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A Weekly Discussion of Truth, Realities, Challenges, Theological and Philosophical Views, National Policies, and International Concerns



Social media has been so prevalent in today's society and we wanted to tackle more about it in this episode. We dive deep into the many benefits of social media. It was created to make things easier and faster. It bridges many different types of people and makes the world smaller. There are so many benefits to social media and we discuss a lot of them.

However, along with the many benefits come many drawbacks too. Many children and teens are addicted to their screens and social media has replaced personal interaction between families, churches, and other social groups. We talk about the drawbacks and ills of social media and how it be avoided.

Lastly, we tackle social media and the church. Should the church use social media? How often or when should they use it? These are just some questions we discuss. Tune in to hear what's the point of social media and how can we use it for God's glory.


Episode 101: Religious Freedom and the Growth of Christianity

Since our previous series revolved around the experience of Harold Ledda in Saudi Arabia when he started an underground church, we decided to do a little bit more on religious freedom. We talk about the definition of religious freedom and what that looks like in the US and in other countries like Arab nations, in Asia, etc.

We go into detail on what religious freedom in our day to day lives look like. Not everyone is fortunate enough to be able to exercise their religious beliefs, especially if they live in countries where Christianity might not be allowed. We also talk about the growth of Christianity, specifically in countries where it is not allowed.

Tune in the whole episode to hear our discussion on persecution and what persecution has done to the growth of Christianity. We end the episode with discussing what is the point of talking about religious freedom.


Episode 100: A Missionary’s Story in Saudi Arabia - The Release, Deportation, and Final Thoughts

We have made it to 100 episodes! It is only fitting to end our series about our dad, Harold Ledda, the missionary to Saudi Arabia in the 80s, on our 100th episode. In this episode, we discuss in detail his release and deportation. We touched on it in the previous episode but we wrap up all those details in this episode.

He talks about 2 key members in the church that he talked about in the previous episodes, the assistant pastor and the member who imported Bibles. He talked about what happened to them and just their overall experience also. We discuss some final thoughts on this life-changing experience such as what the church looks like today, the unexplainable peace he felt, and what he learned in prison.

Tune in the whole episode to hear his message to the viewers and listeners. We talk about what’s the point in talking about his experience in detail and what we can all learn from it.


Episode 99: A Missionary’s Story in Saudi Arabia - The Arrest and Imprisonment

We continue with part 3 of our series talking about Harold Ledda’s experience in Saudi Arabia when he started an underground church. In this episode, we dive deep into the details of his arrest and imprisonment. We touched on his arrest in the previous episode but we discuss it more in detail in this episode and what his prison experience was like.

He talked about his mental state when he was getting arrested and what he felt while he was imprisoned. He was placed in a maximum security prison and he didn’t know how long he had to stay there. He talked about the people he was imprisoned with and what they went through as well.

We also start talking about what happened after he was imprisoned like his deportation and release. Listen until the end to hear some memorable and funny moments he had while he was in prison. He found joy and peace even through persecution.


Episode 98: A Missionary’s Story in Saudi Arabia - The Missionary-Accountant-Pastor and The Church He Started

In the second part of the series on our dad’s experience in Saudi Arabia, he talks about the circumstances surrounding how he ended up in Saudi Arabia. He graduated with an accounting degree and was working for an accounting firm in the Philippines. He resigned from his job because he wanted to go into Bible school but God had different plans for him and he ended up working for a company in Saudi Arabia.

This episode discusses how he ended up starting an underground church in a Muslim country where it was illegal to do so. It was very interesting to hear the reasoning behind why he felt led to do this. We also talked a little about bi-vocational missionaries. Tune in to hear details about the church, the members, and how they were able to stay under the radar and grow the church.


Episode 97: A Missionary’s Story in Saudi Arabia - Saudi Arabia and Freedom of Religion in the 1980s

We are starting a 4 part series to launch us into our 100th episode. We will be discussing in detail the experience that our dad, Harold Ledda, went through in Saudi Arabia when he started an underground church.

In the first episode of this series, we start with a little bit of background into Saudi Arabia’s culture, religion, and laws. Saudi Arabia was and still remains a Muslim state. The country follows Sharia law and starting or propagating another religion besides Islam is against the law. We talk in detail about what types of repercussions happen to those who are caught practicing a non-Muslim religion. The punishment is severe and they take this crime very seriously. We also talk about what Saudi Arabia looks like now and any steps they have taken to get closer to religious freedom.


To wrap up our mini series on Peter, we discuss a pretty interesting comparison between him and Judas. How are Peter and Judas similar and how are they different? We dive deep into how 2 disciples, both trusted by Jesus ended up with very diffferent outcomes. Peter led the church after Jesus ascended but Judas hung himself.

We talk about the difference between betrayal and denial. Peter denied Jesus but Judas betrayed Him. Listen in this episode for a detailed discussion on this and the role that remorse, repentance, and forgiveness play when in comes to sin. What is the reason why someone doesn’t move from remorse to repentance?

We discuss how we know if we are really saved. Tune in until the end to hear what is the point of studying the difference between denial and betrayal and the importance of repentance in our spiritual lives.


In the second episode of our mini series about Peter, we dive deeper in his ministry after Jesus’ ascension. Why did Peter end up being in charge? How was his life transformed after he denied Jesus 3 times?

Peter became very vocal after Jesus ascended and while mass persecution was happening. He saw both sides of the coin. He knew what it felt to deny Jesus and he didn’t want that feeling again. Peter is a great example of God’s grace. It was Jesus who approached him first after he resurrected. Jesus loved us first. Even though we are not qualified, we can still be used by God, just like Peter.

Tune in to hear what is the point of talking about Peter’s ministry.


We start a new series on another disciple, Peter. We talk about Peter's background and how he became a disciple and what he did while he was with Jesus. Peter, like John, was part of Jesus' inner circle. He was there in all the major events in the life of Jesus.

As we study Peter, we see that Peter was not "qualified" because he didn't have the educational background and accolades but Jesus still chose him. Peter denied Jesus but he still became the leader of the church after Jesus' ascension.

Tune in this episode to see how God can use anyone. Peter understood the value of the cross and that his sin was never bigger than God. We end with how we can apply Peter's story to our lives today.


In this final episode of the mini series of John, we discuss the book of Revelation. We talk about the background and what prompted John to write this book. The book of Revelation is already a very difficult book to read because many things are vague. The things that John wrote about were shown to him in a vision but he might not have had the vocabulary at that time to explain it because the future was revelead to John.

There are many ways to interpret the book of Revelation. Some theologians and scholars have tried to use to predict certain events to come. But with the complexity of the book comes the simplicity that if we have a heavenly mindset, we don't have to worry about what is to come. Heaven is the end goal and we can handle everything in between with Jesus on our side.

This was a lengthy episode on the book of Revelation but we discuss a lot of different things such as what churches should be doing to prepare us for the coming kingdom. Tune in to hear what's the point of diving deep into this book.


In the second part of the series on John, we talk more about John's background. We also talk about his ministry and more on what he did after Jesus' ascension.

John was part of Jesus' inner circle. He was there at the most important parts of Jesus' life. After ascension, there was extreme persecution of the disciples and most of them were martyred. John, however, was exiled to the island of Patmos. This is where he spent the rest of his life and where most of his ministry happened.

Tune in to the episode to learn more about John and what's the point of talking about his life and ministry.


We start a new mini series on another character in the Bible. In this first episode of a 3-part series on John, we talk about his perspective of the gospel. We talk about a background on who John is and why we are talking about him.

John wrote 5 books in the New Testament (John, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, and Revelation) and he was the disciple whom Jesus loved. We dive deep mostly on the gospel of John and why it's the best recommendation of a first book to have someone who recently became a Christian read. The gospel of John focuses on love. This is the most important aspect of the gospel. It is because of love that Jesus died on the cross for us.

Tune in to this episode to learn more about John and why his perspective of the gospel is probably one of the best out of the 4 gospels.


We wrap up our mini series on Paul by talking about Paul's teachings about the Holy Spirit. In a lot of Paul's letters, he talks a lot about the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is our compass and our guide. He is our comforter in times of despair. He is also the voice who convicts us when we sin. Paul mentions the Holy Spirit in most of his letters to show that He is the source of power in the ministry. Paul also teaches about the fruits of the Spirit to show that the Holy Spirit has a major role in making us fruitful Christians.

"Our world is so loud but it's during this time that the Holy Spirit whispers." It is so important to stay rooted and connected to the Holy Spirit's voice because this is when we can really learn and strengthen our relationship with God.

Tune in this episode to hear all about what is the point of discussing the Holy Spirit and how He shows up in our daily lives.


Episode 89: Ministry of Paul - Missions

In this episode we discuss Paul's example in being a missionary. We talk about what mission work truly means and all that it entails. We talk about the difficult parts of mission work like finances and whether a missionary should be fully supported by a home church or if they should be able to have a livelihood and other means of income directly from the the place they are doing their mission work.

You don't want to miss our discussion on the Western view of mission work and how that might differ from how Paul did his missions during his time. We discuss what a "church" really is and the importance of local immersion and empowerment within the community you are called to minister to.

We unpack a lot of different issues regarding missions in this episode. Make sure to listen in until the end.


Episode 88: Ministry of Paul - Leadership Qualifications

We continue with our discussion on Paul's ministry specifically with the qualifications of being a leader. Paul talks about how leaders should live their lives and how they are held to a higher standard because they are called to equip God's people so they can all mature.

Leaders need to be careful that their convictions and their heart does not deviate for what God called them to do. Churches also need to make sure to choose good leaders who will lead and nurture their fellow believers.

Listen in to hear about the 3 "C" qualities we should be looking for in a leader. It's not about popularity but about a leader's heart and intentions. Tune in until the end to hear the one-word "What's the Point" that Pastor Harold and Pastor Josh has in store.


Episode 87: Ministry of Paul - His Thoughts on the Church

In this episode we continue with our series on Paul's teachings and his thoughts on the church. Paul didn't have a central location where he stayed all the time. Paul was a church planter and a missionary.

We discuss what church really is. It is not a building but rather a fellowship of believers. Paul talked about how to start a church and what the goals are. We also talk about the issues that Paul ran into while he was starting these churches and even after the churches were already in operation. We take a hard look at what churches nowadays are doing that isn't really aligning with what God has called a church to be and to do.

Listen in to see how churches today can apply Paul's thoughts on church. There is also a great call to action and challenge at the end that hopefully we can all try to do!


Episode 86: Ministry of Paul - His Theology on Grace

This week we are starting a new series focusing on the ministry of Paul and the different things he taught about. Paul wrote a good bit of the New Testament. Paul is a very important character in the Bible because he used to be one of the worst Pharisees but God changed him on his way to Damascus. Paul got an understanding of Christianity after Jesus had already died, resurrected, and ascended.

Since Paul is a great representation of God's grace and that no one is too far gone for God, it's fitting to have the first episode of this series to be about Paul's theology on grace. We talk about what is grace and why it's so important.

Tune in to the key takeaways in this episode and an acronym for grace!


Episode 85: Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ - Jesus and the Trinity

In the final episode for our series on Jesus, we discuss the Trinity and the aspects of it. Understanding the Trinity is difficult because our human minds have a hard time comprehending how someone can be 3 persons in one. We give different examples to try to explain this concept.

We also discuss the role of the Holy Spirit. He is the part of the Trinity that seems to not be discussed as much but the Holy Spirit is who descended to be among us after Jesus ascended to heaven.

Tune in to the last episode of this mini series to learn more about the role of the Holy Spirit and the importance of understanding the Trinity.


Episode 84: The Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ- The Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus

Jesus' death was very important but it was just half of the story and the Gospel. Jesus had to resurrect because this will truly show that He is God and not just a prophet. It separated Him from all the other prophets and shows that He is the real deal. His resurrection showed that the new kingdom has been established and our sins have been paid.

Another aspect of Jesus' life and ministry that isn't discussed as much is His ascension. This is very important because He is going back to where He came from. People witnessed His ascension and He proved to the world that He is really God by going back to Heaven. As Jesus ascended, the Holy Spirit descended to be with us until Jesus returns.

The resurrection and ascension of Jesus sealed the deal that God really came down in human form to redeem us from our sins. Tune in this episode to hear us discuss all about the importance of the resurrection and ascension of Jesus.


Episode 83: Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ - The Birth and Death of Jesus

The birth of Jesus was a very monumental time because prior to his birth, the nation of Israel was in disarray. The people were waiting for a political leader to arise. Jesus was born to fulfill His promise of redeeming His people.

Jesus' birth illustrates humility where because of where He was born and under what circumstances. His lineage was also important because He was coming from a line of broken people. Jesus' birth destroyed the barrier to race and gender. His birth was for all the people.

In the same way that his birth was so important, his death was even more important. Jesus had to die because the penalty of sin is death. He had to be a perfect sacrifice to redeem His kingdom. He could have just restarted the world over but instead He redeemed us.

Tune in to listen to our in depth discussion on the birth and death of Jesus and why these are such important events that still impact our lives today.


Episode 82: Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ - The Kingdom of Jesus

In this episode we talk about the kingdom of Jesus in the same way he talked about it in Matthew 13. We break down the 7 parables that Jesus discusses and dive deep into what each of the parables mean.

We talk about the parable of the sower, the weeds, the mustard seed, the yeast, the hidden treasure, the pearl, and the net. In each of these parables, Jesus explains his kingdom in different ways so that different types of people can understand what it truly means to be a part of Jesus' kingdom. Jesus communicated with his audience at that time but these parables and explanations still apply today.


Episode 81: Discipleship

In this episode we dive deep into discipleship. We define what discipleship is and then talk about who are disciples. What is the difference between just a believer and a disciple?

We also talk about why churches nowadays might now push for discipleship as much. The most important part of the episode is when we discuss how to properly disciple someone and the steps we must take to really assist a disciple in their spiritual growth.

We unpack so many topics and ask the hard questions in this episode. You wouldn't want to miss this episode and tune in until the end to get to the core of how to hone disciples that will further the kingdom of Jesus.


Episode 80: Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ - Disciples of Jesus

We talk about the disciples of Jesus in this episode. We discuss why he picked these specific individuals and why he picked them. We also talk about the importance of choosing disciples and why he only picked 12 instead of thousands.

Each of the disciple that Jesus picked were from a certain profession at that time. They were common folks but Jesus used them for a big task to ensure Christianity still lives on today. Jesus handpicked his disciples and molded them to teach everything that he taught them.

Tune in this episode to hear this week's call to action.


Episode 79: Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ - Does Divine Healing Still Happen These Days?

What is divine healing? Are the types of healing in the Bible still happen today? In today's episode, we discuss the definition of divine healing and talk about real-world examples of divine healing that has actually happened to people we know personally.

Divine healing means healing done by a divine person, which is God. We talk about how Jesus just doesn't heal us physically and emotionally but that he ultimately really wants to heal us spiritually. We also discuss if divine healing is real, then why are there still sick people?

Tune in until the end to hear what is the point of even talking about divine healing.


Episode 78: Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ - The Miracles that Jesus Performed

In this episode we discuss about the most discussed miracles that Jesus performed such as turning water into wine, calming the storm, walking on water, and feeding the 5000. We talk about why miracles happen and what was Jesus' purpose for performing these miracles.

Jesus performs miracles to meet a need that arises. The miracles are always on time and it comes during times when people have tremendous faith. A miracle always has a purpose too. Miracles still happen to this day and we just need to seek God daily because He can always use us to perform a miracle into someone's life.


Episode 77: Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ - Important Issues Discussed at His Sermon on the Mount Part 4 (Matthew 7)

In this last part of the topics discussed at the Sermon on the Mount, we talk about judging others, ask, seek, and knocking on God's door, the narrow gate to heaven, and the difference between wise and foolish builders.

Tune in as we dive deep in some pretty important issues that we Christians face today especially in terms of how we judge others and how Jesus wants us to see Him. We also talk about how Matthew 7:21 is probably one of the scariest verse in the Bible because it talks about genuine salvation. Listen in to know what are the 3 aspects on how we know that we are genuinely saved.


Episode 76: Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ - Important Issues Discussed at His Sermon on the Mount Part 3 (Matthew 6)

In Part 3 of our series on issues Jesus talked about in His Sermon on the Mount, we tackle giving, prayer, fasting, treasures in heaven, and worry. We talk about each of these topics in great detail and give practical examples on how we can apply what Jesus has taught in Matthew 6 in our daily lives.

Tune in on this episode to see what is the point of talking about these topics and what Jesus wants us to learn from what He's taught his disciples in this part of His sermon.


Episode 75: Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ - Important Issues Discussed at His Sermon on the Mount Part 2 (Matthew 5:31-48)

In Part 2 of our Sermon on the Mount series, we discuss some important topics that Jesus taught about namely divorce, oaths, and loving our enemies.

As we talked about in Part 1 of the series, Jesus was teaching to his disciples so some of the topics are profound. Jesus was emphasizing on love and complete surrender to God in all our issues because we can't do it on our own. Many were shocked and had a hard time understanding why Jesus would tell us to love our enemies. "True love is not transactional, it's transformational"

Tune in this episode as we discuss these topics in detail and talk about lots of examples on how real people have really lived up to what true love really is.


Episode 74: Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ - Important Discussions on His Sermon on the Mount (Part 1)

As we continue our series on the life and ministry of Jesus, we dive deeper on his teachings on His Sermon on the Mount. This sermon was more of a discipleship sermon. He tackles specific issues and puts a New Testament perspective on Old Testament issues. Jesus didn't go on the letter of the law but rather focused on the substance of the law.

This is a multi-part series as we discuss each of his teachings in detail. In this episode, we discuss being the salt and light of the earth, Jesus coming to fulfill the law, murder/anger, and adultery.

Join us in learning more about what Jesus really wanted us to grasp in the first half of Matthew 5.





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