Comms directors are one of the most important positions in a church. And yet, they are also the most underrated or misunderstood, as well.
Most Comms Directors are spinning more plates than you can possibly imagine. They are pumping out social media content, website content, internal design requests, graphic design for the entire church, and weekend slide designs for the sermon series. That’s not even a comprehensive list.
If you have a Comms Director in place, you should value them insanely. They are the unsung heroes of the Church, especially in today’s digital culture.
But do you know the single most difficult thing for them? You may think it’s time management. Nope. You may think it’s the rat race of hitting home run after home run. Not that either. Or maybe you think it’s feeling like they are on an island by themselves with no support. Incorrect. While all of those things may be issues for some, the single most difficult job of a Comms Director is managing the expectations of staff and pastors.
You see, most of the people in that position that we talk to often say that they don’t have the authority to say “No, I can’t do that in that time frame.” Yet, because they feel and experience that, it actually makes their job of doing all of the other things listed above MUCH more difficult.
If they could say no to unreasonable timelines or requests without the fear of getting reprimanded or, worse, fired, they would be able to actually accomplish WAY more on a weekly basis.
So thank them and give them the authority to create margins and boundaries so they can do what they are called to do…serve your church.
And if you are a Comms Director, thank you. Thank you for ALL you do. We know it’s hard. We know there aren’t enough hours in the day to do the things you need to do. Breathe. Get rest. You got this!
And as always, we are here to help if you would like. Or even for a Zoom call to talk about what you struggle with the most. We’re here to support YOU.