Hi, everyone! I finally received my diagnosis. I was bitten by a tick at the end of May, causing me to experience toxic shock, vomiting, bloating, and nausea. One tick bite caused me to contract Alpha Gal Syndrome (AGS) and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF). It took the entire month of June and into July, before I felt good enough to eat. I wasn't able to work or do any work around the house.
I was bedridden, and thankfully had a friend come over and clean my apartment, providing major temporary relief from all that life has thrown at me. But, all of my bills wound up in final notices and shut-off periods.
My sister has taken up the task of cleaning my mom's room out, which has honestly been so helpful. Being in the house isn't hard, until I enter her room. I've avoided her room at all possible, for the last few months. It's sad and I don't like it, but it's what my heart can't take. I do sometimes go in and talk to the darkness, as if I were still talking to my mom at 3am, asking her if she's okay from some sound I heard. I may do that the rest of my life. I'm not sure what I feel about that coping mechanism.
I lost 43lbs. and have held that weight off through a healthier diet that fits within the AGS diagnosis, which has made grocery shopping both difficult, and extremely costly. AGS causes the body to reject alpha gal sugars, turning it into a foreign body. Gelatins, gelcaps, "natural flavor", and, in the most extreme case, red meat, soda, snacks, will contain a type of AG sugar, meaning I can't ingest anything with this sugar, otherwise I'll become sick or fall into shock. I have an epi pen, now, for any scares, of which I've had one.
While the RMSF was treated with antibiotics and has since faded out, the AGS is a lifetime diagnosis that has its own set of pitfalls, such as finding new sources of protein, changing my diet completely, rapid weight loss, and even death, if untreated.
I'm also moving out of my house. I've been donating most of my belongings to the community. I set up a table outside my home, in order to give back. I personally feel like we're in unprecedented times. And, if I can provide temporary relief through household items, I feel I'm doing the right thing for others. I'm sure some things could sell, but it's not my focus. There are a couple items for sale online, but they're separate of the table.
Donations will help me buy AG-friendly foods, assist my moving, helping my friends who are coming to help me finish my apartment, gas for the cars, medicine for my dog. Those are all needs I have immediately.
Please, help me share this, in the hopes of finding people who are available and able to help me through this time in my life. I'll be hitting the road for my new home on July 27th.
All the best,
Jed Nichols is a friend who's cared for his mother, Reba, the last five years, as she battled debilitating heart and lung diseases. Jed utilized his size and heart in order to make his mother's retirement and sickness, as comfortable as possible. Reba passed away April 7th, 2024, leaving Jed without...