This flag is not the United States.
It’s a symbol.
At its best, it stands for equality, freedom, opportunity, liberty, justice.
Not just for a select group.
Not for any one race or religion.
Equality for all.
Freedom for all.
Opportunity for all.
Liberty and justice for all.
We don’t always live up to these ideals.
The flag can be used to divide us at times, hijacked by groups who question the patriotism of anyone pushing for more freedom, more equality, more opportunity, more liberty, more justice.
Some revere the flag with a religious fervor.
Others burn it for the ways they perceive it has let them down.
But the flag is not the United States.
We are.
Every Christian, Muslim, Jew, Hindu, Buddhist, atheist, conservative, liberal, Republican, Democrat, Asian, African, European, Hispanic, American native, gay, straight, trans, and every shade of every possible way that it is to be human.
This flag is for everyone, and this coming year will be a real test for all of us, I think.
Here's hoping we can find a way to come together.
A little more united in the United States would be nice.
Happy Independence Day! 🇺🇸