Accept your blessings. 😊 #BeBlessed #Inspire #Motivation #AllowYourselfToBeLoved #UpliftSomeone
Great morning! ☀️ #LetsBeGREAT #Success #Positivity #Mindset #Greatness 📶 Let's be GREAT Podcast
You were put here to do GREAT things. Don't let anyone talk you out of it. #LetsBeGREAT #Success #Growth #WonderfullyMade #GodGaveYouAGift #UseIt 📶💪🏾
Tune in at 8:00pm.. Episode 52 is on ALL podcast platforms. #LetsBeGREAT
Trust the process.. #LetsBeGREAT #Success #ItsBeautyInPain #TrustTheProcess #BeGREAT #Greatness 💎📶
Great morning! ☀️ #LetsBeGREAT #SowThoseSeeds #Freedom #Success #Dreams
Do 1 thing towards your dreams & goals today. #LetsBeGREAT #Disclipline #Goals #Dreams #Freedom #HealthIsWealth
Last video in my office before I resigned. #LetsBeGREAT #Discipline #Freedom
Tune in every Monday at 8:00pm 😊
Episode 50 is available now. 💪🏾
Follow @lets_be_great_podcast on TikTok. More episodes are on the way. Don't miss out on life changing gems.... #LetsBeGREAT #Podcast #PersonalDevelopment #Growth #Change
Part 2- Believe in yourself
When you’re destined for greatness, nothing or no one can stop it. #LetsBeGREAT
Greatness is upon you. 😤
Let's be GREAT Podcast
I started everything I’m doing now while working my 9 to 5. I even wrote an blog post a few years ago called “Keep your goals and dreams alive on your 9 to 5.” (Link in bio)
Use your 9 to 5 to create your 5 to 9, until your 5 to 9 becomes your 9 to 5. We all have 24 hours in a day. 8 hours go to your job and you have 16 hours left. Use them wisely.
Side Note: Before you quit your 9 to 5, remember consistent income help takes the pressure off of you, so you can have creativity when pursuing your goals as an entrepreneur.
Have the vision, plan your course and execute. Also, be patient. Social media has everyone rushing, and thinking everyone can be a overnight success. (I wrote a blog about that as well.) Link in bio.
Slow and steady. 🐢> 🐰
#Motivation #Inspiration #Inspire #LoveAndInspire #Empowerment #Uplift #transform #Positivity #NoNegativity #BeGreat #Greatness #Mentor #YouAreSpecial #Podcast #Podcaster #LetsBeGreatPodcast #LetsBeGREAT #RefuseToBeNormal #PowellCapitalInvestment #Branding #RealEstate #PassiveIncome #LifeJewels #Spotify #ApplePodcast #Networking #AnchorPodcast #OvercastPodcast #Marketing