Get More People To See Your Facebook Posts
Facebook has been on a mission to cut out the bullsh&t and fake posts from businesses that flooded the system in years past. Just a few years ago you could post to your business page and it would be seen by everyone who liked your page. In 2018 Facebook began to "shift ranking to make News Feed more about connecting with people and less about consuming media in isolation." This means that posts from family and friends take priority over your page's posts.
Organic Reach - The number, or percentage, of times that your post enters the news stream of people without any help from paid distribution. An 'organic post' is one that is not boosted or paid for.
In 2014 the organic reach of a businesses Facebook post was down to around 6%. Meaning that if your page has 1000 Likes you would only reach 60 people. 4 years later in 2018, that number is down even more.
So how can you get more out of your organic posts? How can you get more people to see them?
While everyone complains about spam in their inbox, just about everyone still checks their email on a regular basis. Email providers have gotten much better at filtering out spam. This means that people can easily see the emails that matter to them most. If you have a good relationship with your customers and are providing value to them, they will care what you have to say.
If you haven't already started building your businesses email list, you need to start now. More about that in a future post. (Hint: Use an email service such as MailChimp, Drip, or Aweber)
Most businesses should be posting to their page several times per week at a minimum. At least once per day would be best. Make sure your posts have value to your followers. Value can be something that is entertaining, helpful hints, information that will save them money, instructional, etc.. Don't post pictures of yourself at a concert or theme park, unless your business is concerts or theme parks. The type of posts wil
Creating A PayPal Subsription Link or Button
I get a lot of questions about how to setup a subscription link in PayPal. These links will charge a customer or client at the time that they click on the link and set it up, and then will automatically charge them the same amount every 30 days. Here is a quick video to show you how.
There are many other options that you can configure, such as a free trial time period, a discounted first payment, and much more. We'll go over those options in a future video.
If you have any questions or want some help setting up payment on your website feel free to contact me. Message me here on Facebook or give me a call at 240-547-9457.
GEARD Up Podcast Intro / Outro video
The GEARD Up podcast has quickly become THE weekly podcast in the bodybuilding world for no BS, straight talk about bodybuilding. We are now starting to produce more video, so we created this clip to help brand the videos and give them a more professional polish.
Wig Athletics - 10 second Intro Outro
Put this together for Stacy Wig & Wig Athletics . A short clip to add to the beginning of her videos.
Faster Digital Media Promo Video 10 seconds
New Faster Digital Media promo video.
Use the Facebook Subscribe button to promote your business.
NEW: Facebook Subscribe button. What is it? How can you use it to promote your business.
How To Un-Friend Someone On Facebook
Video: How To Un-Friend Someone On Facebook - Have you ever wanted to unfriend someone but are not sure how? Are you close to the 5000 friend mark and unable to add new friends? Here is how to 'un-friend' someone.
Facebook Business Page Reveal Tabs
Some cool things you can put on your Facebook Business Pages (Fan Pages)
To order your own Facebook Reveal Pages >>>