Congratulations Mike !!! Very nice Buck. Thank you for your trust in locating your deer.
During this hunt, the deer entered a neighboring property where the hunter did not have prior permission to access. The property owner requested verification that the deer was indeed on his land before granting the hunter permission to retrieve it.
#EliteDroneServices #TheDroneGuy #DelphosOhio #Buck
***update I think Tyler Baker figured it out. I would agree with this audio clip that it’s a Buck.
IT IS LOUD AT 20 Seconds
Tell us what you think it is ?
The picture has nothing to do with the audio.
The picture is pasted into the audio.
SHARE IT, we’d like some serious responses and input on what animal it is.
Recorded early morning from a hunter just as they arrived at tree stand. Hardin County
#EliteDroneServices #TheDroneGuy #Bear #Bigfoot
We get asked all the time how long will the deer give off a heat signature. The answer is, it depends on a lot of variables. When you think that it could be cold dead, you need to resort to other tricks to locate and stop looking for “glowy” things.
#EliteDroneServices #TheDroneGuy #DJIM30T #Thermal
The hunter encountered challenges in locating this deer but entrusted us to assist by making the call. He patiently waited for us to fit him into the schedule, and his patience paid off. Congratulations, Bill, and thank you for placing your trust in us!
#EliteDroneServices #TheDroneGuy #DelphosOhio #DJIM30T #Thermal #Buck
My wife and I were at Christmas at Fountain Park when something caught our eye—something extraordinary. It’s that time of year, where anything feels possible.
#EliteDroneServices #TheDroneGuy #ElfonTheShelf #ElfonTheShelfIdeas
This was the final minute of a 30+ minute search for Tyler’s buck. Do you think he’s happy we found it? It was in the very last corner of the woods we checked—a spot he never expected. Based on the blood trail, which he eventually lost, the deer appeared to have gone in the complete opposite direction.
Congratulations Tyler !
#EliteDroneServices #Cloverdale #TheDroneGuy #DJIM30T #Thermal #Bucks
I will repost this video in regards to drones and deer In Ohio, I hope this helps others with some questions and answers. If you’re still not sure, please reach to Ohio Department of Natural Resources and they will be more than happy to answer any of your questions.
#EliteDroneServices #TheDroneGuy