You may know his work from Hubpages and He also has articles published on Buskia, Trinod, Helium, and works for Textbroker. My recent series called Quit Writing is for writers and other types of creative people:
Quit Writing : 10 Truths You Need to Know About Being An Artist Poet or Writer
Quit Writing : 10 Ways To Be Happy and Successful As Writers of Modern Poetry
Quit Writing :
10 Questions For Thought Criminals on Copy Rites and Sacred Txt
Quit Writing : 10 Reasons Artists or Junkies Are Persons Living in Your Neighborhood
If you have the creative instinct, you should consider writing online, the world is ever in need of content. Join Hubpages - writers need competition. Or try online journalism at it's fun. With 2012 being here, I have been writing a lot of stuff for the year on HubPages. Fans and readers might want to take a look at these alternate Hubs first for my 2012 perspectives. In particular these hubs :
2013 : The Post Millennial Tension or the Tzolkin / Tun / Mayan Calendar for Ascended Masters and Dummies
2012 : End of the World Party plan or How will you prepare for the Mayan prophecy?
2012 Youth : New Psychedelic Renaissance Apocalypse Culture and Technopaganism
Project Mayhem 2012 : Anonymous Global Cyberwar with the American Government
Monarch 2012 : The New Phoenix Program Mind Control and Psychotronic Weapons
7 Chakra Meditations : Thoughts About the Alchemical Galactic Awakening in 2012
Eden Sky : 2012 According to the Living Prophecy of 13 Moon Natural Time as Art
Vampire Kids Kith and Kindred 2012 : A 21st Century Cult of the Living and the Dead
Twenty-Four Signs that You are an Original Annunaki Descendent on Earth
America 2012 : Some Thoughts About the USA
These are some of my online interviews. A series that I hope to expand into a series for a book in the future. Safe Hex - An Interview with a Modern American Witch about being a Woman, Wife, Wiccan, and the Practice of Witchcraft
Grey Man : An Interview with a Modern American Human Being about UFO Tech Mythology and the Cult of the Alien Gods
Dark Art - An Interview with a Modern American Vampire on being Human, Immortal, and the Practice of the Dark Arts
Family 23 - Interviewing Michael 23 and Joanna 23 on Community and Cult Technology in the Age of the Thought Criminal
Blake4d or Blake Ford Hall as friends and family know me, is my pen name. My life has allowed my pursuit of an unusual background in the esoteric arts, paganism, comparative religions, cultism, modern arts, computers, design, Gnosticism, Wicca and the pursuit of being a writer, musician, public speaker and now online journalist.. I havealso has earned cridentials and recognition in these areas publically, as both a minister / and a technopagan activist. It is in this that my personal life hopes to offer something better to the world, in this life. Blake Hall, also known as Blake4d to some readers is the former Arizona writer, artist, and editor for local Phoenix publication Wide Awake Magazine, and managing coordinator for the Wide Awake Arts Collective for over 5 years. Having spent much of my life in Phoenix, I have been a local artist, musician, ghostwriter, content writer, online journalist and independent internet based retail bookseller. I have had the chance to work with many local bands, modeled for art schools all over theValley of the Sun, have been published both online and in the literary world. I have had the opportunity to be a visual artist, graphic designer, and worked with local artists via ThoughtCrime / Phoenix Arts Commission via both ThoughtCrime and the FireHouse Arts in downtown Phoenix AZ. Follow me on Facebook
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My online experience working as an independent online based bookseller out of Phoenix, Arizona for over a decade, gives me much insight to the online world of business. In ten years, I sold books on nearly every website including Amazon, Ebay,, ABE, Alibris, Textbooks.rus, eCampus, Volare books, and A1books. My time on Hub Pages has earned me a small and growing following of readers as a writer. I also work elsewhere online writing content, ghostwriting, blogging, and as an independent journalist., but most of you know my work from Hubpages and, but also from Buskia, Trinod, Helium, Associated Content, and possibly my blogs. My proudest thing in life is having made my wishes to be a professional artist a reality, doing whatever lets me be creative. Thanx to everyone who has been so supportive on the hub. Recently he has been developing his own blogs and websites. Check out the newest efforts below: