As you know, Lent is almost here. That means that our Narrative Lectionary winter quarter ends Transfiguration Sunday. Order your spring faith formation resources now! You can download as soon as you pay. Check out our intergenerational worship or classroom resources for Lent (or single lessons) and our Sharing God’s Story @ Home devotional resource for households! https://spiritandtruthpublishing.com/product-category/nl-resources/living-the-word-2024-2025/everyone-living-the-word-2024-2025/
2024-2025 Scope & Sequence | 2024-2025 NL Readings | 2024-2025 Planning Tool | Daily Lectionary | Previous Years Living the Word: Teaching God’s Story (Narrative Lectionary) Are you looking for easy-to-use and theologically sound faith formation resources to match the … Continue read...