Known and Unknown
Isaiah 48:6-8
“You have heard these things; look at them all.
Will you not acknowledge them?
From now on I will tell you of new things,
hidden things unknown to you.
They are created now, and not long ago;
you have not heard of them before today.
So you cannot claim,
‘I already knew them!’
You have never heard; you have never understood;
for a long time your ears have not been open.
For I knew how deceitful you are;
you have been called a rebel from birth.”
We must abandon rebellious knowledge.
Knowledge learned and understood through the pattern of the flesh, the old nature, the fallen and corrupt pursuit of the “I, me, my” appetite.
“You will not surely die,” the serpent told her. For God knows that in the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
Genesis 3:4-5
Deceptive belief that we can “see, eat, and know” (properly digest and render righteous judgments and actions) is at the heart of our problem.
The poetry and narrative of creation and its inevitable fall speak deeply into those who have had their vision and hearing restored by the Spirit of Christ. Given “eyes to see, and ears to hear”, we look at the story and realize that we would not have fared any better than our original mother and father.
The temptation is too alluring. The voice of the tempter, too intoxicating…
“You will be like God…”
But isn’t this the greatest form of flattery?
Doesn’t scripture ask us to be like God? “Be imitators of God…” Ephesians 5
Yes, this is the goal.
But it’s how one gets to the goal that matters. There are ways to do this that circumvent the deeper and most important characteristic of God… That He is love.
Sacrificial love, specifically… Agape, as the Greek offers.
If we are wise, we reverse engineer EVERYTHING we think, believe and do as Christ followers from this revelation.
Whatever I am now, or ever hope to be, God has his designs on my life to become a conduit of His sacrificial love. To take on, embrace, and participate in partnership with His declaration: “This world, I love!”
He loves it so much in fact, that after all other attempts to warn, convict, convince, judge, order, prophesy, and persuade, God reveals his greatest gift: Himself in the form of a suffering servant - Jesus the Messiah.
But still, with all this sacrificial offering and sacrificial intent… With all the love and compassion that’s been offered and revealed… With all the patience and long suffering I’ve experienced and felt…
I still often believe I can and should circumvent the sacrificial process through my own pursuit of knowledge, cleverness, and ingenuity.
I still often forget how much I need God.
It is why God beckons my attention to “things unknown.”
“Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” Jeremiah 33:3
Because I build idolatrous architectures and structures of meaning and protection out of what I KNOW.
The most splendid of my idols incorporate the most reliable and durable pieces of my past, no matter the “truth” they contain.
In this sense, “truth” becomes equated with “functionality.”
Does it serve me? Does it protect me? Does it advance my position? Does it comfort me? Is it on “my side?”
These are but a few examples of questions that I ask myself, and that also require answers.
And for the most part, the “idol” is the answer. Because the idol(s) is/are built upon my own rebellious knowledge.
It is why my mind must be transformed, my eyes and ears both opened to “new things that aren’t known to me.” “Things” that my idols will always keep hidden.
Attention, awareness, authenticity, vulnerability, curiosity, and beauty…
These are the uncommon and non-carnal weapons of true spiritual warriors who seek
to be spiritually formed, with others who desire the same.
We should always remember and be mindful that the image of Christ is what God desires to form in us. It is the primary work of the Spirit of Christ.
But how often am I desiring that “my image” - my thoughts, my beliefs, my politics, my behaviors, my ways, my actions, etc, etc, etc - be formed and replicated in others?
And it’s not that faith in Christ has nothing to say about thoughts, beliefs, politics, behaviors, ways, actions, etc, etc, etc…
Faith has much to say about all of these things.
But not Faith in self, self-knowledge, or self gratification.
Faith in Christ. Faith that is humble, meek, and bowed towards the Creator to find its footing, authority, pathway, and power. Faith that is known for its fruitfulness and character. Faith that pleases God.
And this faith has an embodied mission… To make us more like the incarnated Son of God. He is the mind of which the greater body, the church, connects to and takes its cues, orders, and directions from. This mind gives us access to “see and hear” properly, things we only think we know!
I was reminded it of this as I listened to the Being Known Podcast this last week.
I went back to Season 1 to start working through the series in detail.
In Episode 4, the idea of being the “light of the world”, was brought into deeper context:
“We hear this from Christ, ‘you are the light of the world, no one who lights a candle would hide it under a basket’, and immediately I think that I better not screw it up!
But what if Christ is saying something much more important for us to hear…. What if he is saying, ‘when I look at you, you’re illuminating… you shine brightly, and I want the world to see you the way I see you. I would never hide you from the world, so don’t hide yourself. Let your life be seen and known.” Curt Thompson, MD
Blessings and peace!