Millennial Media

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Millennial Media An editorial and creative agency founded by Mica Olinghouse dedicated to communicating the message o She knows how ministers think and how they act.

About Millennial Media:
Millennial Media, founded by Mica (Kilstrom) Olinghouse, is an editorial and creative agency dedicated to helping ministries communicate the message of faith to the next generation. Encompassing an Extended Network of Professionals (ENPs), this exceptional organization provides local churches, ministries, missionaries, and pastors with excellent print and multimedia niche s

ervices including book editing, ghostwriting, transcribing, social media, graphic design, and video production. While specializing in written communications, Millennial Media is expanding to offer national and international ministries of all sizes an exclusive blend of sophisticated content with trendy, digitalized services unique to the current tech-savvy generation. Ever committed to upholding the integrity of the Word of God, this high-energy nexus of qualified, creative professionals is passionately carrying the legacy of faith and the power of the Holy Spirit into all the world through refined yet innovative print and digital media communications. About Mica (Kilstrom) Olinghouse:
Growing up as the daughter of pastors and missionaries, Mica Charity Olinghouse has had the honor of being around ministry her entire life. She also understands the great responsibility God has placed on their lives to reach the lost and care for the sheep. Most importantly, she can relate to the burning fire inside each minister to proclaim the Word of God to the masses. As a professional, Mica is well trained and equipped to assist pastors, churches, and ministries with their print communications. A graduate from Oral Roberts University, she obtained her B.S. in Mass Media Communications / Journalism Concentration in 2003. Two years later, she graduated from Rhema Bible Training Center in Pastoral Ministry. Before launching into freelance, Mica worked for different ministries as both editor and writer. Since starting her freelance business, she’s had amazing opportunities working with ministers in the US and abroad. Mica recently married her best friend, Jeffrey Olinghouse, in June 2012. She is still getting used to going by Mica Olinghouse instead of by her maiden name, Mica Kilstrom. :)

Happy March!This month is packed with all kinds of client projects for us at Millennial Media. Mica has her hands full w...

Happy March!

This month is packed with all kinds of client projects for us at Millennial Media. Mica has her hands full with a content development project, two new manuscript reviews for editorial submission, article writing for a Christian online magazine, and more!

If you'd like to learn more about Millennial Media and the full suite of services we offer ministries, authors, and Christian professionals, visit our website at

On this brisk Monday morning, my work took me out of the office for an on-location interview in downtown Tulsa with an O...

On this brisk Monday morning, my work took me out of the office for an on-location interview in downtown Tulsa with an ORU Alumni Nomination candidate. I had a lovely conversation with a hard-working entrepreneur and discovered how other ORU grads are building the local community.

After spending most of January on the road, I am finally settled back in my home office (at least for the next month or ...

After spending most of January on the road, I am finally settled back in my home office (at least for the next month or so anyway). My travels have taken me from coast to coast over a 3-week period, and I'm thankful for a little stationary time to focus on some heavy lifting for Millennial Media.

This quarter is shaping up to be a busy one with several new client projects already booked over the next two months. Here's a quick overview of our editorial calendar from January - March:

🖊Travel writing assignments
🖊Blog article writing
🖊Book editing
🖊Content development project
🖊Custom interview, research, and copywriting package
🖊Email marketing management
🖊Social media and blog management

We're honored to work with so many wonderful people, including representatives from my alma mater this month!

We also have a few exciting things in the works in-house to be launched in the early part of this year:

🎯Plan to Publish V.24 (updated client onboarding forms and processes)
🎯New service packages
🎯New visitor and client resources on our website
🎯New writing group (we're very excited about this!)
🎯New monthly webinars for writers and authors

Thank you for your continued support of our business, and we will keep you updated with all the exciting things God is doing in Millennial Media in 2024!


One of the blessings of small business ownership is the ability to pack up my office and work from anywhere in the world...

One of the blessings of small business ownership is the ability to pack up my office and work from anywhere in the world. This month, my husband and I are traveling through Europe for both the ministry and his travel business. It's been a busy few weeks, but in the down time, I'm managing to squeeze in a bit of client work as needed.

Today, we arrived in the medieval city of Brugge, just a little over an hour away from Brussels. It's cold and rainy here currently - the ideal indoor evening to catch up on an editorial project for one of my clients. The hotel room we're staying in has the most adorable little sitting area, which I've effectively turned into my editorial office for the next few hours. With a Nespresso coffee and notebook by my side, I'm switching up roles from travel writer to book editor, an unusual combination but one completely suitable to my specific skills and background.

So hello from my little makeshift office to yours...and Happy Tuesday, friends and clients! It's wonderful to .

Hello Friends and Clients!I wanted to give you a sneak peek into my project list this month! My days have been overflowi...

Hello Friends and Clients!

I wanted to give you a sneak peek into my project list this month! My days have been overflowing with a variety of in-house and client projects involving multiple skill sets. It's been a busy quarter, and I've been blessed to have so many opportunities to put my hands to work.

Over the past few weeks, I've been doing a lot of heavy lifting for our in-house projects in preparation for brand awareness campaigns that launch while on location in Europe later this month. One of the benefits of small business ownership is the ability to pack up and take my work with me wherever I go. It's amazing how beautiful the details of God's plan work together when we are faithfully pursuing His path for our life.

My client schedule is full for the moment, but I will be open to accepting more client projects next quarter. If you're interested in booking an editorial, writing, or content management project with Millennial Media, you can fill out the Contact Form on our website.

- Mica

Happy New Year from Mica and the Millennial Media team!It's the first full work week in my home office, and I'm excited ...

Happy New Year from Mica and the Millennial Media team!

It's the first full work week in my home office, and I'm excited about all the new projects coming in 2023. I've had a fruitful 2022 working with self-publishing clients and traditional publishers alike to amplify the message of faith through the written and digital page.

I'd like to send a special thank you to clients past and present for continuing to trust me with your editorial and writing projects. It's an honor working with so many gifted and anointed ministers in the Body of Christ. I pray God's richest blessings will overtake each one of you in this new year.

If you'd like to work with me and my team on your next book or creative project, send us a message at [email protected].

Happy Writing!

This week, I've been enjoying a gorgeous bouquet of fresh fall flowers from our local florist Penelope and Lu. Its fragr...

This week, I've been enjoying a gorgeous bouquet of fresh fall flowers from our local florist Penelope and Lu. Its fragrance has filled my work space and added that special touch to my home office. I'm inspired to create! (This is a good thing since I'm in the middle of a content development project for a VIP client!)

One of my favorite passages of Scripture comes from Proverbs 6:6-8, which states, "Go to the ant, thou sluggard; conside...

One of my favorite passages of Scripture comes from Proverbs 6:6-8, which states, "Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways and be wise: Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest."

Like many verses throughout the Bible, this passage is a call to good stewardship. Although many Christians today don't understand the Biblical principle of stewardship, it is still an eternal spiritual law of the Kingdom.

Everything we've been given comes from the Lord -- our time, talents, gifts, marriage, children, ministry, finances, and business -- and it's up to us to care for those things appropriately. When we're faithful in stewarding what's been entrusted to our care, we are then rewarded based on our response to the call of responsibility and on our fruitfulness to multiply what's been given to us. A good and faithful steward will receive promotion and increase while a slothful person will continue to struggle without forward motion.

At Millennial Media, one of our core values is stewardship. We believe that God has blessed us with skills, talents, knowledge, opportunities, clients, and time. As good stewards of all we've been given, we work diligently on every project, servicing our clients with value and integrity while we work as unto the Lord.

While it is true that every business has ebbs and flows of work throughout the year, we recognize that good stewardship takes advantage of the busy times so that there is plenty stored up for the slower seasons. Like the ant in Proverbs 6, we work hard in the appropriate season and enjoy the fruits of our harvest year round!

- Mica

***Behind the Scenes Post*** I usually close out my work day between 5:00 and 6:30, but I'm burning a late night candle ...

***Behind the Scenes Post***
I usually close out my work day between 5:00 and 6:30, but I'm burning a late night candle tonight. As I'm sitting in my office working on one of two different content development projects that are currently on my editorial schedule, I'm reminded of the responsibility and rewards of Biblical stewardship.

The Bible admonishes us to be "stewards of the manifold grace of God" (1 Peter 4:10). Sometimes believers pigeon-hole themselves and consider only one or two particular aspects of the grace that God has given them. But in His infinite wisdom, the Lord has endowed us all with a mutli-faceted grace that allow us to fulfill His assignment on our lives in every area.

We have a grace given to us in the family realm, we have a grace given to us for the work of the ministry in accordance with our particular calling and ministry office, and we have a grace for our natural skills and talents in the marketplace. All of these graces work in tandem with one another, and it is our responsibility as good stewards in the Kingdom to discover, cultivate, and execute the particular graces God has bestowed upon us.

So while I may be working a little late this evening, I'm thankful for the opportunity to be a good steward of the grace given to me as a writer, editor, and business owner. This isn't my only grace, as I am also a wife and a minister of the Word of God. But because I've been faithful to follow God's plan for my life in all these areas, the manifold grace of God is being revealed in my marriage, my business, and my ministry...simultaneously...and it all is working in tandem for the full purpose of God on my life.

If you've been struggling with the dynamics of God's purpose and some things aren't syncing together as much as you'd like, I encourage you to seek God regarding His manifold grace on your life. Are you stewarding the grace of God on you in relationship to your family? Are you stewarding the grace of God on you in relationship to your work and natural talents? Are you stewarding the grace of God on you in relationship to your ministry? All of these things are tremendously important if you want to find that "sweet spot" in God's utlimate plan for you!

And if working a little longer, a little smarter, or a little harder requires you to steward that grace, guess what? God's grace will be on you for that task. His provision will be there. His anointing will be upon you. His wisdom will be available to you. All God is waiting on is for you to say, "Yes, Lord, I will move forward into the fullness of Your plan by being a faithful steward of the manifold grace of God!"

Be encouraged, my brothers and sisters in the Lord! And may we rise up as faithful stewards of all that God has entrusted into our care.

- Mica

As the cliche goes, "Time flies when you're having fun!" We may not be having a barrel of laughs all day during work hou...

As the cliche goes, "Time flies when you're having fun!" We may not be having a barrel of laughs all day during work hours, but we do love what we do---and it's keeping us very busy this summer!

Here's a quick overview of just a few of the projects we have on schedule this month. Our July is packed with content development, writing projects, and more as we coordinate with clients and publishers from all over the country (and some internationally)!

The domain transfer is in progress for the new website! We should be live here in a few days. We're excited to show you ...

The domain transfer is in progress for the new website! We should be live here in a few days. We're excited to show you our beautiful new home! :)

Hello friends!We are transferring our domain to the new site this week, so please be aware that our website may be down ...

Hello friends!

We are transferring our domain to the new site this week, so please be aware that our website may be down for a day or two during the transition. We're excited to unveil our brand new site here soon!

After 7 years, we decided it's time for a website upgrade! We're excited to show off our new website makeover soon. You'...

After 7 years, we decided it's time for a website upgrade! We're excited to show off our new website makeover soon. You'll love it, we promise!

Hello to all our online friends, clients, and fellow writers!Whew, it's been a long time since we've been regularly acti...

Hello to all our online friends, clients, and fellow writers!

Whew, it's been a long time since we've been regularly active on social media on our business platforms! We've been quietly working in the background these past several months on so many wonderful projects including multiple content development pieces, footnote research for a highly anticipated new book release from one of our favorite authors, logo designs, website launches, social media content for authors and podcasters, full suite brand developments, and new client acquisitions. It's been a fruitful year for us in our business!

In addition to all the front work we've been doing for various authors, ministries, writers, and Christian businesses, we're also doing some in-house maintenance and upgrades this month. We'll have more news to share with you soon.

In the meantime, let us know how you're doing with a comment below. We look forward to engaging with you again here on our social media platforms!

Hello friends and clients!It's been a while since we've posted on social media! We've had our hands full working on seve...

Hello friends and clients!

It's been a while since we've posted on social media! We've had our hands full working on several different client and in-house projects. 🖊😀

Today, we're excited to announce the completion of 1 of 4 new in-house website projects we're rolling out in 2nd and 3rd quarter.

If you enjoy inspirational and devotional writing, we invite you to visit Mica's new writing blog that launched this morning. She'll have many new articles published here in the future! So sit back with a cup of coffee and let these pure words from a pure heart wash over your soul. And if you love this blog, we encourage you to subscribe and share with a friend!

Also, if you're interested in setting up your own author blog, let us know! We have several different content management, blogging, and website packages available.

Mica Olinghouse is a writer, editor, small business owner, and minister. Her blog features Christian lifestyle topics, Bible studies, devotionals, Spirit-filled ministry, and inspirational articles.

PROFESSIONAL BRANDING TIP: Whatever your online presentation may be, the natural part will run a lot smoother if you'll ...

PROFESSIONAL BRANDING TIP: Whatever your online presentation may be, the natural part will run a lot smoother if you'll put together a brand style guide in the beginning of the design process. Continuity in your brand will be a lot easier to maintain across all channels -- website, social media, email marketing, business cards, and print pieces -- if you create a company standard for your colors, logo, purpose, and messaging.

A brand style guide will also help you clearly define your content and design choices so that they enhance your vision instead of detracting from it. Often, people select color schemes, imagery, fonts, and even a writing voice without any thought as to the whole purpose of their brand or platform. When this happens, the vision that's in their heart doesn't resonate well with the general public because they lost them in the small details of their communication.

Besides, who wants to keep reinventing the wheel later when you need to be RUNNING with the vision? Doing things right and clear in the beginning will help you stay free to move forward quickly in the future.

Pumpkin spice is in the air, and career fairs are calling your name! With the job market shifting gears and accelerating...

Pumpkin spice is in the air, and career fairs are calling your name! With the job market shifting gears and accelerating, fall is a great time to update your resume!

We have brand new resume packages now available. Choose a standard resume and cover letter or level up your game with one of our two design options! We provide additional resume and business consultations as well.

For more information, check out our Plan to Publish Fast Track option, request our pricing guide, or download your free resume checklist!

Tutoring Services Are Now Available!

Tutoring Services Are Now Available!

One of our core values at Millennial Media is empowering others through Christ-centered teaching. We are now expanding our Millennial Media brand to a younger generation through Millennial Tutoring. Sessions are available locally in person or online globally through Zoom and include French, Spanish,



Hello Clients & Friends,

As I've been praying, researching, and considering how to help families during the upcoming school year by offering tutoring services, I'm beginning to develop a tentative plan that could be implemented by mid to late September. If you're interested in having me tutor your child or teen (whether locally in person or globally online), this post is for you!

First of all, in order to help families financially, I want to be able to offer a special 50% off rate during the fall 2020 semester. In order to do that, I would need to offer small group tutoring classes with personal tutoring options. These are the classes I can offer at that rate through Millennial Tutoring:

1) Beginner's Level French (child OR teen/adult):
5 students maximum in-person group and/or 5 students maximum online. Children's classes and teen/adult classes will be taught separately.
45 minute group session
1 session per week
$25 per child
$5 multi-child discount per family

2) Christian American Heritage & History (child OR teen/adult):
5 students maximum in-person group and/or 5 students maximum online. Children's classes and teen/adult classes will be taught separately.
45 minute group session
1 session per week
$25 per child
$5 multi-child discount per family

3) English / Writing / Literature (child OR teen):
5 students maximum in-person group and/or 5 students maximum online. Children's classes and teen classes will be taught separately.
45 minute group session
1 session per week
$25 per child
$5 multi-child discount per family

4) Bible (child or teen)
5 students maximum in-person group and/or 5 students maximum online. Children's classes and teen classes will be taught separately.
45 minute group session
1 session per week
$25 per child
$5 multi-child discount per family

5) Personal Customized Tutoring Session
One-on-One setting with child or teen based on student's needs
All subjects except common core math, AP geometry and calculus (I took AP calc in French in high school during my years at the Lycée in France. One year of that is enough for me! LOL)
45 minute session
1 session per week
$40 per child (20% off usual price)

All in-person classes and tutoring will be held in our home in Broken Arrow, and all online students will be joining us in the class session via Zoom. Weekly or monthly payment plans will be available and will be processed through Millennial Media.

If any of these classes and options interest you or someone you know, will you please comment below or inbox me? I'll need 3 students minimum for each class to open. Also, if you don't live here locally but would be interested in my tutoring services, we can accommodate you no matter where you live via Zoom.

I'm narrowing down my availability options but would like to see what times work best for families given this very unusual school year. Do mornings, afternoons, evenings, or Saturdays work best for you?

ALSO, I'm considering offering some business and writing workshops (online or in person) for adults through our Millennial Media School of Business & Communications. If you'd be interested in that, let me know.

Thank you!

PROFESSIONAL WRITING TIP: Depending on your personality and style, you may want to keep a digital or analog record-keepi...

PROFESSIONAL WRITING TIP: Depending on your personality and style, you may want to keep a digital or analog record-keeping system. Whatever system you choose--index cards, notebooks, binders, or computer files--make sure you keep it organized and easily accessible throughout your research.

Ever heard of the ECPA, EPA, ITWA, and the ACES? Hint: These are professional world-class professional organizations for...

Ever heard of the ECPA, EPA, ITWA, and the ACES? Hint: These are professional world-class professional organizations for writers, editors, and publishers!

This year, I had the honor of joining 4 wonderful professional organizations. These networks provide excellent opportunities to connect with others in my industry, stay up-to-date with the changes in publishing, strengthen my skills through webinars and workshops, and expand my business in a new and

WRITING TIP: Keep an idea journal on you at all times! (Check out our blog for some of our favorite writing journals and...

WRITING TIP: Keep an idea journal on you at all times! (Check out our blog for some of our favorite writing journals and tech tools!)

TOOLS FROM OUR OFFICE: SONY DIGITAL VOICE RECORDERWe wanted to share with you some of our favorite tools we use behind t...


We wanted to share with you some of our favorite tools we use behind the scenes in researching, writing, and working. One of the tools we can't do without is a digital voice recorder. We recently had to update our old Sony recorder for this more modern version. We love that it comes with a built-in USB!

Sony ICD-PX470 Stereo Digital Voice Recorder with Built-in USB Voice Recorder, Black

BLOG POST: 10 Tips for Researching Your Book As much as you may like to write your story off the cuff, it is imperative ...

BLOG POST: 10 Tips for Researching Your Book

As much as you may like to write your story off the cuff, it is imperative to deliberately and thoroughly research your material before plunging into writing mode. In fact, one of the greatest secrets to accurate, excellent writing is preparation through research.

Although there are many different elements involved in conducting quality research, I have listed ten of the most important tips to consider when locating and preparing writing material. I trust these guidelines will help you understand the greater scope of the writing process and will aid you in al

My latest certifications include the following: Print Publishing in a Digital-First World, Blogging, Travel Writing, Aff...

My latest certifications include the following: Print Publishing in a Digital-First World, Blogging, Travel Writing, Affiliate Marketing, Content Marketing, Social Media, Email Marketing, Inboud Marketing, SEO (this summer), and Ecommerce (this summer).

Over the past 8 months, I have been hitting the books and taking several professional online certification courses in my field of study. I’ve found these courses extremely helpful in boosting my skills, keeping my expertise up to date, and understanding how to better serve my clients. It’s been ...

Many new authors don't realize the importance of setting up a cohesive online brand for their writer platform. If you wa...

Many new authors don't realize the importance of setting up a cohesive online brand for their writer platform. If you want to reach your audience with your words, it's important to create an inviting and recognizable online presence. Think of it like inviting your friends into your living room to hear your stories. Your author platform should start off with the basics of tasteful branding--a consistent design, a uniform professional domain and email address, and a few branded social media channels. All serious writers and authors should invest in a PAID website or blogging site. No one wants to see the website server name in your domain!

CLIENT SPOTLIGHT: Check out this week's blog from our one of our VIP clients, Karen Jensen Salisbury!

CLIENT SPOTLIGHT: Check out this week's blog from our one of our VIP clients, Karen Jensen Salisbury!




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Our Story

About Us

Millennial Media, founded by Mica Charity Olinghouse, is an editorial and creative agency dedicated to helping ministries communicate the message of faith to the next generation. Built on a four-tiered platform, our organization focuses on Book & Print Media Production, Brand Development, Content Marketing, and Business Support. Through the help of our Extended Network of Professionals (ENPs), we are able to provide ministries, established writers, church plants, and small Christian business startups with excellent print and multimedia niche services including book editing, copywriting, logo design, website design, social media content development, and email marketing.

While specializing in written communications, Millennial Media offers our clients both in the US and abroad an exclusive blend of sophisticated content development with trendy, digitalized services unique to the current tech-savvy generation. Ever committed to upholding the integrity of the Word of God, our high-energy network of qualified, creative professionals is passionately carrying the legacy of faith and the power of the Holy Spirit into all the world through refined yet innovative print and digital media communications.

About Our Business