The Art of Song Writing
Before I start writing down ideas for a song; I Always write KISS at the top of the page; which stands for “Keep it Simple Stupid”!
When I first started writing, I’d tend to
Over State; musically, and lyrically trying to compensate for a weak tune. It’s important to realize that we made it through the 50’s with 3 chord progressions! C F and G, and when the 60’s arrived; we added an Am. I’ve been asked many times “how do you write a song”, and I always tell em “when you have something to say; you’ll be on your way”! Songs writing is an effective way to communicate, and the progression enables us to reach people on a much deeper level. Don’t be afraid of repeating yourself; because repetition is the mother of learning. At first I’d go out of my way Not to repeat myself, and it was brought to my attention by an A & R member at Electra Records when I was shopping for a label. She said “At the risk of sounding like a record producer, your stuff is great, but it’s got no hooks”!
I’ve learned that if the song can’t stand alone; with you and one instrument, start writing a new song!