iGate Media Group, LLC
DBA iGateTV, iGateTV_Official, iGateFlix, iGateTV Android Box
Copyright Infringement: Public Notice
It has come to our knowledge that our Content is being misappropriated and put to unauthorized use on social media platforms. We emphatically reprimand the use of our intellectual property without obtaining our license or authorization.
All iGateTV_Official, iGateTV, iGateFlix, iGateTV_AndroidBox Websites Facebook groups/pages is iGate Media Groups, LLC proprietary property and all source code, database, functionality, software, website deigns, audio, video, text, photographs and graphics on the site (collectively, “the Content”) and the trademarks and logos contained therein (“the Marks”) are owned or controlled by us or licensed to us, and are protected by copyright and trademark laws and various other intellectual property rights under the laws of the United States, foreign jurisdictions and international conventions.
We notify that such illegal and unauthorized use amounts to violation of our intellectual property and attract serious actions and consequence under law, both civil and criminal. Therefore, we request any infringing content to be immediately taken down by any unauthorized user with unconditional public apology or else, we will be compelled to take recourse to legal remedies against such unauthorized use.