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Orange Juice Blog Orange County's Political Mosh Pit, since 2003! We like that description -- considering the source.

Reprehensible Kleptocrat Shill Matt Cunningham describes us thusly: "I have rarely seen a more venomous, grandiose, and self-important gaggle of ankle-biters."

FU***NG FACEBOOK is deleting more and more of my blog stories.  I just wanted to say: "UPDATE:  The Santa Ana Rent Contr...

FU***NG FACEBOOK is deleting more and more of my blog stories. I just wanted to say: "UPDATE: The Santa Ana Rent Control ordinance, which we hope to duplicate in Anaheim, DOES cover Mobile Home Parks - some of the most-abused renters in Anaheim. And it has survived all legal challenges thus far. TAKE NOTE, RANCHO LA PAZ! *I'm not allowed to share the link on Facebook, BUT google "Anaheim 4th Worst City"

Get the straight dope here! (about Arte Moreno's lawsuit against Anaheim and its settlement.)

Get the straight dope here! (about Arte Moreno's lawsuit against Anaheim and its settlement.)

This is outrageous. We can't have a fire station we need because Angels Management says it'll make too much NOISE!

Finally complete - EVERYTHING about this past "Week That Was."  Sound off!

Finally complete - EVERYTHING about this past "Week That Was." Sound off!

Well, "this was the week that was," eh? Yes, this first thing happened last Friday, but this national sh*tshow is conducive to writer's block. Still we thought it was important for us to note this here, as it connects to this county. Our South OC Congressman Mike Levin last Friday became the 18th (a...

Ten years ago on OJB ... does anyone remember Fullerton/Irvine Republican politician Dick Ackerman, at one point Senate ...

Ten years ago on OJB ... does anyone remember Fullerton/Irvine Republican politician Dick Ackerman, at one point Senate Minority Leader? This is one of my classics. "Is there anything sadder than these final desperate flailings of former Republican Senate Minority Leader Dick Ackerman, these flailings for relevance in the twilight of his career? (Sadly, the answer is certainly “yes” – a reflection of the general sorrowful state of Life, the World, and Man – but let’s keep our eye on the ball...)"

Is there anything sadder than these final desperate flailings of former Republican Senate Minority Leader Dick Ackerman, these flailings for relevance in the twilight of his career? (Sadly, the answer is certainly "yes" - a reflection of the general sorrowful state of Life, the World, and Man - but....

Blast from 2010 - Six years before MAGA there was the Tea Party, a reactionary reaction to the unbelievable election of ...

Blast from 2010 - Six years before MAGA there was the Tea Party, a reactionary reaction to the unbelievable election of Barack Obama. It purported to be against corruption, waste, coddled incumbents, but as I suspected, after investigation, it was driven largely by anti-immigrant racism and co-opted (by this time) by the Republican establishment it was supposed to reform.

The MAIN reason I went to the San Juan Capistrano Tea Party on Saturday July 3 was because I heard the RINO King of Pork, Ken Calvert, would be speaking there. This seemed like it might be an interesting story – how would the Tea Partiers react? It seems that if Calvert is not precisely

Ten Years Ago on the Orange Juice Blog.  Remember when Darrell Issa briefly represented part of South Orange County?  He...

Ten Years Ago on the Orange Juice Blog. Remember when Darrell Issa briefly represented part of South Orange County? He's still in Congress but making a little less noise and trouble, and no longer Orange County's problem, but ten years ago today he really pi**ed us off...

An old couple I know real well, who are my handy barometer of the lower regions of rightwing sentiment, have been apoplectic since they started seeing those hordes of brown refugee kids flooding across their teevee screen. ALL their fears and loathing rushed back in full force, as they once again fe...

Did you get this email too?The obvious next step will be brutal.  Hopefully they won't do it.

Did you get this email too?

The obvious next step will be brutal. Hopefully they won't do it.

Sometime in the noon hour Eastern Time today, July 6, 2024, a fateful email was sent (mine was time stamped 9:46 Pacific time, how about yours?) and the world took a massive lurch towards disaster. Its header was: "The pundits have gotten everything wrong"; it was sent by Joe Biden, but the fact tha...

This solves more problems than you might think!  Joe finishes up as President Emeritus and the undisputed champion of Vi...

This solves more problems than you might think! Joe finishes up as President Emeritus and the undisputed champion of Vice-Presidential service, no one cares about Joe's age as VP, and Kamala benefits from his presence on the ticket and in the White House just like Obama did. And we get to watch her rip Trump new orifices daily during the campaign!

Please share if you agree!

Is Biden-Harris making you see red? Try new, improved, Harris-Biden! It won't make you feel blue; but it will help the White House stay blue!

Test:  Is Facebook not allowing me to post anything from my blog any more, or was it just my Temecula/Komrosky story?  H...

Test: Is Facebook not allowing me to post anything from my blog any more, or was it just my Temecula/Komrosky story? Here's Greg's latest, on the Supreme's apocalyptic Trump v. United States decision. If the OJB is illegal on FB now, they may be about to throw me into Facebook jail?

Greg's first take on the Supreme Court's scandalous "Trump v. United States" decision today.

So immature, these South County Republican insider clowns...

So immature, these South County Republican insider clowns...

Follow the CVRA you fools! And pay up!

Ten years ago on the OJ Blog.  I like this one.  I'd been invited (as I had before) to play piano at what I THOUGHT was ...

Ten years ago on the OJ Blog. I like this one. I'd been invited (as I had before) to play piano at what I THOUGHT was the Democratic Party's Flag Day lunch... but it turned out it was more a "Labor" Flag Day lunch, and the most "conservative" part of Labor at that. In fact there were several labor-friendly Republicans there. This is the day that Patrick Kelly finally explained why the building trades wanted to build toll lanes on the 405 rather than just expand the freeway: 'We expect to get more construction work paid for with the toll funds." I could only say DUH - Ernesto Medrano would never explain that to me. Read:

Remember that Flag Day event I played piano for on Saturday? I used to think of it as a Democrat, or as THE OC Democrat Flag Day event. I guess it's still what passes for one. And there were some good Democrat friends of mine there, but more good OC Democrats were notable for their

Read the final word on the subject: The Steels, when they call their opponents "Communists," are lobbing red rocks from ...

Read the final word on the subject: The Steels, when they call their opponents "Communists," are lobbing red rocks from a BIG GLASS HOUSE.

It's the authoritarianism, stupid.

Ten years ago on the OJ Blog - Jesus Aguirre, whom we and many others had been fighting for for over a year, finally had...

Ten years ago on the OJ Blog - Jesus Aguirre, whom we and many others had been fighting for for over a year, finally had his absurdly long prison sentence reversed (and would soon be free) - this was good news. But this story also turned into another chapter of my feud with R Scott Moxley, who was generally OC's greatest journalist. I just couldn't figure out why his coverage of Jesus was so unfair and sadistic, and back then whenever I'd criticize Moxley his editor Gustavo would pop up and defend him fiercely, mostly by insulting me. Ha! Around this time Moxley refused to go to a party at Bushala's house when he heard I'd be there... although a few years later me and Scott got along fine and shared tips via e-mail. I wonder where he is now? Oh well, the important thing is Jesus is free and doing great!

This press release was just put out yesterday by the family of Jesús Aguirre, the 16-year old (now 21-year old) sentenced to life in Pelican Bay prison, for what should have been probably just a few years ... and whom we featured in this well-read story last year: "We would like to thank the whole ...

Ten years ago on the OJB - we weren't sure what words to use at the time, but we were trying to stop the crazification o...

Ten years ago on the OJB - we weren't sure what words to use at the time, but we were trying to stop the crazification of the OC Board of Education as the June 2014 primary approached - Ken Williams was already there. By now it's gotten so bad it can't get worse. But is that Josh Newman's and Dave Min's SB 907 we see on the horizon? (Will be writing about that this week...)

. . . Somehow I recently ended up on the e-mail list for the OCBC, the Orange County Business Council. And I'm not complaining - I would like to stay on that list. This group, formed by Curt Pringle and currently headed by Lucy Dunn, is the premiere spokesgroup and lobbyist for the biggest

OK this is what I've been working on and believe it or not it's really fun... Read about a spot of blue in a sea of red ...

OK this is what I've been working on and believe it or not it's really fun... Read about a spot of blue in a sea of red South OC! Lotsa heroes and villains..

The Mishegas and the Desmadre... not a story you want to miss!

So many reasons for CD 45 to vote for Derek Tran, that is!  Come meet / support him this Sunday in Fullerton with the An...

So many reasons for CD 45 to vote for Derek Tran, that is! Come meet / support him this Sunday in Fullerton with the Anaheim Democrats Club!

And come meet Derek Tran Sunday!

Ten years ago on the OJ Blog: This 2014 piece of mine, from back when Board of Equalization member MICHELLE STEEL was fi...

Ten years ago on the OJ Blog: This 2014 piece of mine, from back when Board of Equalization member MICHELLE STEEL was first running for OC Supervisor (and lying about where she lived) has gotten over 3000 readers over the years - every time she runs for office lots of people click on it again. What she did as supervisor, faking a residence, was illegal - but Tony Rackauckas didn't care and later Todd Spitzer didn't care. Now, in Congress, it doesn't matter legally how far from her district she lives. (STILL, vote Derek Tran!)

Ah, Rolling Hills, California. The exclusive gated community nestled in the Palos Verdes Peninsula. Such a breathtakingly beautiful place with its view of the Pacific and its "ranch-style equestrian environment." Who could ever leave it? Not Shawn and Michelle Steel. The fourth-wealthiest place in t...

Ten years ago on OJB: During Anaheim's 2014 charter revisions, they snuck in something sneaky in "Measure C" which we pr...

Ten years ago on OJB: During Anaheim's 2014 charter revisions, they snuck in something sneaky in "Measure C" which we predicted CORRECTLY would be a way for the kleptocracy to get rid of honest Treasurer Henry Stern and replace her with cabal-obedient Finance Director Debbie Moreno. We were a little late in the game and nobody listened, and I don't remember why we published this under the satirical name "Anaheim Insider," except that it was a bunch of us writing together. But we did try the metaphor, "They say don't throw the baby out with the bathwater, but what if that baby in the bathwater of Measure C is the murderous CHUCKIE?"

There is an old cliche about how you "don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater." And there is certainly a heck of a lot of harmless bathwater constituting the plasma of the Anaheim kleptocracy's devious Measure C. But what IF the baby lurking, bathing within the tub and suds, is actually....

A timely message, from an important new Anaheim voice:

A timely message, from an important new Anaheim voice:

A powerful new voice in Anaheim, for sure.

The latest installment of Extremist OC Republicans Behaving Badly!  Enjoy...

The latest installment of Extremist OC Republicans Behaving Badly! Enjoy...

Hoo boy.

No surprise that Michelle Steel, with her ZERO rating from the Humane Society, loves her some puppy-killing Kristi Noem!...

No surprise that Michelle Steel, with her ZERO rating from the Humane Society, loves her some puppy-killing Kristi Noem! Vote for Derek Tran, who loves animals!

ZERO PERCENT RATING from humane society - wow!

That was a big deal, April 16, when Anaheim Council approved DisneylandForward with no delay or negotiations.  Took me t...

That was a big deal, April 16, when Anaheim Council approved DisneylandForward with no delay or negotiations. Took me this long to write about it, but I outdid myself. ENJOY!!!

The wrap-up on the Disneyland Forward vote. So far. Will we ever have a Council that represents the people of Anaheim?

Tuesday, 10am in Long Beach, this'll be big:

Tuesday, 10am in Long Beach, this'll be big:

Big Gaza Rally Tuesday in Long Beach!

Ten years ago on the OJ Blog, our June Primary endorsements – read by over 5500 readers (people love our voting guides, ...

Ten years ago on the OJ Blog, our June Primary endorsements – read by over 5500 readers (people love our voting guides, written mostly by Greg.) Lots of interesting historical stuff to look back on here, MOST NOTABLY: The corrupt JANET NGUYEN, in the middle of her second full (and disastrous) term as OC Supervisor, was first running for State Senator. (Successfully.) We all pretty much agreed with Zenger that she was “the biggest menace to good governance in this County.” But some of us said to each other, “Well maybe if she gets ‘kicked upstairs’ we can be rid of her in the County – what damage can she do in the Senate minority?”

And Zenger responded, with admirable prescience, “In Sacramento she can only do the ol’ shakedown routine and follow toe the party line. However, she will be poised to COME BACK to the County and try to do more damage.” And hey – here she is again ten years later in 2024, trying to get her grubby hands back into the County. We can’t let that happen! (Vote Frances Marquez!)

Aside from that, this was the year that Greg Diamond ran against Tony Rackauckas for DA because nobody else would. Greg is still proud of that race, and making the lamentable DA and his supporters spend money they hoped not to have to. Check it out:

SHORT VERSION Vern here. Greg obviously put a lot of thought and research into this guide, and on the races I'm familiar with I MOSTLY agree with him. And in the others I would CAUTIOUSLY trust his judgment. But I think for this to be a useful voters' guide, I need to condense it up

Ten Years Ago on the Orange Juice Blog:  Wherein we allowed the maverick Republican Fullerton politician to clear his na...

Ten Years Ago on the Orange Juice Blog: Wherein we allowed the maverick Republican Fullerton politician to clear his name... colorful.

Norby at the Orangethorpe-Harbor Starbucks. His eye is looking better, but he still sees occasional light flashes. "Permanent War is not a viable way of life, whether abroad or at home," opined Chris Norby. And I shot back, "Hey, that's a great epigram for this story, let me write it down!" The form...

Ten years ago, the second and most controversial post from our pseudonymous writer "Anaheim Insider." This one may be mo...

Ten years ago, the second and most controversial post from our pseudonymous writer "Anaheim Insider." This one may be most memorable for its depiction of Anaheim's "Great Man" pleasuring himself while watching the construction of his dream project ARTIC from his office window (NOT something *I* made up!) But if you remember, the first "Anaheim Insider" post used Galloway as a source, dinging her Mayoral opponent Lucille Kring for her constant drunkenness. By this point we were very disappointed in Galloway's campaign during which she said NOTHING about the planned Stadium Giveaway, or anything in defense of Tom Tait for all the slander he was enduring from the kleptocracy, so we focused on criticizing her silence and suggesting she was the real Pringle candidate. My sources in the Eli Home saw her reading this piece over and over with a horrified look on her face...

. . . Anaheim Insider here. It never fails. Every time I doubt the Great Man's wisdom, I get schooled. Example. Earlier this week I was up in his office, and I'd been waiting for the right moment to broach what I thought could be a sensitive topic, which had been gnawing at my mind.

City Attorneys Greg Simonian and Scott Smith continue to urge on Laguna Niguel, Laguna Hills & Rancho Santa Margarita in...

City Attorneys Greg Simonian and Scott Smith continue to urge on Laguna Niguel, Laguna Hills & Rancho Santa Margarita in their kamikaze crusades against District Elections, while collecting hefty legal fees!

Time to put a stop to this waste, Laguna Hills & Niguel, and RSM!

More on the Tone-Deaf, Double-Down Cluelessness of the Republican Party. And I say that with caring.

More on the Tone-Deaf, Double-Down Cluelessness of the Republican Party. And I say that with caring.

On the sound and the fury and the lameness of today's Republican Party.

I was gonna just post this Dave Min press release, but I had to know, who killed Dave's fine bill? And things got compli...

I was gonna just post this Dave Min press release, but I had to know, who killed Dave's fine bill? And things got complicated. Good songs here too - Silvio Rodriguez, 999...

This was supposed to be just a Dave Min press release. Got a little more complicated.

Unanimous resolution from the Anaheim Democrats Club: NEW REASONS District 3 should vote YES!

Unanimous resolution from the Anaheim Democrats Club: NEW REASONS District 3 should vote YES!

Unanimous Anaheim Democrats Club Resolution.




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