Our Story
"Anything that is earned in America is deeply held and must be proud of, defended and protected because it is fought for...". As we emerge from the shadows, many battles have been fought and won, we have also lost some indiscriminately but putting that behind us and looking forward the word of the Lord to us is , "Anything that is earned in America is deeply held and must be proud of because it is fought for...".
Today, we are proud of ourselves and take pride in what God has done for us, HE HAS KEPT US...as my grandmother told me as a little boy, "since you know that the Lord is keeping you, why are you worrying about, glory Hallelujah, praise His name, everyday is just the same, since you know the Lord is keeping, why don't you sing and shout!" HE HAS KEPT US! NOW HE IS BUILDING US UP.
The C.O.G also known as a couple of Guys and gals engaged in boutique media is a unisex environment with a deep interest in entertainment and news segment to be used for spreading the good news and having fun at the same time. These guys and gals are errand boys and girls for God. They claim that they are on a mission for God. And in our mind cognition is just that, the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses. We encompasses processes such as knowledge, attention, memory and working memory, judgment and evaluation, reasoning and "computation", problem solving and decision making, comprehension and production of language. Our engagement with humanity is conscious and unconscious, concrete or abstract, as well as intuitive, (like knowledge of a language) and conceptual (like a model of a language). We make use of existing knowledge and generate new knowledge.
COG TV is a Cognitive Strategic Group. It is a Creative Strategic Group engaged in Strategic Network Planning.It is God governing in the congregation of the mighty and he is judging among the mighty one. So COG embraces the idea of powerful, rich, wealthy, sound, loyal and mighty individuals who makes use their strengths, wealth, resources and weaknesses with divine enabling to delinate against injustice and unfairness while using their gifts, talents, anointing and enablement to defend and protect the poor and fatherless and delivering justice to the afflicted and needy. The group are crusaders of liberty and freedom encourage firmness is belief and moral strength in conduct amongst each other.
COG TV leadership delivers and they deliver the poor and needy by ridding and removing oppressed people from reliance on their abusers who oppresses,distresses and obsesses them while suppressing their truth and realties with shortsightedness and narrowed minded bigotry.
The leadership and organization of COG TV engages in creating awareness,increasing knowledge and getting understanding to the masses so that they would function in the more enlightened atmosphere, in light of the spirit guiest, or the spirit of the day.
COG TV Group uses radio and television to rebuild and establish foundations of the earth and engages in nation-bulding. By this means we develop men and women to their highest potential in the presence of truth and in the course of aiding renewal, refreshing and reviving the spirit of man. We present God as the judge the earth and developed and devotees as His rightful inheritance in all the nations on the earth.