UFOs, ETs, Abductions, Ancient Aliens, Government Cover-ups and more!
Our books cover the provocative and controversial terrain of UFOs, ETs, alien abductions, ancient aliens and civilizations. Featured are stories of abductees and contactees, willing and unwilling participants in ongoing experimental procedures, accounts of aliens walking among us, theoretical science that can explain alien technology, compelling evidence of bloodlines to the “gods,” and a long history of government secrets and cover-ups.
New Page, Mufon, and Hampton Roads authors include nuclear physicists, scholars, pilots, astronauts, and more – luminaries and experts like Stanton T. Friedman, Erich von Daniken, Kathleen Marden, Edgar Mitchell, Marie D. Jones, David Jacobs, Philip Coppens, Graham Hancock, Nick Redfern, Richard Dolan, and other respected voices.
Popular titles include The Gods Never Left Us by Erich von Daniken, Project Blue Book by Brad Steiger, Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience by Stanton Friedman and Kathleen Marden, The Lost Civilization Enigma by Philip Coppens, Supernatural by Graham Hancock, Bloodline to the Gods by Nick Redfern, and Witness to Roswell by Thomas J. Carey and Donald R. Schmitt to name a few.
Our mission is to publish reasoned and credible thought by recognized authorities; authorities who specialize in exploring the outer limits of the universe and the possibilities of life beyond our planet.