A Life’s Dream
The Official page for the Stars of Hollywood Network, Inc. This account represents all accredited actors, actresses and musicians from around the world in 195 countries. The Stars of Hollywood Network will be the world’s largest online museum of all the Actors & Actresses in full 100% 3D representation. This is a historical website that will be the new international CDN providing online content using " LightSpeed 1T™" technology compatible formats for TV, Radio and Internet Broadcasting using VPOS Technologies created by William E Bales. Watch for our www.starsofhollywoodnetwork.com international launch.
“Its been a dream to build something monumental and useful for the future of talent around the world. As a technologist, I feel that this is my “statue or monument” that I could provide to the world as the first international arena using no telecom carriers or radio waves. To provide a new quantum network of this magnitude will be a life's dream come true. The new SuperGate is meant to embrace the entertainment broadcast world and bring it into a new highly advanced and secure distribution era. This is the official SuperGate (Super Backbone) that will provide the world’s first 1 petabyte per second quantum technology superbackbone network. (Project SOHN) is now looking to build the first datacenter using VPOS Nucleonic Quantum Binary Operating System technology. It was created and designed to bring the world together. ~William E Bales”
SOHN plans to reach across the world with our first SuperGate Distribution Hub to be located in ITALY. Investment opportunities are available through our project funding platform. To schedule a PPM presentation for an interested accredited investor, you may contact us directly through our page.
Follow the SOHN on our official Twitter at @OfficialSOHN
Our mailing address for public relations is as follows;
Stars of Hollywood Network, Inc.
PO Box 452492
Los Angeles, CA 90045