Dad would always say “Watch your words” or “think before you open your mouth”. I know he was telling my sister and me to be careful what we say next, because it could get us in trouble. And that one phrase, lead to me not speaking my truth for fear of retribution, but it also lead me to speak with authenticity. If I speak it, believe me I have thought about it, changed the words and now I say what I mean. In the book of John it states “In the beginning was the Word and the word was made manifest…”
I have always been a lover of words – as a matter of choice I took a class in school to learn and use 50 new words each week. My parents even gave me my name, because they thought it would be a good writer’s name – and here I am.
The Power of Words … Words have energy and influence to help, to heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate and to humble. In a recent article, Deepak Chopra wrote ““...and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The meaning, if taken literally, is that divine creation WAS language. Giving words this kind of immense creative power is almost impossible to fathom.” A word is a vibration with intention. A sound that not only signifies meaning but pulsates it.
I am in transition – from the old me to a new me – I’m not really sure what the new me looks like, but I feel like the caterpillar that completely turned to mush. It may look like nothing is going on but big changes are happening inside. This chrysalis is growing …. Rapidly. They will become the legs, arms, eyes and wings that become the butterfly. And I Feel Every Part Of It.
A dear friend, Charles Spratley wrote about the word ‘Abracadabra’ which literally translates to ‘I create as I speak’. He wrote: “… as cheesy as it may seem, one of the most powerful words is indeed Abracadabra. And there you are, snickering away. When you think of the word you think of magicians pulling rabbits out of hats or some such, but what if the word was much older and much more sacred.”,
In Hebrew, the term is roughly translated as, ‘I will create as I speak’ and in Aramaic, ‘I create like the word’.
And there you have it. I am manifesting my authentic self ~ a new self that has been broken down with care and is emerging as who I was originally was.