Hoisin Sauce 🎵 Credit: @thebnoth
#adhdbrain #adhdawareness #adhdprobs #adhdproblems #adhdbelike #hoisinsauce
#adhdbrain #adhdburnout #adhdproblems #adhdprobs
Tune in tomorrow for the exciting conclusion of, “Where Did Joe Leave the Half-Eaten Uncrustable?” #adhdlife #adhdbrain #misplaced #forgotten #wherediditgo #sleepdeprived
#adhdawareness #adhdproblems #adhdhumor #neurodivergent #neurodiversity
#adhdawareness #adhdproblems #adhdprobs #adhdbelike #adhdbrain #biglight
Until one of the people switch from passive aggressive to actually aggressive. #passiveaggressive #passiveagressive #sarcasm #arguments #arguing #joke #skincare
@bizamanic I think I found your missing waffle. #adhdproblems #adhdprobs #losingstuff #adhdbrain #adhdlogic
If you don’t tell me your story in bullet points, there’s a 100% chance I will venture off into mental side quests. #adhdproblems #adhdprobs #adhdbrain #distracted #distraction #sidequest
#adhdprobs #impostersyndrome #perfectionist #perfectionism #selfsabotage #positivereinforcement
One of these days I’ll get it.
#dadjoke #dadjokes #pun #puns #punny #punnyjokes
Let’s play a game called, “Which Eyeball is Joe Using to Look at the Camera?”
#adultadhd #latediagnosisadhd #adhdadult #adhdawareness #adhdlife
#stitch with @andimarietillman — Now I hope you all think about this every time you find yourself stuck in traffic.
#adhdawareness #adhdthoughts #adhdbelike #saytheweirdthing #trafficjam #TrafficAlert
I have a Houdini brain. #adhdawareness #adhdbrain #adhdlife #adhdmemory #asmrfood