Rebeca Lima

Rebeca Lima 1% Shifts For The 1% Woman
Marketing | Money | Mindset Business Coaching

OMG!! Build a life where you no longer have to think about money!! I'm super excited to share with you The Women in Weal...

OMG!! Build a life where you no longer have to think about money!!

I'm super excited to share with you The Women in Wealth Summit 22nd July- 29th July.

7 powerful days with the world's most well respected experts sharing their stories, expertise and know how so you can absolutely thrive with money.

đŸ”„ How to master the energy of money and magnetize your wealth.
đŸ”„ Ways to multiply your income, sales and clients.
đŸ”„ Living life by design and having your money fully supporting you.
đŸ”„ Breakthrough your income ceiling.
đŸ”„ Wealth creation strategies, investing, passive income streams and putting your money to work.
đŸ”„ Feeling free with money and living true to who you really are.

Join me as I share with you "The Luxury of Enough"

This is an event not to be missed!

Get your FREE access ↓

Have you ever wondered why simplicity can be so elusive? Let me tell you about my friend, the Brazilian Martha Stewart. ...

Have you ever wondered why simplicity can be so elusive?

Let me tell you about my friend, the Brazilian Martha Stewart. She’s a culinary genius who can whip up a gourmet meal out of practically anything—even ice! For her, cooking is a joyful and effortless experience, bursting with creativity. Meanwhile, I find myself overwhelmed in the kitchen, sticking to the same three meals on repeat.


Why is that? Because what’s simple for her isn’t simple for everyone.

The same goes for business. While she’s a wizard in the kitchen, my talent lies in making business processes straightforward and manageable.


I thrive on transforming complexity into simplicity, turning chaos into clarity.

And my high achieving clients have a knack for making things more complicated than they need to be.

Simplicity isn't a one-size-fits-all concept.

What’s easy for one might be challenging for another. That's where templates and systems come in handy—they provide structure, but it's the personalization of those systems, processes and templates that truly makes the difference.

Embracing your talents is all about finding the sweet spot between simplicity and complexity.

Finding those creative pockets in the mundane tasks that still need to get done.

And when you do - magic happens!


The Email that Made Me $10KWant the template?*That could have been me. But that’s not how I roll because the email was j...

The Email that Made Me $10K

Want the template?

*That could have been me. But that’s not how I roll because the email was just one piece of the puzzleđŸ§©

Yes, I did make $10K from an email. But that email was just one more layer of showing up. One more piece of connection. One more invitation.

I have been showing up consistently:

‱ Even when it felt like it wasn’t working.
‱ Even when life was taking every ounce of energy I had left.
‱ Even when I felt like I didn’t have anything to say.
‱ Especially when I felt like an imposter.

And today, I have huge wins like $10K from an email. Clients working with me year after year. Past clients sending friends my way. Amazing people who have been on my email list for years signing up to work with me.

Because it all adds up.

Let’s be clear though - I can only show up this way because I created a business that is simple. My message is simple. My systems are simple.

When you add overcomplication to being the default everything to everyone, the endless expectations you have for yourself, the health and mental challenges you face - it feels like you can never come up for air.

The overwhelm feels paralyzing, and you make yourself wrong for not having the results that match the wins you give your clients. Or your ambition.

I am not here for the bait and switch or the marketing that works for everyone else.

In the words of your mama - “You are not everybody!”

I am here to simplify your marketing, your money, and your mindset so that you have the time and space to do what you do best!



What has been the most powerful money exercise that we have done together?

You are the 1%. And that sounds amazing. But it also means you don't fit into 99% of places.You’re polite to your neighb...

You are the 1%. And that sounds amazing.

But it also means you don't fit into 99% of places.

You’re polite to your neighbors but don’t quite fit their mold.

The mom groups are nice, but you find yourself forcing conversations.
With friends, you dial down your professional life to avoid feeling like you're bragging or venting.

There are only a few places that make you feel like YOU.

Your business is one of them. It’s your creative outlet, the place where your fixer gets validation, and where you find your purpose.

But lately, you’re showing up lukewarm. Conditioned to shrink in other spaces, you’re losing sight of yourself, your wants, your desires, and what sets your soul on fire.

You don't need to change your life, but you crave more of YOU.

Less noise. You’re emotionally tapped out yet craving deep connection with your business, your offers, and yourself.

I'm here to help you tap into your true self again.

To create systems and processes that feel like YOU.

To hold all of you—not just the compartmentalized pieces you show the world.

Here to be your space to fall apart when you need to, so you can show up put together for the world.

I am your sounding board for marketing, offers, program creation, and spotting blind spots.

Most of all, I am here for the wholeness of you.

The 1% shifter that will take you to a whole new destination!


For a second there it seemed like I was the only one who was happy. You see, we had gotten our then dream home 🏡 in Sout...

For a second there it seemed like I was the only one who was happy.

You see, we had gotten our then dream home 🏡 in South Carolina after endless negotiations and paperwork in a foreclosure.

I remember driving to the banks 🏩 parking lot and praying endlessly.

It was beautiful. More than enough room for us. So many closets.

It was just “perfect”.

I was so happy to get the keys.

And then as soon as the moving truck parked in the huge driveway it all started 

Neighbors coming and asking questions with the undertone of disappointment.

Til someone finally said it.

She looked me in the eyes and said “buying homes in foreclosure brings down the value for everyone else”.

Humn - excuse me?

I would be lying if I didn’t mention that she was even more displeased when she heard my accent.

In my business voice, as my children call it, I said:

“Just wait until I’m done with it! It will top all the prices here!”

We worked on that “perfect” house non-stop.

🏡 New hardwood flooring
🏡 New kitchen and wrap around island with build in cabinets
🏡 New appliances and outdoor area

And so much more!

When we put on the market the realtor herself thought it was a little on the “heavy side” and I said - let it be.

Sure enough we got to got what we wanted and it helped us start our lives in Colorado where everything is 10x pricier đŸ€‘

The thing is that not everyone will get YOUR starting point.

Not even your messy middle.

But so many will have to watch you crossing that finish line!

Stop telling and start SHOWING!

You got this!



Flexibility is a byproduct of consistency.

And living in that duality of being consistent so that you can be flexible is where the magic happens!


Real talk! Y’all know I’m big in creating a business that works for you. Sustainability (aka: energy management) is the ...

Real talk!

Y’all know I’m big in creating a business that works for you. Sustainability (aka: energy management) is the name of the game.

Y’all also know my auto immune disease makes me more the anti hustle coach. Actually 80% of the people with my AÍ combination apply for disability because anything can set it off. Too hot, too cold, too much stress and whatever else that happens that makes my body decide that it wants to attack itself.

Even a nightmare can set it off.

Not too long ago after a day in the sun my body decided that I was having too much of a good thing.

I got super sick and put a damper on all of our plans.

It took a bath, double dosage of all my meds, endless supply of coconut water and a night of great sleep to get my up and going.

Im sharing this to show that my mindset had to shift from “I have to do all the things” to “I must not do all the things” to create a sustainable business.

Your business has to serve you before it can serve your clients.

Because if you are not well - there is no business.

Because of my disability I created a strategy that served me. The power hour. Then I shared it with the world and it has been the foundation of my coaching.

And this is how your mindset changes everything.

I chose to believe that one hour a day was enough. That my audience was big enough. That in my circle there were people who needed me everyday.

I showed up for the 20 people in my group like there were 2000k of them.

I coached my clients who were at the time underpaying me like they were already millionaires because of me.

I DECIDED that I was a six figure entrepreneur long before my bank account showed me any proof that it was happening.

Then I decided that six figures were my baseline standard.

And I keep incrementally upgrading my vision and my actions to match!

You have the power to decide - then show up in a way that matches your vision!

And just so you know - the actions the match that vision is like brushing your teeth - must be done daily!

And sometimes even multiple times a day!

What are you deciding today?

PS: If you need a sounding board that will help you put all of the pieces of your life in business in place - I’m right here!

Somewhere along the way, you might have lost your authenticity trying to fit into everyone’s checkboxes. But finding it,...

Somewhere along the way, you might have lost your authenticity trying to fit into everyone’s checkboxes. But finding it, might be easier than you think!

Belongingness is a interesting concept.

Our innate beings crave belongingness for our survival.

Apparently, in caveman’s time, if you didn’t belong with the tribe, they would abandon you and the odds of your survival were slim.

In the interesting dance of being told that you were too much, and yet feeling like not enough, you might have lost yourself.

Your authenticity. Which is key for your magnetism.

You might be feeling like things are just falling flat lately.

And I know the marketing gods might be screaming from the rooftops that you just need to speak up. Then you get keyboard courageous, type up the most amazing post, only for it to fall flat again.

And due to the busyness of your endless to do list - you tend to default to the same things - which gets you ...đŸ„ drumroll.... the same results.

It’s not your authenticity that needs fixing. You don’t need to go find yourself. There is no 180 that needs to happen in order for you to change things.

đŸ€Ż Mind blown I know.

What has worked again and again is the power of the 1% shifts. Just 1% over and over again has the power to take you to a whole different destination.

But you keep self sabotaging because in the roar of this marketing world, it feels like you are either all in or all out.

It feels like unless you are screaming and being that badass in people’s faces, then it won’t matter.

But I guarantee you - working with hundreds of amazing women - that the opposite is true.

We crave the calm in the storm.

We want the consistency vs the all or nothing.

Our whole body relaxes when we realize it doesn’t that to be that way.

We want spaciousness to create - over and over again.

And when you find yourself in that sweet spot - authenticity comes through your pores!

You can keep working on your authenticity OR you can choose to make simplicity your luxury and create a business that is authentically you!


My client just told me how she got to 1M views on TT. 1M people want to hear what this woman has to say and I’m the one that gets to see ALL of her!!!!


Here is the marketing system that created true flow in my business!


Here is the Vision Integration exercise that changed my life - over and over again!


Here is the marketing blueprint that changed my business!

’m often asked about the moment my husband started taking me seriously.Spoiler alert: it wasn’t when I started slapping ...

’m often asked about the moment my husband started taking me seriously.

Spoiler alert: it wasn’t when I started slapping him with dollar bills! đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł (Seriously, don’t try this at home. They do NOT find it funny. Like, AT ALL.)

Here’s the real deal: he started to believe in my business when it could pay for groceries, bills, and a little extra fun money. That’s when he saw my future and loved the flexibility it gave our family.

But here’s the kicker: nothing changed until I started treating my business like a BUSINESS.

I thought I had it all with the so-called flexibility. Until I looked in the mirror and realized that all I had was flexibility and not much of a business.

I was just a default hub for:

🙄 Missing lunch boxes
🙄 School-hour emergencies
🙄 Every household task (like 3-hour customer service calls)

My kids had me on speed dial, knowing their “sick voice” would get me rushing over from across the street. One day, I told the school nurse, “These kids are milking the system. Give them a coke đŸ„€ and crackers and send their 🍑 back to class.” We laughed, but that was my wake-up call.

I started letting random calls go to voicemail and made it clear: serious stuff? Text me. My work hours were sacred. And I started taking myself seriously because the money validated that it was “safe” to do so.

I realized I was stuck in victim mode, trying to prove my worth by being the family’s “catch-all” since my income didn’t justify NOT catching it all.

If you’re justifying yourself about money, you’re already in a worthiness battleAnd that is how money is an amazing tool but also the reflector of the not amazing patterns that we start accepting!

If you are ready to take the lid off your own unhealthy patterns when it comes to money, worthiness and visibility, get HYPERSPEED today!

If we worked together - where are you in the world? I want to add you to my map! đŸ—ș

If we worked together - where are you in the world?

I want to add you to my map! đŸ—ș


What works for the masses is not what works for leaders!


We have done something really cool!!! I can't wait to tell you about it....

Best Power Hour slogan Everrrrr!Money is a byproduct of visibility. But you find yourself working on your offer again an...

Best Power Hour slogan Everrrrr!

Money is a byproduct of visibility.

But you find yourself working on your offer again and again.

If there is one thing that I know about you is how adaptable you are. To your clients. Being able to morph your offers and your gifts into the solution they need - when they need it!

Go back to visibility.

Start showing up daily.

Open your metaphorical business doors!

If you follow my power hour you know the strategy is connection, relationship, and attraction marketing.

Creating a 360 environment that will take people from a connection into clients!

My power hour is the simplest way to do exactly that in just one hour a day.

Grab yours today!

You’re the type who accomplishes more in a single day than most do in a week. I know that for you, work isn’t just work—...

You’re the type who accomplishes more in a single day than most do in a week. I know that for you, work isn’t just work—it’s your passion, your creative outlet, and even your spiritual channel.

But deep down, do you ever wonder what if it could be even simpler?

What if your business felt like a second skin?

👜 Louis Vuittons are nice, but for you, true luxury is about more than just high-end accessories.

It’s about waking up without an alarm because you’re so excited to start your day. It’s about planning your next getaway without even checking your bank account!

True luxury is having the freedom to enjoy your success without the constant grind.

Ease and flow aren’t just states of mind—they're the results of your intentional choices. Choices that redefine your success, go back to basics, and SIMPLIFY your day-to-day. This creates the spaciousness you crave to do what you are called to do, instead of putting out daily fires!

And I am your vision integrator!

I want to walk with you to make the business and life you crave—your reality!

đŸ“Č That’s why I created the Millionaire Marketing Blueprint—a comprehensive guide designed to help you cultivate a business that operates as smoothly as it thrives, starting with your marketing! This is your ENTIRE marketing strategy in just six pages!

Are you ready to embrace a life where work feels like a second skin? Where every day has the spaciousness that you crave to do exactly what you are being called to do?

Transform your work into your most profound expression of what you are truly here to do. I’m excited to guide you towards a world where your achievements are not just results, but a lifestyle where SIMPLICITY is your ultimate luxury!


Helping is pushing people to get ahead. Validating their victimhood is enablement.


I just had the most amazing Voxer day with a client!

We up leveled her brand. Stopped the self sabotage of taking things too serious (only leads to burn out) and got her to stop into her soft leadership era! đŸ”„


By not using your talent you are abusing it: it’s a form of self neglect.

Contrary to popular belief - my clients don’t hire me to make more money. They hire me to be their vision integrator. Th...

Contrary to popular belief - my clients don’t hire me to make more money.

They hire me to be their vision integrator.

They also hire me to have:

đŸ‘‰đŸŒ Better relationships
đŸ‘‰đŸŒ More fun and flow
đŸ‘‰đŸŒ Alignment in every sense of the word

Like me, they want to take walks in the middle of the day - just because.

A glorious afternoon nap 😮

Watch movies 🍿 as a family without feeling like something will break if they step away.

And you might be feeling some of that.

Feeling like your passion for your business has been replaced by suffocating pressure and people needing you every time you attempt to take some time for yourself.

And I hope you don’t wait until your life or business implodes before you look for help.

We both know you are superwoman đŸŠžâ€â™€ïž

And I’m here to be your soft landing 🛬

That person for you to get super vulnerable.

The space holder for your tears.

And the cheerleader you never thought you needed!

Our sessions will be Vegas style.

What happens here stays here 🍾

There will be no record for the depths we will go together!

And more money?

That will be the side effect of knowing that all heroes need their side kicks too!

I am all in - to help you have it all!

😮 đŸŒ¶ïž đŸŽ„

PS: Just don’t come for me for child support! A lot of babies have been made through the results of this program!

PPS: All that fun can be procreational or recreational 😉 you decide!!!!

Mindset needs a strategy to be implemented.Otherwise it sits on a cloud somewhere that we have no access to. We “think” ...

Mindset needs a strategy to be implemented.

Otherwise it sits on a cloud somewhere that we have no access to.

We “think” it’s there - after all, we have done the journaling, the positive intention and even reframe how our thoughts are not truth.

Implementing the mindset is beyond “acting as if”.

It’s aligning until you get it!

It’s the type of alignment that uses micro opportunities throughout your day to anchor in those goals.

It’s also being open to miracles. We can’t talk about money mindset without having a bigger conversation about miracle mindset.

Believing in the magic within us.

And even when we don’t quite believe it - borrowing someone else’s belief in us - til we are able to believe it ourselves!

It’s mid May and these are her June numbers.

All due to implementing the mindset and being open for miracles ❀

It gets better and better!


I didn’t know who I was if I wasn’t struggling.My marriage was a mirror of that.My identity was so intertwined with “ove...

I didn’t know who I was if I wasn’t struggling.

My marriage was a mirror of that.

My identity was so intertwined with “overcoming”, “accomplishing” and “getting it done”.

My self sabotage was to create chaos when there wasn’t any because the struggle was my energetic “home”.

In business, it showed up as always creating problems to solve.

It’s like people with ADHD describe when they start taking medication. When I wasn’t in chaos - everything got quiet.

I only had one thought at the time.

And that stillness led me to believe (even after so much self development) that something was out of alignment.

Alignment was fixing.

But who am I if I’m not fixing?

I’m an innate creator. I help clients create business out of dreams. Create offers out of visions. Create marketing based on experiences. Create content that connects.

The creator energy is something that I need to be intentional with. When my brain wants to fix, I need to redirect it to creating because fix it gets me an immediate external validation but my inner child deeply craves.

Creating is a guilty pleasure. It feels unproductive. There is no validation because most of the creative process is the messy middle without much to show for.

It’s all about that inner validation.

That’s why the traditional marketing frameworks never really worked for me. Because it immediately went to “show them you are the fixer they are looking for” and feed right into the identity I was trying to escape. External validation. Looking for what they want and becoming the chameleon that makes it happen.

Til I found the way to myself.

To who I was at my essence and not my escapisms.

✹ That’s when I realized that marketing is finding the way to yourself and lighting that path so brightly that your people end up finding you too! ✹

I have a client who has worked with world famous brands. Brands that you and I see on the daily. She has so many years o...

I have a client who has worked with world famous brands. Brands that you and I see on the daily. She has so many years of experience and has been hired to create projects worth millions of dollars.

But her gifts weren't translating into the online world.

She knew her craft.

But she didn't know business.

For years she has been in my world and somehow the stars didn't align for us to work together.

Until it did.

And together we created this amazing foundation for her to build on.

This is the amazing thing that I have seen with my clients. Their results are not only for a month or so or for our time together. The foundation we create is here to stay.

đŸ’» The first thing that we do together is to implement the power hour. This is the one hour a day that you journal on 3 neurohacking questions that will help you be productive vs busy, declutter your emotions so you get off of the entrepreneurial roller coaster and use the same visualization technique that olympic athletes use to win gold models. Now that we got the daily dose of mindset we also work on the strategy of growing, nurturing and connecting with your audience daily with my 321 client acquisition strategy and my 5 step show up system!

đŸ’» Then we create a signature offer that takes into account your personality, your business pillars and your big calling translating it into an offer that your clients will be buying over and over again while also becoming a walking billboard for your business! This makes your offer easy to sell, makes you stand out as an expert (instead of getting into the friend zone) while making it easy for people to "get" what you do!

đŸ’» And to wrap it all up with a pretty bow we will create a signature talk that is a taster for your offer! So that each time that you speak your idea clients will be raising their hands to know more about what's like working with you! Think of this as a teaser of your offer. The taster cake to get them to say YES to the main wedding cake and put a ring 💍 on it!

So if you are feeling deflated, wondering why your amazing gifts are not translating to sales it might be because you are doing "damage control coaching". Which means that your clients come to you with their issues and you coach them through it getting amazing transformations but you are working in their world making your message, marketing and even money mindset shrink into a "fix it" til it breaks again cycle.

This happens to the best of us and happened to me when I started out too!

But you want much more. You know your gifts are calling you to a bigger, better and bolder season and I would love to help you be a ✹lighthouse ✹ in the industry!

Send me a message. I cannot wait to chat!

PS: As for my client, she is booked and creating a passive income to leverage her time about to hire an assistant to help her manage it all in just a few short months!


I have never seen anything more paralyzing to brilliant women like perfectionism!

I caught myself looking at the pretty  mountain views just outside of the hospital window. And I thought "Is this it? Is...

I caught myself looking at the pretty mountain views just outside of the hospital window.

And I thought "Is this it? Is this when I lose everything I built?"

Endless specialists, hospitals and still no answers. I didn't have the energy or time to keep working my business the way I usually do.

And if you make money online, you know that content creation is how you open your metaphorical doors for business. That is how people get to know you and your work.

So while my daughter slept, I took a pen and paper (those familiar ones with the hospital logo) and started to jot down ideas of things I could talk about that would lead to signature offer.

Then I saw the patters.

Brand promise.
Business Pillars.
21 things to talk about for each pillar.

When the whole roll of paper was done I realized that I had 63 subjects.

And if I just repeated them each quarter that was 252 SIGNATURE PIECES OF CONTENT!

Isn't entrepreneurship figuring out 1000 different ways to say the same thing?

If you want this direct to the point training (just 20 minutes - I don't do fluff) to create content for the whole year - its just $17 today!

Get it before the price doubles - which will be soon!

Every now and then I go through what I entrepreneurial identity crises... It usually goes like this: "I am a m...

Every now and then I go through what I entrepreneurial identity crises...

It usually goes like this: "I am a mindset coach - my specialty is money mindset - why the heck do I talk about strategy?"

Very ironic, I know!

Your identity crises might be quite similar.

You keep on talking about things that are not your absolute genius.

You might be thinking that you need to burn it all down to show your audience what you are truly capable of.

But like me, your strategy might be the channel of your genius.

You see, through strategy I see the gaps in the mindset.

And the issue is never the "thing".

Most times its as simple as the WAY we talk about the "thing".

But between being YOU (which can feel like a full time job) and your current work load, the capacity to TALK about the thing might be diminished.

Even though I don't talk about it as much as I should, coming up with content for my clients is one of my gifts.

In a room full of clients, I am able to come up with amazing content for everyone of them (they have been asking me for ages to actually create content for them but that feels like a lot of work LOL).

Anyways, I created a 252 content matrix, which is one of the tools I use to create 252 pieces of SIGNATURE content!

It's only $17

Let me know if you want it!




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Hi, I am Rebeca!

Let’s be honest for a moment. You’re working really hard at life. You’re doing all the “right” things. And you’ve achieved what others want⁠ - the house, the career, the family and more. From the outside, it looks like you’re living the dream. But inside? You’re feeling like you’re drowning in the busyness of life. Worse, you’re not fulfilled. Secretly you question, what’s the matter with me?

There’s a small voice in your head saying,”You’re ungrateful. Others would love to have what you have.” Sometimes the guilt is overwhelming. But in your heart, you know there’s something else; something beyond possessions, corporate accolades, and this empty feeling. I get it. Trust me. ​ There was a time when I felt like I was drowning under dreams and hopes; and a pervasive fear that this is all there is. Like you, I had reached a certain level of success. I had the pretty house, the husband, and the kids. I even had an enviable decade-long career as a financial administrator of a multi-million dollar business. For all of this, my life was falling apart. I was a financial mess (the irony!) and close to divorcing the father of my children. That last part was the hardest as I’d been down that road before. A week after my 18th birthday, I married my high school sweetheart. That relationship quickly proved emotionally and financially abusive. Without a support system or money, I had the inner strength and courage at 21 to leave. I slept in my car. At the time, I promised myself I’d never be that broke or broken again. But years later, here I was. Thankfully, I wasn’t homeless, but I was definitely broke and broken. This time I was also the mother of two small children. I couldn’t continue walking through life feeling I had no passion or purpose. But I didn’t know what to do. It took a sudden health scare to change everything. Laying in the hospital after my body had shut down and my thyroid was removed, I had plenty of time to think about how I wanted my life to change. After spending 10 days in that hospital bed, I felt I was being given a new lease on life. And this time, I was determined to make my life matter. But how? I knew I didn't need therapy or a psychologist. What I needed was a plan for my future. I needed someone to show me the way. I hired a life coach, and session by session my life was transformed. And incidentally, I also found my calling. Today, I help people just like you bridge the gap between knowing what to do and actually doing it. As a certified life coach, under Tony Robbins, I have helped many women who are facing what you’re facing gain control over their emotions and actions to create the life they crave. One step, one day, and one decision at a time is all it takes to get control of your life instead of being controlled by it. I didn't do it alone. And you don't have to, either. Schedule an appointment today and we can begin putting those steps in place. " Without consultation, plans are frustrated, but with many counselors they succeed." Proverbs 15:22 (NIV)