The Specter of Losing Your Mind
If there is one disease that worries many of us more than any other, it is Alzheimer’s. This is particularly true for those who have a known family history of the disease. The problem with this devastating neurodegenerative disorder is that, at least for the time being, there is no cure. Anybody who has witnessed a loved one rapidly descend into the depths of despair and listlessness while forgetting who you are, knows exactly how painful this phenomenon can be to themselves as well as to the victim of the disease. It is a nightmare. But, can it be prevented? Many of those who have entertained this question are already familiar with the usual advice – manage blood pressure, blood sugar, body weight, exercise, and a whole slew of other recommendations that are second nature to some and simply anathema to others. But one key item that typically gets glossed over is the Standard American Diet, and this is indeed SAD.
The average American diet typically consists of voluminous amounts of meat and cheese, fats, salt, sugar, and additives straight from a chemical factory. But few recognize, or want to recognize, the enormous impact this has on their health and the risk of developing neurodegenerative disorders, not to mention the chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, heart disease, and cancers that are plaguing America in record numbers. Many will invest time, money, and effort into finding just the right gasoline for their car in order to prevent clogging up its engine, but they have no compunction about imbibing toxic foods that will clog up their arteries. Anyone who has ever studied cardiovascular medicine knows that there is a direct link between many of these foods – especially meat – and atherosclerosis.
Unfortunately, the trend of loading up on meat and fats has just taken a quantum leap with the advent and promotion of today’s keto diet – a contemporary offshoot of the Atkins diet prominent during the 1970s. Now, even some of the so-called health gurus are promoting this diet, particularly for weight loss, when numerous studies and statistical data have proven that a properly balanced plant-based diet is the best way to stay fit and in good health. They fail to mention the more immediate downside of the keto diet, such as the potential for kidney stones, nutritional deficiencies, and chronic hypoglycemia. High protein and high fat diets have never proven to be healthful in the long term for most people. Even if the protein source is primarily fish rather than red meat, the danger is the presence of heavy metals, such as mercury, that have been inarguably linked to Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases. Salmon and sardines? Really? Do you honestly believe that there is a source left which has not been contaminated by heavy metals, dioxins, PCBs, or parasites? Keto has some serious flaws. On the other hand, a balanced, organic, non-GMO plant-based diet followed by increasingly larger numbers of people today has gone a long way toward reversing the trend of chronic disease, and for many has even helped in overcoming serious illness.
Ironically, however, even a plant-based diet that is improperly implemented can lead to arterial plaquing that can wind up eventually causing Alzheimer’s, along with the classic chronic diseases. For instance, a ‘vegan’ diet that is high in oxalates can result in calcification of arteries, potentially leading to vascular dementia. Similarly, relying primarily on foods that are high in lectins can do considerable damage to the gastrointestinal tract (leaky gut), the immune system, and ultimately the brain. Plant-based diets need to be carefully planned, taking into account a number of issues indigenous to the individual including allergies, autoimmune conditions, and other physiological factors. To draw an analogy from an earlier comment, not every automobile runs well on regular fuel. Some require premium, while others require diesel. Every person is unique. Your diet needs to be designed specifically with your unique needs in mind.
There is no doubt that by improperly fueling your body, you can very well be setting yourself up for Alzheimer’s, as well as a variety of other very unpleasant diseases including various cancers. The bottom line, as far as diet is concerned, is to carefully consider everything you eat and its relative nutritive value. Most do not want to take the time and effort to do this, so they throw caution to the wind and ultimately wind up facing significant health challenges, particularly in their later years of life. For them, it’s all about living to eat, rather than eating to live.
While diet is paramount in maintaining health, there are a number of other glaring items, including environmental factors, that most have never considered or even want to consider. This includes the voluminous number of endocrine-disrupting and carcinogenic chemicals that most use in their homes. There is still a significant use of Roundup and glyphosate-based herbicides to kill weeds the ‘convenient’ way, rather than engaging in the kind of physical labor that affords us the exercise needed to stay healthy, even though glyphosate has been linked to various forms of lymphoma and leukemia. Then of course there are the heavily scented products that many cannot live without. Fragrances, including those used in personal hygiene, laundry, and other home products, are not regulated by the FDA, so the bevy of toxic chemicals most contain create a home environment that will impair endocrine function and potentially lead to neurodegenerative disorders and cancers.
Add to all of the above the continual daily exposure to radiation from Wi-Fi, smart devices, Bluetooth, and other technological “necessities,” and you have a recipe for disaster. Between the derailing of our endocrine systems and the DNA damage that results from the overuse of various technologies, we are headed toward an almost certain healthcare catastrophe over the next several years. It is conservatively projected that there will be a 40-50 percent increase in the rate of Alzheimer’s disease by 2030 and cancer may soon exceed heart disease, which has been the number one cause of death in America, by a wide margin. Should this concern you? The answer is obvious.
Overcoming the health-usurping challenges presented in this article may seem impossible, but they clearly are not. There are those who are focused on doing exactly that rather than facing a deadly and unnecessary medical diagnosis. It’s a matter of being concerned enough about it to make the sacrifices needed to get your health on track – the right way, which just happens to be Biblical. Don’t be fooled by the clever marketing hype and peer pressure that sends you careening down the road to destruction. Be smart about how you eat and how you live day to day. Remember – it’s a lot easier to prevent disease than it is to overcome it. Act today, before it is too late.