven if I see a very small part of them, I concentrate my efforts on them.

Sometimes you don’t see them at all, but you know where they would probably be and you focus your camera and your zoom, in that area.

So there I was, looking through the marsh grass, scanning, when i focused on this frozen beauty. The wire “rails” on the side of the bridge seemed inadequate for someone focusing on a bird and not his footing. It looked like a soft fall ultimately in the marsh water below. I shift my feet and find myself looking down like a compulsion. What would I do if I went over the edge, I thought. I know there are at least gators hanging around Magnolia Cemetery and I wonder if I would meet one of them if I slid down the embankment. Shaking my head, I concentrate on the Great Blue Heron before me.

The grasses she is in are mesmerizing, especially when the hot and humid breeze gently runs their ghostly hands over them. They sway back and forth in an invitation to climb down and immerse yourself into their undulating dance.

Sometimes I think I get too involved with my pictures. This one really drew me in and I wanted to be that Great Blue standing there stock still and enjoying the immersion into Nature. I hope the picture does the same for you on some level and brings you peace…

APicisArt Photography a Southern Story exclusive!  This picture is so peaceful to me and maybe one of my favorites thus ...

APicisArt Photography a Southern Story exclusive! This picture is so peaceful to me and maybe one of my favorites thus far. I hope you enjoy!

The Bonapart’s Gull, Walking on Water Miracle Sometimes timing is everything and sometimes it’s just a miracle. I was do...

The Bonapart’s Gull, Walking on Water Miracle

Sometimes timing is everything and sometimes it’s just a miracle. I was downtown Charleston on The Battery and just ready to shoot, so when a Bonaparte came by, my twitchy trigger finger… pushed a button. Click, click, click.

It’s the second picture that I love. The little fella looks like he’s standing, maybe walking on water. It would have been so much better if he had caught a fish, but you can’t have everything. Can you?

What is “having it all”? For me, that question is simple and is deeply rooted in one thing: are you grateful for what you have. Do you stop and truly appreciate the relationships, family and the possessions that your life revolves around? If you are happy with all that, then you may have it all.

Even with my health issues, I am happier than I was 12 years ago because I have surrounded myself with those I love and the right possessions to fulfill my life. I wish this for you.

I have also seen the flip side where nothing is enough. The need for more is almost uncontrollable. You guessed it, I have a 9 year old daughter. She finds stuff on Amazon, does a screen shot and sends it to my wife and I. Sephora would be the ultimate store to win a shopping spree for her and in the end she’d be disappointed about the things she didn’t get. She’ll grow out of this though, as I’ve seen this stage before.

I am confident that she’ll do well, because she is kind and quick to share. Sensitive to other people’s feelings and has a great sense of humor. Like this Bonaparte, my daughters walk on water, as it should be in the eyes of their father. On the other hand, if this was actually true and not figuratively true, I think I’d sell them to the circus for loads of money and retire. Oh don’t be so shocked! It would be a nice circus like Cirque du Soleil, goodness sakes, I’m not a monster…

The Roseate Spoonbill, a Cotton Candy StoryIt’s not easy being pink. Everyone stares, taking your picture while you try ...

The Roseate Spoonbill, a Cotton Candy Story

It’s not easy being pink. Everyone stares, taking your picture while you try to eat or sleep. You stand out like a pink, er, thumb.

According to “Travel Notes and Storytelling”, “Don’t wear pink around alligators. Alligators love pink!” This was a random statement in the midst of describing alligators on their website when I searched keywords alligator and pink. I was unable to confirm or deny these comments. However, if’n I was a gator and saw a fluffy, pink Spoonbill, I think my first thought would be “Mmmmmm, cotton candy.”


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