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Better Learning Podcast The Better Learning Podcast brings on guests that talk about ways we can improve education for kids.

This weeks episode of the Better Learning Podcast is a special one!Kay-Twelve's Clarissa Darbone and Pfluger Architects ...

This weeks episode of the Better Learning Podcast is a special one!

Kay-Twelve's Clarissa Darbone and Pfluger Architects Merri Salazar host the show and talk about the fascinating world of K-12 education design, highlighting the importance of being student-centered and the power of community engagement.

"The projects that turn out the best are the ones that go out and figure out what the community really wants."

Listen here:


Positive school climates are linked to increased high school graduation rates, turnarounds in low-performing schools, reduced school violence, and increased communication among students, families and faculty.

Can you name a time where you had to overcome negativity for the greater good?


We want to know, for those of you who went to college, how many of you ended up switching professions before graduating?

Did you originally select a major because you were going to college but still didn't know what you wanted to do after graduation?

Let us know your story in the comments below!


In the early 2000s, major corporations in the tech industry predominantly based their hiring decisions on candidates' academic pedigrees.

Top GPA scores, degrees from Ivy League schools, and other traditional indicators of academic excellence were the gold standards for securing a position in these elite companies.

The logic was straightforward: brilliant minds equate to groundbreaking innovations and success.

However, this approach, while successful in many ways, revealed significant limitations. A room full of brilliant individuals does not guarantee effective teamwork, communication, or a healthy workplace culture.

Recognizing these issues, companies began to shift their hiring strategies. The focus moved from solely academic achievements to a more holistic view of the candidate. This shift was mirrored in educational institutions, which started to place a greater emphasis on developing soft skills alongside traditional academic learning.

1.) Collaborative Learning: Schools introduced more group projects and collaborative assignments to help students develop teamwork skills.

2.) Communication Skills: Courses on communication, conflict resolution, and leadership became more prevalent.

3.) Experiential Learning: Internships, co-op programs, and real-world problem-solving were integrated into the curriculum to give students hands-on experience working in teams.

If you were hiring an individual today, what would you say is the most valuable skill to have?


J. Thomas Woelper had always been driven by a desire to push the boundaries of education.

Yet, despite his significant achievements of teaching at Groton School, becoming the Assistant Head of School and Dean of Academic Life at The Hotchkiss School, as well as serving as the Head of the Ake Panya International School in Thailand, he felt an itch for something more – a desire to revolutionize the educational landscape on a broader scale.

This desire found its outlet when he teamed up with John Camp, an entrepreneur with over 25 years of teaching experience. Together, they envisioned a school that would challenge the status quo and equip students with the skills needed for an uncertain future.

This vision materialized as the New England Innovation Academy (NIA), an independent school dedicated to fostering innovation, entrepreneurship, and human-centered design. NIA wasn't just another school; it was a bold experiment aimed at redefining education.

In this episode on the Better Learning podcast, Tom and Camp delved into the unique aspects of NIA. They discussed the challenges of moving away from traditional grading systems and the pervasive impact of college admissions on contemporary education.

Listen to the Episode:


According to the The Amos Group and SchoolBondFinder, there was a 49.8% increase in passed bonds between the year 2021 and 2023, even with the affects of COVID still striking.

2021: $51,475,587,542
2023: $77,131,676,112

But why?

Long-term vision, public support, heightened awareness of school needs, effective communication strategies, and flexibility in spending are key factors contributing to this resilience.

What are your thoughts on the resilience of school bonds during challenging times like the COVID-19 pandemic? Have you noticed any specific factors in your community that contribute to their continued support?


What key advice would you share with individuals starting college, entering the world of Career and Technical Education (CTE), or launching their professional careers?


At the core of who we are and why we exist is to talk about the importance of prioritizing the needs of students above all else.

Even in the face of political pressures. Even in the face of a global pandemic. Even in the face of the general public opinion.

We call it being .

Heidie Ciesielski, Superintendent of Fenton Area Public Schools, joined us on the podcast to talk about educational leadership, staying radically student-centered, and navigating the complexities of the superintendent role.

Listen Here:


What's the biggest misconception about education?

Katelyn Forcucci, a former educator and rising star in education, argues that it's the distinction between being an educator versus being a glorified babysitter.

What do you think?

Second Class Foundation, Education Leaders' Organization, Association for Learning Environments, EDmarket, Kay-Twelve


What drove your motivation during your school years?

Pursuit of high grades? OR.... The innate curiosity for learning?

Kay-Twelve, Second Class Foundation, Association for Learning Environments, Education Leaders' Organization


Have you ever dismissed a thought or question simply because it conflicted with your pre-existing beliefs or challenged your usual way of thinking?

If you said no, you're probably lying...

But, saying "yes" and actually consuming a different thought or idea can prompt us to challenge our assumptions, model lifelong learning for our students, and create dynamic environments where experimentation is encouraged.

So, we challenge you: What will you say "yes" to today?"

Check out the full episode:


If you watch Shark Tank, you may have already heard of our recent guest Shaan Patel and his company Prep Expert.

Who is your favorite former guest shark or pitch?

In a world where traditional educational models often fall short of engaging learners, one nonprofit is harnessing the t...

In a world where traditional educational models often fall short of engaging learners, one nonprofit is harnessing the transformative potential of media and storytelling to revolutionize education.

By leveraging the captivating medium of storytelling, our partner the Second Class Foundation is on a mission to inspire change in education.

Through their groundbreaking docu-series, 'What We Show Them,' they shine a spotlight on the remarkable journey of Valley View Elementary School in Idaho. But this series isn't just about one school—it's about weaving together diverse narratives from different communities, each with its own unique challenges and triumphs.

It's about sparking conversations, challenging perceptions, and ultimately, catalyzing positive change in education.

The name "Second Class Foundation" might raise eyebrows at first glance.

What does it mean? Is it a commentary on the current state of education? Or perhaps a bold vision for the future?

Kevin Stoller addresses these questions head-on in our latest episode, explaining that the name is intentionally provocative. It challenges us to confront the realities of our education system and inspires us to strive for a future where every learner is empowered to reach their full potential.

Association for Learning Environments, Education Leaders' Organization, Kay-Twelve


Stereotypes about leadership styles can hinder women's advancement in school leadership roles.

Traditional perceptions of leadership often align with assertive, commanding traits typically associated with masculinity. In turn, women who exhibit collaborative or empathetic leadership styles may face skepticism or resistance when vying for leadership positions.

Would you agree? Are there other factors that hold women back from ascending to these influential positions? What can we do to help break down these barriers?

Association for Learning Environments, Kay-Twelve, Education Leaders' Organization, Second Class Foundation


What should the primary objective of school be?


Overall, do you believe assigning homework enhances students' learning experiences, or do you consider it an unnecessary burden that fails to contribute significantly to their development?

Association for Learning Environments, Kay-Twelve, Second Class Foundation, Education Leaders' Organization


In school, we often think that having lots of money means we'll do really well. But that's not always true. Even if a school has tons of money, it might not do as well as you'd expect.


Well, it all comes down to the people leading the school.

Think of it like this: Imagine your school is like a team, and the principal or head teacher is the coach. A good coach knows how to make the team work together, how to encourage everyone, and how to help them get better at what they do.

Now, if a school has a lot of money but doesn't have a good coach—or leader—things might not go so smoothly. The money might not be used in the best way, or the team might not know what to focus on. Without good leadership, even a big budget might not help much.


This is what we mean by being Radically Student Centered...

When schools care more about what students need and what makes them excited to learn, they feel more involved and excited about school.

But we need to make some changes to our current system. Would you agree?

Doug Ducey, Association for Learning Environments, Leaders' Organization, Kay-Twelve

Picture a landscape where children are not bound by zip codes or economic circumstances, but instead, have access to sch...

Picture a landscape where children are not bound by zip codes or economic circumstances, but instead, have access to schools that nurture their talents and aspirations.

When parents have the freedom to explore a spectrum of educational options—from traditional public schools to charter schools, private institutions, and homeschooling—they become active participants in their child's educational journey, fostering a sense of ownership and investment in their academic success.

Critics may argue that expanding school choice undermines the stability and viability of traditional public schools. However, Governor Doug Ducey's vision transcends the false dichotomy of choice versus public education. Rather than viewing choice as a threat, it should be regarded as a catalyst for positive transformation within our educational systems.

What are your thoughts on power of choice when it comes to determining where your student may go to school?

Check out our new episode airing tomorrow featuring Governor Doug Ducey to learn more!


In today's educational landscape, the integration of technology is no longer just an option—it's a necessity.

With the rise of ( ) and ( ) tools like ChatGPT, educators are presented with a unique opportunity to revolutionize the way they teach and engage with students.

Yet, despite the potential benefits, there remains a lingering skepticism surrounding the use of such technologies in the classroom.

One of the prevailing concerns is the fear of plagiarism and the erosion of academic integrity. However, fixating solely on this issue overlooks the broader transformative potential that AI-powered tools like ChatGPT offer to educators.

Instead of viewing these tools through the narrow lens of plagiarism detection, it's time to shift the conversation towards leveraging them to create teacher-centered learning environments that prepare students for the digital age.

By reframing the conversation and focusing on the transformative potential of AI-powered tools, we can ensure that all students have access to high-quality education and develop the skills they need to thrive in the future.

Listen to the Full Episode:

Maywood-Melrose Park-Broadview School District 89, Association for Learning Environments, Second Class Foundation, Kay-Twelve, Education Leaders' Organization


Education is often compartmentalized, with rigid boundaries separating different stakeholders and approaches. Teachers operate within their classrooms, administrators within their offices, and students within their peer groups.

Yet, true innovation arises when these silos are dismantled.

By listening to the stories of others, we gain a deeper appreciation for the complexities of education.

What was your experience with school as a student growing up?

Thomas C Murray, All4Ed, Education Leaders' Organization, Second Class Foundation, Kay-Twelve, Association for Learning Environments


In the 1980s, groundbreaking studies shed light on a simple yet profound aspect of healing: the view from a patient's room.

Researchers found that patients with similar afflictions and care regimens healed at different rates depending on their access to natural light and scenic views.

Matt Hansen, in this weeks episode of our podcast, highlighted the essence of these studies, emphasizing the significant role that environmental factors play in the healing process.

This phenomenon underscores the intricate connection between our surroundings and our well-being. It prompts us to ponder: How might the environments we create influence learning outcomes in educational settings?

Consider the typical classroom: its layout, decor, and access to natural elements. Could incorporating elements of nature, such as sunlight, greenery, and scenic views, enhance student engagement, focus, and overall well-being?

Research suggests that exposure to natural light and outdoor views can positively impact cognitive function, mood regulation, and stress reduction. By integrating these elements into educational spaces, schools have the opportunity to create nurturing environments that support holistic student development.

This question invites educators, administrators, and policymakers to envision innovative approaches to educational design and curriculum development. It challenges us to prioritize the holistic needs of students and create environments that inspire curiosity, resilience, and lifelong learning.

Would you agree?

IKM Architecture, Association for Learning Environments, Kay-Twelve, Second Class Foundation, Education Leaders' Organization


It's evident that not all students navigate academic life in the same way.

From those who seamlessly blend into the educational landscape to others who struggle to find their place, the spectrum of student experiences is vast and multifaceted.

As David O'Coimin discusses in our latest podcast, there are three different types of students commonly found in schools:

1.) The Assimilators:

These are the students who seem to effortlessly fit into the traditional school mold. They excel at understanding and adhering to the expectations set by the educational system. They are often punctual, organized, and adept at meeting deadlines. These students find comfort and security in the predictability of school routines, allowing them to navigate academic challenges with relative ease.

2.) The Adapters:

Adapters represent a diverse group of students who may not fully align with the conventional norms of education but possess the resilience and adaptability to manage their academic responsibilities. They may seek out additional support from teachers, leverage technology to enhance their learning experience, or explore unconventional approaches to problem-solving.

3.) The Non-Conformists:

Non-conformists are students who find themselves at odds with the traditional structures and expectations of the educational system. They may resist conformity to established norms, question authority, or express dissatisfaction with the conventional methods of teaching and assessment. Non-conformists often possess unique perspectives, interests, and talents that may not be fully recognized or accommodated within the confines of traditional schooling.

In what category would you say you fell under as a student? What strategies can schools implement to better support the diverse needs of students across the spectrum of academic experiences?


We often categorize individuals into neat boxes: introverts and extroverts.

It's a "convenient" classification, one that seems to simplify the complexities of human nature into easily digestible labels.

Introversion and extroversion represent two ends of a spectrum in psychological terms. Introverts are often described as individuals who gain energy from being alone, while extroverts thrive in social settings and draw energy from interactions with others. However, these definitions fail to capture the full spectrum of human behavior and experience.

The truth is, human beings are incredibly dynamic creatures, capable of adapting to various social situations and environments. While someone may identify more strongly with introverted tendencies in certain situations, they may display extroverted qualities in others.

Instead of viewing introversion and extroversion as opposing forces, we should celebrate the diversity of human personality and the myriad ways in which individuals navigate the world around them. By challenging stereotypes and embracing the fluidity of human nature, we can create a more inclusive and understanding society.

Can you relate to the fluidity of introversion and extroversion in your own life experiences?

David O'Coimin, Association for Learning Environments, Kay-Twelve, Second Class Foundation, Education Leaders' Organization


We want to know - what was school like for you as a kid!? Let us know down in the comments below!


Effective leaders take the time to understand what makes each student tick—their passions, challenges, and sources of motivation.

This involves active listening, observing, and creating spaces for students to express themselves. By acknowledging the diverse interests and strengths within the student body, educators can tailor their approach, ensuring that each student feels seen, heard, and understood.

In your personal and professional life, do you feel like you take a similar approach in acknowledging and celebrating the diverse achievements of your co-workers, students, children, friends, etc.?

Listen to the Full Episode:

McCamey ISD, Association for Learning Environments, Education Leaders' Organization, Second Class Foundation, Kay-Twelve


In the pursuit of creating an inclusive and supportive educational environment, it's essential to address the needs of all students.

One often overlooked aspect is menstrual health, specifically for girls who may face challenges related to their periods. Providing easy access to menstrual resources can not only empower these students but also have a positive impact on attendance rates, making it a low-cost investment with significant returns.

Menstruation has been surrounded by societal taboos for far too long, leading to discomfort and inconvenience for many girls during their school days. Lack of access to necessary resources can result in absenteeism, affecting not only academic performance but also hindering the overall educational experience.

By making menstrual resources easily accessible within schools, we can break down the barriers that hinder attendance. Simple measures such as providing sanitary pads in school bathrooms or having a designated space where students can access these supplies discreetly can make a world of difference.

Aunt Flow, under our guest Claire Coder's leadership, has revolutionized public bathrooms in schools by stocking them with freely accessible tampons and pads. The company has introduced patented dispensers in over 30,000 bathrooms, raising an impressive $17 million+ in venture capital.

Have you thought about the impact this could have on your local schools!?

Listen to the full episode:

Claire Coder, Kay-Twelve, Association for Learning Environments, Second Class Foundation, Leaders' Organization, Aunt Flow


Do you have 3-5 stories that you can fall back on in any circumstance?


As a teacher, your influence extends beyond the classroom to the homes of your students.

That means, establishing trust with parents is a common experience that all educators have to work through.

It's a continuous process that requires open communication, transparency, and a commitment to the well-being and academic success of your students.

But when you eventually reach a place where parents trust you, a supportive network that propels students toward success is created. That's what being Radically Student Centered is all about.

In what ways do you work to build this trust?




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