The Bowman County Spring Concert was held Monday May 3 in the high school gym.
The junior high chorus and band started the evening of music which filled both sections of the stands on the west side of the gym.
After ensembles, the high school chorus and high school band closed out the performance.
In addition, there was a special awards presentation.
It is day 3 of the MON-DAK Barrel Daze at the All Seasons Arena in Bowman.
It is Sausage and Pancake breakfast time at the Silver Dollar Bar and Grill Sunday as a fundraiser for the Bowman County Sheriff K-9 program.
It is a free will donation.
In addition, the Silver Dollar is now open to all ages for Sunday breakfasts, according to the owner.
The breakfast will be served through the North Dakota State University Bison football game Sunday afternoon.
Firefighters from Hettinger, Dickinson and Scranton were among those participating in training Saturday at the vacant Shopko parking lot in Bowman. Among the training examples was how an airbag goes off.
Pies are disappearing fast at the drive by pie sale in front of the Bowman Library.
It is free will offering and started with four tables filled with pie slices and bags of cookies.
As of 3 p.m., they were down to just one table