A MrD consideration: Thoughts on the unfortunate way people evaluate circumstance today...
As a writer I treat things differently than many people, including many of my friends.
My Dad used to say “Mark, perception is everything!” and for a long time I considered him right-on.
I no longer do. Perception is important, but not everything. By that I mean that understanding a set of circumstances means recognizing the difference between my perception and the facts that undergird a perspective. Many people believe the two words share definitions and are similar.
They are not!
Still, keeping with my initial gut perceptions is easier, but most important to me as a human being, perceptions are much more comfortable. Yet, easy does not always work. Over the years I have learned that when evaluating a circumstance, I need to step out of my personal perception.
Now, why do I say that?
Here’s why!
Perception has everything to do with how we view the world around us through the lens of what we value and how our senses deliver meaning— what we see; what we hear; what we fear; what we taste; what we read; even what common opinions or experiences friends or family may share. Perception is easy. And have you noticed, humans always seek comfort and easy answers, first. It is our nature.
The problem is Perception is not logical. It is emotional. Perception may include rumor, innuendo, meritless gossip, and/or supported or unsupported insinuation based on what others want us to feel or conclude about a topic. Especially if we can somehow easily construe a meaning from what is presented whether it is right or wrong. As the old saying goes, “If the shoe fits, wear, wear it!”
And we do This scenario is prevalent throughout or society—always has been.
Again, the problem is Perception is subjective—based on individual wants, needs, desires—and the result we want based on those yearnings. Perception is only how we as individuals see things, i.e., if you only have one eye or are colorblind your perception may be that the world is only black and white or two-dimensional.
Yet, our world is full of colors and sounds and those combine to make life wonderful—then again, not necessarily if the world is viewed through the bias of a subjective lens of our own or others’ perceptions.
Conversely, Perspective is when we use actual objective, measurable facts to gain a larger point of view that may or often may not align with our initial perception of a circumstance.
The trouble is that when an honest objective perspective clashes with our old subjective perception we most often yield to the easy or most comfortable of the two, because we yearn for that perception to be true, even when it is not.
And the worst thing about that? As a society we will not take the ‘real time’ or ‘real effort’ to differentiate between the two.
Chico, Perception is easy because we are already prepared to agree with it, while Perspective is difficult and usually uncomfortable.