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The Nicole Sandler Show The Nicole Sandler Show is LIVE weekdays 5-6pm ET at and on the Progressive Voices


Tomorrow is the day we set aside to celebrate America's independence from the monarchy. Thanks to the Extreme Court's ruling announced yesterday, it might be our last one.
I could think of no better guest for this wake than my old friend - comedian, actor, broadcaster John Fugelsang.
It's been too long since we've spoken. But I've always marveled at his inherent ability to make us laugh in the face of things the are simply not funny. He's got a high bar to clear today, but I have no doubt that he will.


Lisa Graves has graciously agreed to join us again today to help us wade through this ultimate travesty of justice by the high court that is no longer "supreme". Extreme is more fitting.
Lisa Graves has unimpeachable legal bona-fides. Among other positions during her career, she served under two US Attorneys General -- Janet Reno during the Clinton administration and John Ashcroft during the W Bush regime. She as chief counsel for nominations under Chair Patrick Leahy on the Senate Judiciary Committee, so was charged with vetting Supreme Court nominees. So I'm always grateful when Lisa brings her expertise here to help us try to figure out wtf is going on. And sadly, that's the only way I can describe what's going on now in the wake of the Extreme Court's gutting of the Chevron deference and conferring "absolute immunity" -- a concept that hadn't existed before yesterday's decision.


The six Extreme Court injustices completed their task from the Federalist Society to kill our democracy. And no, that's not hyperbole. The month of July begins with such a travesty to close out the court's session.
I'll read from Justice Sonia Sotomayor's dissent and then check in with Jonathan Larsen of The Fu***ng News to further examine this unprecedented assault on democracy and the crowning of King D'ump.


Our American experiment with democracy is over. The Extreme Court has ruled against the concept of no person is above the law. We are so horribly fu**ed.

Thirty years ago today I was part of the team that launched the best radio station I ever worked at... and ever listened...

Thirty years ago today I was part of the team that launched the best radio station I ever worked at... and ever listened to!
It was the last radio station in Gene Autry's Golden West Broadcasters. Our General Manager Bill Ward (in the fm101.9 t-shirt on the left, next to me) heard a station in Phoenix consulted by Dennis Constantine (in the middle, behind Bill and me), and convinced Gene & Jackie to try it in LA.
The format was known as Triple A or Adult Album Alternative.

I left a great and very high profile job at KLOS producing the Mark & Brian Show just a week earlier. And on June 30, 1994. at 5pm PT, Southern California's Album Alternative KSCA hit the air.

To hear the launch....


It's time for our weekly get-together info download with Marcy Wheeler of And it's another week ending with out disbelief over what's happening in our corner of the world.... After last night's debate and this morning's group of SCOTUS rulings, I can't help but envy Marcy's living in Ireland.
Today, we try to make sense of all that happened this week. Again, buckle in. It's a rough road ahead.


What a day! The Extreme Supremes this morning handed down four more decisions out of the dozen or so still tba... and then signaled that they will not get it all done by the official end of the term tomorrow. There will be at least one more decision day in July. We'll know more about that tomorrow.

Lisa Graves, the unofficial legal expert of the Nicole Sandler Show, returns for the first half of the show today to talk SCOTUS, which we somehow didn't get to yesterday. We'll discuss both the two and sneak peek at a third from yesterday, plus three more from this morning (and the one we got a look at yesterday), with some horrific consequences playing out.

Then Howie Klein joins in from Down With Tyranny as we count down to tonight's debate showdown. Buckle in...

I've been critical of The Nation's very one-sided coverage of the Israel-Hamas war. But I was glad to see this article t...

I've been critical of The Nation's very one-sided coverage of the Israel-Hamas war. But I was glad to see this article today explaining my view of Jamal Bowman and why I believe he lost handily in yesterday's primary. Good on them for publishing this.

Their astonishing spending mattered less than how the congressman’s Jewish constituents weighed his words and actions.


With the Extreme Court allegedly poised to hand down the final decisions for this term over the next two days, we're joined again by the Nicole Sandler Show's unofficial legal expert Lisa Graves. I had hoped that this morning's announcements would include more than the two they trickled out... and in a sense it did. Apparently accidentally, someone posted a draft of one of the still outstanding decisions-- this one in Idaho vs US. They quickly took it down, but not before Bloomberg News got it, converted it to pdf form and posted it online...

Julian Assange is a free man in Australia again, primary upsets abound and Aileen Cannon is still somehow presiding over a cl*******ck of Trump's criminal trial for stealing and hiding classified documents.

We'll talk about all of that and more... PLUS we'll tell you about Lisa's new podcast "GRAVE INJUSTICE"!!

We signed KSCA fm 101.9 on the air 30 years ago this Saturday. June 30, 1994. I was planning to put together some kind o...

We signed KSCA fm 101.9 on the air 30 years ago this Saturday. June 30, 1994. I was planning to put together some kind of tribute show, but then came down with a bad COVID infection. Finally coming out of it two weeks later... I still may put something together. I can't let this anniversary go by without doing something to acknowledge it.. Any KSCA alum want to join me? Mimi Chen Mike Morrison Terry Gladstone Chuck Moshontz Jeff Gonzer Anita Gevinson Bob Koontz Robert H. Lyles


Yesterday, the HEALTH CARE un-covered Newsletter arrived in my inbox, sporting the headline "Fifteen Years Ago Today I Became a Whistleblower". It was from Wendell Potter who remains a hero to all of us in the US, whether you know it or not.

I was fortunate to first interview Wendell on Air America Radio in August of 2009, just two months after he testified before the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, pulling back the curtain from around the industry for which he carried water and covered up unethical practices.

A month later, he would testify before the House and became the most important voice for the masses, just as then president Obama was helping to push through the first health care industry reforms in decades.

Fifteen years ago. And though things are better for us mere mortals who will, at some point, need medical care, we're still fighting nefarious forces in the health insurance and so-called health care industries as well as in government. And Wendell continues to fight for us.

Wendell Potter has been a frequent guest on this program since that first appearance 15 years ago and I'm proud to consider him a friend. I invited him back to today to talk about the problems we're still faced with and to thank him, again, for standing up for us.


After a rebound infection with COVID over the weekend (I'm not kidding), I'm almost feeling human today. The icing on the cake was a negative test this morning! Yippee!! So I'm back, trying to catch up on all that happened while I was delirious. On thing that did happen was TFG rambling like the demented old fool he is in Philadelphia Saturday night. I even have some audio...
And as it is Monday, Jonathan Larsen is here from The Fu***ng News to fill us in on the fu***ng news I missed while I was fu***ng sick...


A COVID-19 antigen rapid test  A new variant of COVID-19, known as FLiRT, is now the most dominant strain in [...]


Marcy Wheeler is on holiday and I'm still on the mend from a nasty case of Covid, but we managed a fascinating hour of conversation about everything from Hunter Biden's trials to Aileen Cannon's and the Supreme Court's assaults on democracy and lots in between.
Read Marcy at, and hear her at the end of each week here...


I'm back today, hopefully my voice will hold up for the hour.
I'm no longer testing positive for Covid, so I've got that going for me. Any my brain isn't as foggy as its been, so there's that too... But much news has transpired in the week and a half I've been gone, and I can't sit idly by.
However, I'm far from on top of my game. So feel free to call in during the first half of the show to tell me what happened while I was out sick. 954-889-6410 or Skype to nicolesandler.
And it is Thursday, so Howie Klein is here from and the Blue America PAC...


I'm slowly emerging from the Covid fog, but still have a way to go before I'm feeling fine. So today, I'll test the waters with a short live segment. Then I'll fill the rest of the hour with the conversation I had with Heather Cox Richardson upon the release of her book, DEMOCRACY AWAKENING: NOTES ON THE STATE OF AMERICA, last September.
She's one of the sharpest minds out there, so I'm happy to revisit this interview today.

I hope to return to the full show by tomorrow, and certainly by Friday. Fingers crossed, chicken soup ingested....


I am on the mend, but this has been one hell of a Covid infection. I'm trying to follow the best doctor's advice and not overdo it too quickly, so today we reach into the show archives again and go back four years ago tomorrow.
I'm running this one today, hoping to be able to at least do a partial show tomorrow (we'll find out tomorrow). But today, we'll go back to June 19, 2020.
It was Juneteenth, and Congressman Eric Swalwell was my guest.
And no, we were not better off four years ago, just in case you were wondering.


I'm still out sick with Covid, but we couldn't let today go by without hearing from Marcy Wheeler! So with an assist from Spocko and LOLGOP aka Jason Statler, the show goes on.
Hunter Biden was found guilty on all three of the gun charges this week, an FBI agent and others involved have gotten death threats and much more happened this week. Marcy will fill us in on all of it.

Still really sick. Playing back a show from a few weeks ago about fascism. Really worth listening to. Listen at nicolesa...

Still really sick. Playing back a show from a few weeks ago about fascism. Really worth listening to. Listen at or

The Nicole Sandler Show Live Broadcast and Streams Now LIVE Monday through Friday at 5pm ET! The Nicole Sandler Show is live Monday through Friday, 5-6pm Eastern/ 2-3 Pacific. To call the show: 954-889-6410 or


Well, it's official. I have the covid. Tested positive this morning. So no show today...
Yesterday I asked for requests-- and the first one that came in was from listener Jewel who wrote "Greetings Nicole, I hope you both feel better soon. Thanks for the reminder that Covid isn’t done with us
I would love to hear the episode with Desi and Brad. Right after you moved to AZ. I tried to find the episode # nope. "

So, here you go. It was a fun show. So much so that we're thinking of launching a new weekly show together. Should we?

Hope to be back tomorrow or Friday... we'll see what this virus has to say about that!

Good thing she's not nearby! Yes, it's officially covid. Waiting to hear back from p*p. Ugh. Special rebroadcast todaay ...

Good thing she's not nearby! Yes, it's officially covid. Waiting to hear back from p*p. Ugh. Special rebroadcast todaay -- a visit from The BRAD BLOG and Green News Report from November, by request.
Thanks for bearing with me!


The amazing Marcy Wheeler, who keeps us informed about the news we need to know at joins us every Friday to talk about what happened that week. As she does today.

I must apologize to Marcy and everyone watching this. I started a new medication last night to deal with my RLS, and it completely knocked me out. I awoke in a fog this morning, somehow walked and fed Jaxson and made it in to the studio to record with Marcy. When we finished taping, I went back to sleep for a bit, but am still as out of it as I was early this morning.

So again, I apologize. Thankfully Marcy didn't really need my input...


Whoo boy, another crazy busy day in our world... Somehow it's fitting that today marks the 80th anniversary of D-Day.
And since I took the day off yesterday, there's so much to cover before Howie Klein joins in at the bottom of the hour, today joined by Conor O'Callaghan, who's running for Congress in AZ 01.

An appeals court in GA put a hold on the Fani Willis case against Trump as he can't decide whether or not she should be removed from the case for having an affair with a prosecutor in her office, Senate Republicans tanked a bill codifying women's rights to birth control(!), the MAGAt House sent criminal referrals for Hunter Biden and James Biden, while Hunter Biden's trial on gun charges continues in Delaware. Two MAGAts were added to the House Intelligence Committee by the MAGAt speaker. And Boeing successfully launched a manned rocket headed for the International Space Station. At least none of the doors fell out.


Americans have very short memories.
For some unfathomable reason, there are millions of people with their heads in the sand who just don't remember how bad things were under TFG. The years the orange one was in office were some of the darkest in my long life. Even after we voted him out, his spectre continues to torment us as women's right to choose was taken away and threats of an even more evil and twisted Trump is again a possibility. Also unfathomable.

So today, we'll offer a bit of a reminder.

I'm still struggling with my sleep issues and I lost the battle last night, with creepy crawly legs keeping me from any relief at all. So I will not be doing a new show today. Instead, I went back into the show's archives to four years ago this week. It was June 2, 2020. Here's the show description I wrote up for the program I'll re-play today that I titled "Awaiting the Locusts":

"With each new day comes a new crisis, thanks to Donald Trump. The US leads the world in covid-19 infections and deaths. We've lost our standing in the world. We've alienated our allies, while the president aligns with strong men and dictators. And yesterday, he had military police fire tear gas and flash bang grenades at peaceful protesters to clear his way for a photo op at a DC church, where he used a bible as a prop. And America burns. On Tuesdays, I gather with my gliberal girlfriends GottaLaff and Amy Simon. Today, we'll try to figure out how our nation survives."


You know the old adage, 'Sticks & stones my break my bones but words can never hurt me.' As I often say, the scientific term for that is "bu****it." Words can and do immense damage. And as today's guest Annalee Newitz explains in her new book (out today) STORIES ARE WEAPONS: PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE AND THE AMERICAN MIND, this really is war.

They open the preface to the book writing, "It's hard to write about a war while it's raging. Especially when there are no craters in the ground, no missiles streaking overhead - just words and images that are inflicting a form of psychological damage that is impossible to measure, impossible to prove."

Such is our challenge as these words and stories continue to misinform, pervert and harm both people and our democracy, fragile as it is.

Her words and stories from our history show just how dangerous these PsyOps are and how we must defend against them.

One of these funny faces belongs to a six-year old son of a Republican congressman and is adorable. The other is a convi...

One of these funny faces belongs to a six-year old son of a Republican congressman and is adorable. The other is a convicted felon who just served time for participating in the insurrection at the Capitol and for some reason was allowed back in the building! He's smirking for the cameras as Dr Fauci told how his family - his wife and daughter's lives were threatened on a daily basis by supporters of the orange felon. That's NOT adorable. Just saying.


Like death and taxes, there's no stopping Mondays. They come every week whether we want them or not. But there's a silver lining... we get The Fu***ng News every Monday from Jonathan Larsen who writes the fu***ng news every fu***ng day... Then again, there are some weeks when there's good fu***ng news, like Trump being convicted and like Mexico electing its first woman President -- a Jewish woman at that! But don't fear newsf**kers, there's some fu**ed-up news to talk about too...


The verdicts are in! Donald J Trump found guilty on all 34 counts, but you already knew that.
However, today is Friday, so Marcy Wheeler of is here.
We discuss the verdicts, the hypocrisy and worse from the right, the fact that they're out for revenge, and that Hunter Biden's gun charges trial gets underway on Monday.
Never a dull moment!




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