Mom Talks

Mom Talks Being a mom is hard work and the struggle is real! Join me as we delve deep into the lives, struggle

Start Your New Year Off by Reaching Your Goals & Keeping Your Goals!This challenge kicks off on Monday, so get ready to ...

Start Your New Year Off by Reaching Your Goals & Keeping Your Goals!

This challenge kicks off on Monday, so get ready to experience a massive shift in mindset and jumpstart your New Years Resolutions with customized fitness training, personalized meal plans, grocery lists, recipes, prizes, and so much more!

You will also be working in depth with a personal coach to for 24/7 support and accountability, as well as learning how implement a morning routine that will set you up for success!

Two options available to cater to anyone's schedule and lifestyle;

Option 1: Full Challenge which includes Small Group Training at Level Up

Option 2: Online Challenge which includes access to the workouts online

Click the Link for More Info or Comment Below!


For anyone local who completes the whole 12 days by posting on each daily post, I will gift you with 6 Free Small Group Sessions ($270 value for FREE) at Level Up Complete Health & Fitness! Sharing is caring so give the gift of fitness to all your friends, too!!!!

Level Up Complete Health & Fitness

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!Did this week go by way too fast for anyone else?! I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have and ha...


Did this week go by way too fast for anyone else?! I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have and have gotten a lot of value from it. Let’s all have a more fulfilled holiday and focus on making those merry memories with those we love!

As you are cutting the chaos and creating cheer this season, try to continue this lifestyle through the holidays and into the new year! You can live a more fulfilled life and have peace, health and happiness all year long.

If you’ve enjoyed this challenge and decided that you want to be more intentional with your overall physical, mental and emotional health through the holidays and into the new year, then I've got good news!

We will be beginning a new FREE 5 Day Fitmas Challenge on Tuesday to get us moving into the New Year stronger, fitter, happier, and healthier before we even make those New Year's Resolutions!!!

Beginning in January, I will be offering occasional free challenges to keep us focused, moving, and connected through the cold season (since we are not actively walking).

For those who are ready to take their health, fitness, nutrition, and happiness to the next level, I will be offering a monthly online accountability group that will focus on developing healthy habits over time, fun challenges and PRIZES to keep us motivated, weekly check-ins and monthly support calls, nutritional guidance, workouts, education, resources, and community support. I’d love to tell you all about it! Comment below or message me directly for more details!

We can’t talk about having a joyful season without addressing mental and emotional health.The truth is, no matter how we...

We can’t talk about having a joyful season without addressing mental and emotional health.

The truth is, no matter how well prepared we are, there will still be some stress associated with the holidays. We can’t just completely avoid it. But we can manage it. Hopefully your stress levels are lower this year if you are being intentional with this group.

And here are some tips to slay whatever stress you still experience:

1. Prioritize rest. Get good sleep as mentioned earlier. Also take breaks, unplug from socia lmedia, don’t go overboard, and take time to wind down every night.

2. Ask for help. You don’t have to do all the holiday things yourself. Delegate part of your list to your spouse and kids or outsource.

3. Lower your expectations. Trying to create a Pinterest-perfect holiday is a lot of pressure and most likely not even realistic. Don’t set yourself up for failure and the stress that comes with it.

4. Get out of the house. If you have been stuck at home with family, it’s time for a change of scenery. Go out for coffee, check out a local shop, go to a park, etc.
Do something you enjoy. Start or engage in a hobby that brings you joy and allows you to unplug from the chaos.

5. Pray, meditate, or journal. Read the Christmas story and rejoice in the reason for the season.

This is not an exhaustive list. There are plenty of things you can do to manage stress, but these are the ones I turn to first. You know yourself best and should turn to whatever you need to in order to slay your stress in a healthy way.

Making Merry Memories Challenge: FOR 10 POINTS! What stress management techniques will you turn to this season? Be prepared to know exactly what you need to do!

The holidays have become so overcomplicated. I think we can all agree on this. Things seemed so simple when we were kids...

The holidays have become so overcomplicated. I think we can all agree on this. Things seemed so simple when we were kids. Today, sharing ideas on the internet has turned into a competition of who can do it better and pressure to make things perfect.

We seem to have forgotten the whole point of Christmas, a baby born in a simple, humble manger. I am craving a simpler season, and I’m sure you are too.
That's why you’re here! But how do we simplify when everything and everyone is pressuring us to buy more and do more?! Well, if you slow down, stop and look around, you will most likely find many things that are unnecessary and causing more stress than joy. Always ask your family (and yourself) what they enjoy doing most. You may be surprised! It might not be all the grand things that take the most work. Often kiddos are happy with the simple joys in life, and that can take a ton of stress off you.

Just focus on what brings you the most joy!

If you enjoy elaborate decorations or fancy baked goods, then go for it! But I you are doing it because you think it’s what your family needs, or you feel like you should do it, or to keep up appearances on social media–then you’re doing it for the wrong reasons. You don’t have to participate in every single holiday activity in your community.

Pick and choose what works best for your schedule and what you’re most excited about. If your kiddos want decorated cookies but you hate baking, buy the pre-made cookie dough and let them cut and decorate them. Turn on Christmas music and enjoy just sitting with them. Your house doesn’t have to be perfectly decorated and on display this season. It’s your home, so if you’re happy with a simple tree and no other decorations, that’s perfectly fine. Gift cards and cash are perfectly acceptable gifts and you don’t have to drive yourself crazy trying to find the perfect gift for each person on your list.

Keep it simple and remember to be present in the moment. As long as everyone is together and feeling loved and sharing joy, that’s what matters most.

FOR 10 POINTS! Have a family meeting or ask yourself what activities bring the most joy and make the most out of those few activities.

Now that you hopefully feel like you have a good handle on keeping gifts under control, let’s chat about how to keep the...

Now that you hopefully feel like you have a good handle on keeping gifts under control, let’s chat about how to keep the focus on making memories and spending time with loved ones.

I’m not going to tell you that gifts aren’t necessary. Presents are a long-standing Christmas tradition and a great way to celebrate and show our appreciation and love. But presents can easily become the entire focus of the holidays if we let them. Instead, let’s focus on presence over presents this year.

There’s a saying that 'people don’t remember what you did, but they remember how you made them feel.' Well, I have a new saying that ‘kids don’t remember what they got at Christmas, but they remember how they felt.’ When I think back to my fondest childhood holiday memories, sure there are a couple gifts I remember, but the emotional connection is much stronger. I remember the traditions and the extra time with family and the things we did together.

Keep the people over presents perspective this year. Show your family that spending time with them is the most precious gift. And treasure that time together. Be fully present in the moment. Put down your phone, stop hustling and forget about the to-do list. Just BE with your family. Watch a Christmas movie together. Drive around and look at Christmas lights. Send out cards together as a family. Go sledding or make snowmen. Have a Christmas break living room sleepover. Bake your favorite treats together. Read the Christmas story together.

Also, if it’s in the budget, consider spending money on experiences rather that material presents. It allows for more precious time making memories as a family, whether it’s a weekend trip, a full-blown vacation, a special dinner out, a trampoline park or arcade. Start a new tradition of fully enjoying one another this year, and I promise you will all feel the joy that it brings.

Making Merry Memories Challenge: FOR 15 POINTS! Have a discussion with your spouse/family about the importance of spending time with loved ones and what the holiday is really about, and choose something you can do together instead of getting more presents

One of the biggest sources of holiday stress is money.The average amount that consumers were expected to spend on winter...

One of the biggest sources of holiday stress is money.

The average amount that consumers were expected to spend on winter holidays in 2022 was about $1000. Some may spend way more (especially with multiple kiddos), and some may spend way less. But we all know how easy it is to spend more than you may have planned (if you even planned on an amount at all).

To help with the worries about money this year, here are some tips to keep things in check and not overspend:

1. Set a budget for everything. This includes gifts for each person on your list, for holiday meals, baking, decorations and activities. Then keep track of everything.

2. Consider making gifts and have your kids help to make the gifts even more sentimental. If you have more time than money available and you have a special talent or skill, then you can do homemade gifts or even provide a service to others as a gift.

3. Plan ahead. Sales are starting earlier every year, so be prepared with lists to take advantage of the deals. (And save yourself from last-minute stress!)

4. Focus on quality over quantity with presents. It's usually a better investment to get a higher quality item that will bring the person on your list the most joy and last a long time.

5. Talk to your kids about lists and set clear expectations so they can create appropriate lists. Give them a limit of items on their list (maybe 5) so they really must decide what they want most and you can know your money will be well spent.

You don’t have to go into debt or stress about money this season. It’s not worth it. The people around the tree matter more than what is underneath it. Have that discussion with your family and remind them what has already been given.

Making Merry Memories Challenge: FOR 10 POINTS! Create your holiday budget (based on what you have left to get) and have your family create their lists.

I know people don’t typically want to hear about eating healthy or exercising during the holidays. Most of us just want ...

I know people don’t typically want to hear about eating healthy or exercising during the holidays. Most of us just want to enjoy the food and be lazy on the couch. I will be the first to admit I definitely do more of that during this season, so I totally get it.

But since we just talked about boundaries, I’m going to encourage you to have boundaries to protect your health too. Why?! Because when you take care of your body, you feel better. You have more energy. You have a better mood and more patience. You sleep better. Who doesn’t want those benefits, especially during this time of year?

The hard truth is that all the extra refined carbs, sugar, drinks and other heavy foods combined with less movement will make you feel awful. We’re all about having more cheer this year! So, while I don’t expect you to start a rigorous workout program or regimented nutrition plan right now, I do encourage you to be more intentional about what you’re eating and how you are moving your body.

Here are some simple tips to keep your health in check and feel your best:

1. Move your body in some way every day. Go for a walk, do some stretches, do an active family activity, turn on your favorite workout, have a dance party, or even clean the house.

2. Stay hydrated. Aim to drink half your body weight in ounces every day and always keep a water bottle with you at home or when traveling.

3. Fill up on healthier foods. You can have your favorite sweets and holiday foods, but prioritize putting a healthy protein, veggies and fiber on your plate and eat those first.

4. Get good sleep. Have a set bedtime and wake time each day and stick to a bedtime routine.

5. Prepare for chaos. You can’t totally avoid the traveling, activities and extra errands. But you can be prepared with healthy snacks, a packed lunch or a healthy smoothie to take with you.

Making Merry Memories Challenge: For 15 POINTS! Make a list of simple health principles you will live by this holiday season. Then write down your WHY for each one to help you stay motivated!

Making Merry Memories Challenge: FOR 10 POINTS! Write down your priorities for this holiday season, and then write down ...

Making Merry Memories Challenge: FOR 10 POINTS! Write down your priorities for this holiday season, and then write down the boundaries you are putting in place to protect those priorities.(If you have a family, do this all together)

Are you ready?! We are kicking things off with a bang and setting some pretty bold boundaries for you and your family. I...

Are you ready?! We are kicking things off with a bang and setting some pretty bold boundaries for you and your family. I am starting with this because you could have all the best intentions and follow all the other tips I’ll give you this week; but if you don’t have boundaries in place to protect your plans, then you will quickly get sucked into the chaos. That’s exactly what we are trying to avoid.

Start by deciding what your priorities are this year. Then you can set boundaries to protect against anything that takes away from those priorities.

Here are some examples:

✨If you don’t want the kids getting over-stimulated and over-tired at family gatherings and other parties, then have a strict time that you will always be home at or go to bed at.

✨If certain family members cause drama and make you feel stressed, hurt or angry, then you don’t have to spend the holidays with them.

✨If your schedule is too full and you want to prioritize time at home, then you can say no to anymore holiday invites or activities that come up.

✨If you are stressed about gifts and money, decide right now how you will stick to a budget.(More to come on that later this week!)

✨If scrolling social media makes you feel guilty, less-than or like you/your family are missing out and you should be doing more, limit your social media time.

The bottom line is to recognize your weaknesses where you tend to give in and your biggest stressors up front. Then you can have strict limits to protect yourself and your family. Those who truly love and care about you will understand. Others who are upset about it don’t respect and love you enough for you to care what their opinion is! Also remember that everyone’s boundaries will be different because everyone’s priorities are different.

Are you ready to feel more fulfilled this holiday season? Do you know you need to do things differently this year? Do yo...

Are you ready to feel more fulfilled this holiday season? Do you know you need to do things differently this year? Do you want to find a deeper meaning in it all? I hope so because that’s what this challenge is for!

We’re cutting the chaos and creating cheer this year! Each day for the next 6 days I will share a tip, strategy or pep talk for experiencing a more peaceful and enjoyable holiday season. I will also be challenging you each day with our "Making Merry Memories Mini Challenge" to ensure you are putting the daily content into action. The goal here is to actually and practically make a difference in you and your family’s life so we’re going to hold each other accountable to actually following through!

Let's get started! Comment below

1.What is your favorite part(s) of the holidays?
2.What is most stressful for you about the holidays?
3.What do you hope to get out of this group?

Don’t forget to turn on your notifications for this group so you don’t miss a thing! And feel free to invite any friends or family members to join in for some holiday fun!

Happy Sunday! Sundays are perfect days to unwind and spend time with family, friends, and self-reflection. If you find y...

Happy Sunday! Sundays are perfect days to unwind and spend time with family, friends, and self-reflection. If you find you are having a hard time reducing stress, try one of the actions listed below!

What do you normally do to unwind and destress???

Happy St. Patty’s Day! May your life be overflowing with luck, love, health, and happiness!🍀🍀🍀

Happy St. Patty’s Day! May your life be overflowing with luck, love, health, and happiness!🍀🍀🍀


Stand by your choices and decisions! Don’t let others sway and convince you to do something that you’d rather not do. You can politely decline which will also set healthy boundaries with friends and loved ones. There is no need to over explain yourself if you don’t want to!


Feel happier, brighter, and lighter with a decluttered space!

Choose a small area that won’t take too long to clean up. Once you finish sprucing it up you will feel accomplished, more organized, and motivated! It’s all about breaking it up into easy to manage ‘bite-sized’ pieces over time.

Remember, the hardest part of anything is just getting started. Once you begin, it becomes a whole lot easier!❤️


Day 1 of the 14 Day Self-Care Challenge is all about journaling! Watch for more info on the importance of this 5 minute exercise!❤️

Happy (hopefully) Serene Sunday! Sundays are the best times to rest, recover, take a break, enjoy family & friends, go t...

Happy (hopefully) Serene Sunday! Sundays are the best times to rest, recover, take a break, enjoy family & friends, go to church, meditate, and prepare for the week ahead.
Whatever happened yesterday or the days before, put it out of your mind, just let go, and enjoy your day. You have a bright future and wonderful days ahead of you!


Self-Care is so important for mental health, well-being, self-worth, physical health, and relationships! DM your email and join me on a 14 day Self-Care Challenge and receive daily content, action prompts, and an accompanying workbook at the end of the program!!!




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