Merry Christmas from GoldWing Productions!
A Real Christmas
Have you seen our new Advent video? It's part of a worship series resource entitled "A Real Christmas" that we produced in collaboration with Corissa Nelson Art for WELS (Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod).
Besides being able to use all of the media in the package of resources (series logo, worship folder covers, social media posts, video, etc) for Advent worship and promotion, it also comes with a bonus printable Advent calendar that can be used for at-home devotions just like you see in the video! Check for links in the comments for everything you'll need.
Meaningful Ministry Promo
Is your WELS church in the middle of the “Meaningful Ministry” worship series right now? Either way, we hope you enjoy this promo video for the series as much as we enjoyed putting it together.
Shout out to Corissa Nelson Art for the fantastic illustrations!
"In that moment when Jesus was on the cross...Jesus was there for you, Sean, too and everything that haunts you and every sin in your life that you feel like, 'there's just no way and you don't understand, you don't understand.' Even if I don't, that's okay. Do you know who understands? Jesus."
--Pastor Kurt from Cross of Christ Lutheran Church - North Nampa in a story that shows God's incredible love, even for people who believe they are the least deserving of it
We can't say enough great things about the wonderful ministry of Jesus Cares! Telling Tori and Rebecca's story for Kingdom Workers was such a privilege and we're so thankful that they were willing to open their hearts to us and allow us to tell it.
Behind the scenes of the latest episode of Jesus Is Enough
Behind the scenes of the latest episode of Jesus Is Enough, which was released last night on
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas from GoldWing Productions!
Thankful to have seen churches around the country use our Christmas promo and entire package of media resources to invite people to church on Christmas.