Come Towards Delight

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Come Towards Delight Mike is on a mission to interview everyday people who are Delightful... The people I interview have

🚨 New Episode Published 59. Adam Hedgepeth ON: Growing up with light and truth all around you but having to discover and...

🚨 New Episode Published

59. Adam Hedgepeth ON: Growing up with light and truth all around you but having to discover and learn for yourself. Dreams to be a Father. Connecting with God and learning to Listen.

Adam is a dear friend of mine and hero. His story is such an incredible story and example of the desire we all have within us to be free and find our own way. You will feel inspired by this good man and love hearing how finding his now wife changed his heart and life.

To those of you willing to leave an honest review on Apple Podcast, I would be very grateful.

Link to listen in comments below.

Adam Hedgepeth

🚨 New Episode Published58. Terry Tucker ON: Purpose! This man is a giant, literally & figuratively. In a fight for his l...

🚨 New Episode Published

58. Terry Tucker ON: Purpose! This man is a giant, literally & figuratively. In a fight for his life against Cancer Terry looks for the good in all things and has gratitude even for the little things.

Terry Tucker is a man on purpose, an author and quite frankly… one incredible Human. His story will lift you up, fill you with a desire to filter out negativity and focus on the positive. I've only spoken to Terry live one time and I left our conversation feeling better about myself, and like I had known him and looked up to him for years.

Check out Terry's website at

If you would like to purchase Terry's book called "Sustainable Excellence", you can find it on Amazon

Terry, you are an incredible man and I am so grateful that I had the privilege to meet you and learn from you. Thank you for sharing your light, love, and purpose with us. God bless you and your family always my friend.

🚨 New Episode Published57. Kristy Johnson ON: Kristy shares her journey growing up in a home with a parent addicted to d...

🚨 New Episode Published

57. Kristy Johnson ON: Kristy shares her journey growing up in a home with a parent addicted to drugs, going through a divorce and trauma, then beginning her journey of self discovery and worth.

Kristy you are a beautiful human and I am so grateful to connect with you. You are amazing! If you would like to connect with Kristy, you can find her on Instagram.

Kristy on Instagram or Facebook Kristy Lloyd

Link to listen in comments below.



🚨 New Episode Published

56. Mark Miner ON: Addict Rescued by the Grace of Jesus Christ. With loaded gun in mouth ready to pull, the Lord showed up in a miraculous way!

Mark is a dear friend and a hero of mine. You will not want to miss the story of Mark's life and the miraculous way the Savior showed up for Mark seconds before pulling the trigger that would have ended his life. The reality of the message Mark shares is proven by the walk he walks today, as he has done all he can to show the Savior Jesus Christ of his gratitude, by serving for multiple years in the LDS 12 steps program helping others lost in their addiction and trying to find their way back to health and peace, know that it is possible if you look to the Lord and trust in Him to show you the way.

Link to listen in comments below.

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Mark, thank you for sharing your amazing story with us. You are incredibly resilient and your bravery in sharing your story is making a huge difference in many lives, including my own. Love you brother! Mark Mark W. Miner

To see Mark’s video made by LDS Church

🚨 New Episode Published55: Rebeca Price ON: How to respond to the Faith Crisis of your spouse, Unconditional Love, Takin...

🚨 New Episode Published

55: Rebeca Price ON: How to respond to the Faith Crisis of your spouse, Unconditional Love, Taking accountability for the things you can control.

Rebeca Price is an amazing person! She is a Mother 4 beautiful little girls, a Wife, a Professional Photographer, and an incredible human. I hope that you feel inspired like I did listening to her story to live with more trust and Faith. Also, the way Rebeca talks about taking full accountability for what she can control is enlightening and a very important piece to the outcome of the faith crisis her Husband has had which began only a few short years after their wedding in the LDS Temple.

Rebeca shares some very important lessons that she and Brandon learned regarding how to continue to put family and love first, take ownership of what you can control, make conversations safe for each other, and that transitions of faith do not make someone bad or less faithful than someone who's faith remains consistent.

Link to listen in comments below.

Check out the “Mormon Message” done on their story. Brandon is the one that suggested it, so cool!

“How to cope when a loved one changes beliefs”

Beka Price Photography - Utah Maternity and Baby Portraiture

Rebeca’s world came crashing down when, after nine years of marriage in the same faith, her husband Brandon said he no longer believed in God. Fear dominated...

🚨 New Episode PublishedWeston Wride ON: How to Connect with Humanity and Increase Joy and Energy in our own lives. The i...

🚨 New Episode Published

Weston Wride ON: How to Connect with Humanity and Increase Joy and Energy in our own lives. The importance of making time to "Play". Battling Anxiety.

You will absolutely love Weston Wride, AKA the "voice of the BYU Cougars" and MC extraordinaire! His energy and passion for life and humanity will inspire you!
You know those people you meet in life that just have a way of bringing positive energy into whatever environment that they walk into? We all know one or two of them and they have away of lifting and inspiring others around them. Weston is one of those guys! You will love listening to Weston share some of the experiences he has been through that have taught him that life should be more than just "Hard Work", and "Grinding it out" everyday. We need to connect and we need to plan time to play! Make life Joyous!

you are an incredible human being, and have helped me remember the importance of making time for play! You bring joy and energy into whatever you do. Love you brother!

Link to listen in comments below.

🚨 New Episode Published53. Drew Young ON: Battles w/ Separation Anxiety, Being bullied, P**n Addiction, Depression and S...

🚨 New Episode Published

53. Drew Young ON: Battles w/ Separation Anxiety, Being bullied, P**n Addiction, Depression and Suicidal Ideation, Moment of clarity and determination changing his life. Best selling Author

Even though this time of Drew’s life was so dark and difficult, often pushing him to the breaking point, Drew talks about the connection he has developed with God as a result. Looking back on his youth, Drew is not able to see that God allowed him to experience all that he went through so that Drew could be prepared to be a friend, voice, and supporter of any and all ostracized groups and people who are treated as if they don’t belong by others. “It was as if God was coaching me”.

Drew has written multiple books sharing the lessons he has learned and his love for all of humanity unconditionally. Titles and links to books below.
1. The meaning of your mission:

2. Stand guard at the door of your mind: Releases on August 10th (Preorder available)

Facebook: Drew Young

Drew, you are such a great man my friend! The way you have taken the open doors the pain and hurt of your youth caused is amazing and humanity is blessed to have a like you looking out for us! Keep up the great work brother.

Please reach out to Drew, he would love to hear from you.

“People start to heal when they feel heard”
-Drew Young

Link to Episode in comments below.

🚨 New Episode Published52. Kurt Nielsen ON: Finding the courage as a married man and father of 3 to come out Gay to frie...

🚨 New Episode Published

52. Kurt Nielsen ON: Finding the courage as a married man and father of 3 to come out Gay to friends and family and continuing to hold onto God, faith, and family.

Kurt Nielsen is a cousin of mine from California that I have never met until he reached out to me after I appeared on an episode of Richard Ostler’s podcast, “Listen, Learn, Love”, building bridges for LGBTQ Latter-day Saints. Kurt calls in from Yorba Linda California to bravely share his story as a gay Latter-day Saint. Kurt has been following deep impressions his whole life to live with the courage needed to come out to his wife and 3 kids and now feels called to be a voice for those silent sufferers who are to afraid to live with the authenticity they have always felt inside.

Kurt, you are a great man, very in tune with Gods love and concern for you, your family and other LGBTQ brothers and sisters. Thank you for your courage to share and for your example of trusting God.

Link to episode in comments below.

Kurt Nielsen

🚨 51. Nate Moore ON: Service Leadership, Finding Purpose and focusing on the Tactics, Living your Value System, Making L...

🚨 51. Nate Moore ON: Service Leadership, Finding Purpose and focusing on the Tactics, Living your Value System, Making Love your undertone in all you do.

Nate Moore, is someone that lifts others in every environment, setting, and place that he chooses to be in. Sometimes in life we have the unique opportunity to meet someone that is a natural born leader, to me this is Nate, he is someone I look to as an example of servant leadership. When I first met Nate, he was serving as a Market Sales Leader for the Western Mountain Pacific area in the United States for Marriott International. This is a high ranking position and very quickly I was able to recognize that the reason that Nate was as successful as he is as a leader is due to the way he serves. With God, his family, fellowmen, and country in mind, Nate lives a life focused on service and what he can do to lift another.

Nate, you are an amazing man. I am grateful to know you, and have learned so much from you over the years. The way you lead through love and service is a powerful witness of the love and gratitude you have for God and the incredible country we live in. Keep shinning brother! Love watching you do it!

Link to episode in comments below.

Here’s to 50🎉If you have shared your story on my podcast and are reading this, I want you to know how grateful I am to Y...

Here’s to 50🎉

If you have shared your story on my podcast and are reading this, I want you to know how grateful I am to YOU for your strength in vulnerably sharing the “gifts” you have received because of the challenges, trials, and darkest moments of your lives to this point. Your story has taught me and helped me grow in my love for others and it has increased my desire to show up for others when they are hurting. Thank you, I love you.

Powerful lessons I have learned from each story.

1. God/Universe/Light: God is aware of us yearns for us to choose to allow Him to help us.

2. Weaknesses: Our weaknesses have the ability to become our greatest blessings and opportunities in our lives.

3. Hope: Hope is hardly ever the first choice to present itself when things get rocky, but it is always the right choice, always.

4. Listen & Validate: If we want to truly love someone and become their “safe” zone, we must learn to (Fully) Listen without interruption or interjection, and just as important… to Validate/trust/believe what is being said to us is their truth.

5: Show up: We will all have moments when someone comes to mind for no reason, these impressions come for a reason and when we act on them in whatever way, text, call, crumble cookies, knock on the door, that person is always lifted and given the opportunity to feel seen by God and others.

6: Love: Simply put, we are all uniquely awesome! Don’t judge, Don’t argue, Do serve, Do recognize every person in this world is special and there is something we can learn from every single person.

To anyone that listens in to the podcast Episodes, thank you for the support. I don’t make any money doing this podcast, that is not the purpose, what I get in return is far greater than anything money can purchase. Humanity, ALL OF US, are freaking amazing!! ❤️🔥❤️

If you haven’t taken a minute to leave the podcast a review on Apple podcast, please do and know in advance how much I appreciate it. Link below if you would like to.

🚨 New Episode Published 50. Halee Beckstead Watters ON: Reuniting with her mother years after she had given up custody. ...

🚨 New Episode Published

50. Halee Beckstead Watters ON: Reuniting with her mother years after she had given up custody. She shares a powerful story of Survival and Forgiveness. She and her mother Cori are now best of Friends!

Halee, you are incredible, I am inspired by your strength, your faith to keep going. We live in a world that tells us "Nice people finish last", but your story is a witness that this idea is completely false... You are as kind a person as I have met, and because you held onto hope and love rather than bitterness and anger, things shifted in your world causing miracles to happen around you, bringing healing into you and your mothers life, love into your own, and the sense of belonging that we all hope for during our lives on earth. Way to go!

Link to episode in bio.

🚨 New Episode Published49. Nathan Hales ON: CPR for the Soul (Church, Prayer, Read) and how these 3 simple practices cha...

🚨 New Episode Published

49. Nathan Hales ON: CPR for the Soul (Church, Prayer, Read) and how these 3 simple practices changed the course of his life. From Drug Addict with Suicidal Ideation to successful Husband and Father.

Nathan Hale is so fun to listen too. His passion and enthusiasm for life, his wife, his kids, God, The Savior Jesus Christ, and just overall believing that life is awesome are absolutely contagious! I could hardly keep up with his pace and excitement in sharing how God showed up for him when he desperately prayed and cried out for help.

Nate, thank you for taking time to come share your message with me and the audience. You are an incredible man that has overcome some huge trials in your life. Continue to use your story of redemption to point others to Jesus Christ. God bless you and your family my brother.
A compelling article was written about Nate's Story in 2018.

If you would like to read it here is the web address:

To listen to this Episode, you can find 'Come Towards Delight' the Podcast on any podcast platform or click the link below.

Nate Hales

🚨 New Episode Published48. Rosie Card ON: Starting her company Q.NOOR, creating Women's clothing, including LDS temple d...

🚨 New Episode Published

48. Rosie Card ON: Starting her company Q.NOOR, creating Women's clothing, including LDS temple dresses. Rosie's enthusiasm for life and love for Humanity is inspiring. Fun conversation about Women!

Rosie, you are an incredible woman, with so much love for Humanity. Thank you for sharing your story and so many important ideas with us, inviting us to love unconditionally, and to seek out those that feel like they belong on the outside and bring them in. Keep up the great work, you are making a huge impact!

visit Q.NOOR @ www.

Follow Rosie on Instagram .noor Q.Noor

Link to podcast in Comments below.

🚨 New Episode Published47. Becky Davidson ON: The creator of Lotimus, Becky shares her journey of self discovery through...

🚨 New Episode Published

47. Becky Davidson ON: The creator of Lotimus, Becky shares her journey of self discovery through a combination of Meditation through Stories. Becky's work is impactful for all ages. Don't miss this!

, my friend, you are incredible. I learned so much from you and cannot thank you enough for the opportunity to meet you, talk to you, and partake of your genuine goodness and wisdom. You have a passion for education and creativity, coupled with a sincere love of Humanity, so it makes complete sense that God has inspired you with such a impactful mission. Your work will educate, heal, and lift many. You are brilliant!

Link in Comments below......


Becky is offering Come Towards Delight Listeners a discounted membership. Enter DELIGHT in coupon code to take advantage of this offer.

Please reach out to Becky to give her feedback, she would love to hear what you think about Lotimus.
Email: [email protected]


🚨 New Episode Published46. Tommy Thompson ON: Tommy Thompson talks about the lessons he learned during his oldest daught...

🚨 New Episode Published

46. Tommy Thompson ON: Tommy Thompson talks about the lessons he learned during his oldest daughter, Perrin’s, 6.5 year battle with Cancer & His book “Space to Breathe Again”.

My friend Author, Coach, Christ Lover, Podcaster and Golf Fanatic, Tommy Thompson shares his life, faith, and family with us. He is devoted husband to Weezie his wife, who he has been married to for 40 years, and loving father. Tommy is very optimistic and inspiring to listen to. He doesn’t shout with a voice of thunder to wake anyone up, rather his calm and humble tones and love for God is palpable. I honestly could have carried on a conversation with Tommy for a day, no problem. He gives us a message that in spite of the difficulties, in spite of circumstances, no matter what circumstances we are up against, we have the ability to choose how we respond.

Link in comments Below


Instagram Handle: author_tommythompson

His book, “Space to Breathe Again” can be found on Amazon

Tommy Thompson

🚨 New Episode Published45. Tony Pizza ON: The trials, challenges, and mistakes of our lives are the very things that cau...

🚨 New Episode Published

45. Tony Pizza ON: The trials, challenges, and mistakes of our lives are the very things that cause the friction needed to motivate us to live authentically. This is an incredible human!

Tony Pizza, is one amazing human being that has truly come to find himself, love who he is, and live his authentic life. I hope that you will enjoy this conversation as much as I did. Tony, has become an incredibly wise man, and done a fantastic job of unlocking himself and giving himself space to live authentically.

Tony, I love you brother. Thank you for sharing your life, wisdom, and beautiful soul with us. Your view of humanity and the goodness within each of us is inspiring, and truly refreshing to hear.alchemy

🚨 New Episode Published44. Charlie and Stephanie Brown ON: The Brown’s talk about the tragic events surrounding the deat...

🚨 New Episode Published

44. Charlie and Stephanie Brown ON: The Brown’s talk about the tragic events surrounding the death of their young son, Dylan, during a flash flood in Arizona. Powerful message of Faith and Compassion.

This episode will touch your heart❤️💔❤️

Charlie and Stephanie thank you for sharing your story. You two are incredible and your messages of hope, eternal families, and having compassion for others is truly inspiring!

Link to listen in comments below.

Stephanie Brown

🚨 New Episode Published43. Weston Clark ON: The BYU Bandit shares his Journey of Surrender. He lost his mother at 8, his...

🚨 New Episode Published

43. Weston Clark ON: The BYU Bandit shares his Journey of Surrender. He lost his mother at 8, his Father was an Alcoholic, the things he used to cope took over his life. Broken he turned to God.

Incredible story, beautiful testimony of God’s love!

you are a stud! Keeping sharing your light brother!

Weston Clark

Link to episode in comments below...

🚨 New Episode Published42. Tara McCausland ON: A fellow Podcaster, host of ’Still Rowing’, Tara shares her experience gr...

🚨 New Episode Published

42. Tara McCausland ON: A fellow Podcaster, host of ’Still Rowing’, Tara shares her experience growing up with a parent battling addiction. Surrendering, The power of Vulnerability, Shame, Miracles.

Tara you are such a wonderful person, thank you for sharing the story of your families story, no doubt you and your parents are helping many because of your experiences and belief that we can overcome addiction.

Tara host a podcast called ‘Still Rowing’ and I encourage you to check it out. You can learn more by visiting her Instagram page at

Link to episode found in Bio...

🚨 New Episode Published 41. Matt Coulam ON: Matt shares his incredible journey and experiences with 2 Kidney failures. L...

🚨 New Episode Published

41. Matt Coulam ON: Matt shares his incredible journey and experiences with 2 Kidney failures. Lesson’s on Choosing to think Positively, People who show up, and the strength of family and friends.

Don’t miss this inspiring Episode. Matt talks about his focus on which help him through some dark and difficult days.

Thank you Matt Coulam you are such a great man, and your story and example of positivity, gratitude, and humility have a powerful effect on anyone blessed to hear it. Love you brother!

Link to episode in comments below.
Matt Coulam

🚨 New Episode Published40. Anthony Ianni ON: First D1   Basketball player with Autism discusses his journey with  ,  , c...

🚨 New Episode Published

40. Anthony Ianni ON: First D1 Basketball player with Autism discusses his journey with , , choice and actions, .

Anthony, you are amazing my friend! Thank you for never giving up and standing up to bullies❤️

Purchase his new book, Centered: Autism, Basketball, and One Athlete's Dreams

Anthony Ianni Jason McElwain Coach Jim Johnson

🚨 New Episode published.Sam shares his conversion story and gives a beautiful witness of   . Happy   39. Sam Hewson ON: ...

🚨 New Episode published.

Sam shares his conversion story and gives a beautiful witness of . Happy

39. Sam Hewson ON: Sam shares his conversion story to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Divorce, Recommitting, Family History, Temple Work. God is in the Details of our lives.

Thank you for sharing your story with us Sam! You are an incredible man and will continue to be a light to others throughout your life.

To listen to this podcast go to Apple, Google Spotify, Pandora podcasts or any other podcast platform, or Link in Comments below.
TheChurchOfJesusChristofLatterdaySaints Sam-April Hewson

🚨 New Episode Published You don't want to miss this inspirational story. One of the most heroic sports stories of all ti...

🚨 New Episode Published

You don't want to miss this inspirational story. One of the most heroic sports stories of all time!

38. Jason McElwain (J-Mac) ON: Living Legend, J-Mac, who has Autism talks about his Miraculous Basketball Game, Teamwork, Mindset, Determination, and Finding Jesus Christ.

you are a hero my friend! Let’s get you out to Utah soon for some speaking opportunities. Thank you for sharing your story with me and the listeners. 🔥

Link to listen to in Comments below.

Jason McElwain

🚨 New Episode Published37. Katie Sheets Robertson ON: Daughter of Kathy Sheets, Killed by Mark Hoffman Pipe Bomb, talks ...

🚨 New Episode Published

37. Katie Sheets Robertson ON: Daughter of Kathy Sheets, Killed by Mark Hoffman Pipe Bomb, talks about the Netflix Documentary "Murder Among the Mormons".

Katie, you joy for life is palpable, you are a testimony to the rest of us that the soul stretching trials of our lives create an opportunity for light and joy if we choose to open our eyes and see it. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us and for helping us understand the incredible woman your Mom is and the darkness surrounding your family and many others because of the choices of one person.

can be found on all major podcast channels or link in comments below.


Al van der Beek producer/song writer for ThePianoGuys shares his testimony of Gods love for us, Gods awareness and concern for us, and Gods desire for us to thrive.

Al and Rachel took the time to share their story with me recently, and it will suprise you how much it resembles the . They both went through so much before meeting, but when they found each other and became each other’s biggest supports and cheerleaders, miracles started to happen and their hearts were led back to God. God sure does know what He is doing💯❤️

Listening to Al and Rachel share their experiences of learning to put Gods will first in their lives and serving others is so fun, and inspiring to hear. They met in a club and hearing the tell they story is awesome, I truly hope The Piano Guys will make a music video about the experience. You will get a kick out of Al sharing his experience meeting Steven Sharp Nelson for the first time and the spirit will touch your heart as he talks about the day, in his recording studio while Steven was playing, he hit a beautiful low chord on the Chello, and in that very moment he looked up at Al with tears in his eyes and a huge smile on his face. They were both overcome by the spirit and from that moment they felt the call to play beautiful music for the world, regardless of religion, color, race, or background it’s music meant for everyone, created to uplift, inspire, and edify. All of the pieces that came together at the perfect time for The Piano Guys... but the crazy thing is they “STILL” haven’t sold a single piano😂😉.

Al and Rachel. Thank you. Thank you for being willing to meet with a complete stranger to share your witness of Jesus Christ and our Father in Heaven. I love you guys and will never forget the spirit I felt as you tenderly, humbly, and powerfully witnessed of God’s perfect awareness of us and desire to bless us as we seek Him, stay connected to Him, and strive to use our talents to serve His children in honor of His glory and goodness not our own.

I invite anyone who reads this to listen to their podcast episode, link in comments. If you open your heart, you will feel Gods love for you, personally. If you know anyone who is hurting, struggling, feeling lost or without hope, share Al and Rachel’s testimony with them, I promise you it will help.

Jon Schmidt Paul Anderson

🚨 New Episode Published36. Al and Rachel van der Beek ON: Al van der Beek, Producer/Song writer for 'The Piano Guys', an...

🚨 New Episode Published

36. Al and Rachel van der Beek ON: Al van der Beek, Producer/Song writer for 'The Piano Guys', and Rachel van der Beek, the one who makes it possible, share their Faith Journey and Witness. Powerful!

and thank you so for taking the time to share your inspiring journey and witness of God! I’m grateful for you two and your 💡!

Link to podcast in comments below.

._.saints Al van der Beek The Pianoguys Fanclub The Piano Guys TheChurchOfJesusChristofLatterdaySaints LDS Living LDS church

🚨 New episode published...35. Cori Valdez ON: Regaining Hope and Love after years battling an Op**te addiction, Traumati...

🚨 New episode published...

35. Cori Valdez ON: Regaining Hope and Love after years battling an Op**te addiction, Traumatic experience being abused by an X nearly ending her life. Learning she is worth it and loving herself.

you are a fighter! Let your light shine, so many people will gain strength from your 🔥


Love this powerful message from Kris LeSueur Episode 33, on

“At first, motivation will get you started... but the biggest thing I’ve learned is that you have to set up a process... If we go purely off motivation, motivation fades so we need to have a process”
-Kris LeSueur


Love this powerful message from on Episode 33.

“At first, motivation will get you started, but the biggest thing I have learned is that you have to set up a process for how you are going to do things... If we go purely off motivation, motivation fades so we need to have a process.”
-Kris LeSueur

Kris LeSueur







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