Lots of cool concepts within the basic wonderfulness of Chip's LPE rules. We are thinking of (some optional) rules:
Using the D6, but counting doubling results as a DD, and triple as a Kill. Units that are DD in one go from artillery or melee, can not be rallied beyond a D. We are incorporating some concepts from CT (and in some of the following), and this represent casualties. In previous historical periods, the Demoralization reflected mostly moral, but some casualties, as most of the deaths occurred after one side broke. Using more deadly weapons, casualties became more important in initial results. Still, the battles were mainly decided on who won the charge.
We are considering representing the moral clock by Aids de Camp (ADCs). An ADC in removed each time the moral clock is reduced as normal. However, an ADC can take control of a unit, and act like a general for one phase (rally his unit and adjacent units) at the cost of one moral point (so he is removed). Big cost for big benefit. The general can send a ADC to a unit at the speed of cavalry (like in CT). ADC can be scattered in allied commands, so their effect is immediate, but they only can be affected by their own. This is similar to DOK commands. If the general takes command of a unit, he loses his special abilities, but generates two ADCs.
We are currently building a scenario for a two day battle at Talavera, (with some cool optional scenario rules). Please contact me if you are interested in playtesting some of the concepts!