Black First Network Directory ( is an online Black owned business directory dedicated to serving the North Carolina Black business community. Online directories are in common daily used by millions of consumers in the nation. Print or online directories are used by millions daily however it is extremely difficult to identify Black owned business to aid in promotions and patronage
of the struggling industry. This website will be the only Black owned business directory in North Carolina operating on this large of a scale. It will create a connection between Black business owners and their current as well as potential customer base. Recognizing the financially deprived state of the Black owned business in North Carolina, will promote the less visual aspects of the Black business and community. also plans to offer employment in advertising, journalism, photo journalism along with internship for students. Through featured articles, blogs, news exposure, advertisement, free listings, covers key components in creating successful connections between Black owned businesses and a stronger customer base. It also will play a pivotal role in inform the Black Community. In the years to come, it potentially has the ability to employ dozens of NC individuals in a wide range of media publishing. Also aid in the growth of NC Black owned business in hopes of that growth creates employment for Blacks across the state. combines the values of traditional print news services with the online media of today. It is an African American platform reporting news on Local, State, and National levels. It will feature contributing columnist, African American based newswire content, journalistic articles, and community articles, news and photos. with focus on four major components to produce a quality, sought after website.