U.S. military arrogantly "minimizes" their malevolence exposure practices ... indifferent to what any Kanaka has to say about them,... all because ... "They UNCARINGLY Can". They are here to protect the "Fiat Currency 'Corporate Banksters' / Land thieves and Desecrators" who maintain the "Debt-slavery, wage-slavery, Have's and have not's" paradigm ...which allows them their "Mercenary Payola".,
Since 2020 this has become more convenient for them as well since the DEFCON 2 war status was established and the "Space (Air) Force" was put in charge. That was the last executive order of D. Trump and it has never been rescinded. Seems however they would rather have Harris in power since she is more fascist and more manipulable than their "creator" ...given the way DT's "luck" has been recently.
This was all part of the "Global militaries coup d'etat" which jointly and coordinatingly occurred at the same time in every country . The events in Palestine are the best example of their global take-over doing whatever ("in your face")... they choose. The Lahaina DEW attack just subsequent to this also exemplified this "Coup" development. This is their methodology to ensure that they (the" neo-colonizers") and their "Benefactor Banksters" (plus those "Yes-people" participating with them ..."mindlessly benefitting" from the suffering of the indigenous neo-colonized countries) will maintain their power..
"BANKSTER" USURY MUST BE "OUTLAWED" and the Military must take the NASDAQ practioners with them.
Only the "Bankster /Debt-slaver's/ Desecrators/ Land thieves" are the beneficiaries of this ongoing Hewa and are the same "Usury Practitioners" whom Yeshua -Issa forcefully removed from the Sanhedrin temple with "Whip" in hand. This is the "Uncompromisng" position all Hawaiians (Kanaka and "non-Kanaka") must take if any survival of a "non-"Have's and have not's" paradigm is ever to exist. Divide and rule tactics is engrained in the neo-colonia /neo-colonized paradigm... whereby many "False Remedies (eg. digital currencies"/ investment schemes), artificial "benefits" ((eg. recycled "fiat currency loansharking") and "trickle-down Payola" to any "corporate sell-out / yes-people".... is cunningly accomplished.
To be silent on the issue of all the monopoly Hawaii-U.S. NASDAQ Banks who have made Hawaiia their "Desecration Paradise'" is only to be an "Aider and Abettor" complicit in "spitting" on the sacredness of those who still have integrity in their hearts.
Only the "Bankster /Debt-slaver's/ Desecrators/ Land thieves" are the beneficiaries of this ongoing Hewa and are the same "Usury Practitioners" whom Yeshua -Issa forcefully removed from the Sanhedrin "Sion" temple with "Whip" in hand. This is the "Uncompromisng" position all Hawaiians (Kanaka and "non-Kanaka") must take if any survival of a "non-"Have's and have not's" paradigm is ever to exist. Divide and rule tactics is engrained in the neo-colonia /neo-colonized paradigm... whereby many "False Remedies (eg. digital currencies"/ investment schemes), artificial "benefits" ((eg. recycled "fiat currency loansharking") and "trickle-down Payola" to any "corporate sell-out / yes-people".... is cunningly accomplished.
To be silent on the issue of all the monopoly Hawaii-U.S. NASDAQ Banks who have made Hawaiia their "De$ecration Paradise'" is only to be an "Aider and Abettor" complicit in violating ("spitting") on the sacredness of those "indigenous" who still have integrity in their hearts.
BJ's own intel is Right On the mark ... as it totally corresponds with some intel research ANL has found. The logical extension of this however is to call for "Home Rule/Self-Governance" with our own "NON-USURY" /NASDAQ-Free banks, our own currency, and a military to enforce this paradigm. This must also include the "strategic goal" of reducing the income level differentials (i.e. equal pay for equal "socially necessary labor time" expended), all debts forgiven, all wealth on this soil to be shared). No one should be "outpriced" struggling to make ends meet or forced to leave . Moratorium on "Settlers" too unless they can offer some significant benefit to a "Usury-Free" society. Tactically there are a number of options ..just to rally the forces for the strategic goal. Some may be... amending the Charter of Article 8; sec. 1 & 2); HRS 172-11 (Na Ohana Rights to Ancestral Lands); "Laws of Occupation" (establishing "Peace Treaty" of total independence); incorporating some of Nesara's tenets (being neutral in all conflicts of the Usury Practicing" countries; or just going right to the public directly in various organizing ways.
We sincerely hope Brother takes up this crucial survival option ... for promoting any ""Bankster Political Remedies" having to rely on the ""Republocrat" /Roman Maritime "Professional Liars" ... is only more continuation of the long history of "Sugar-coated Bullet Fallibility" experienced by Kanaka leadership.
Gene Tamashiro at the Hawaii County Planning Commission 5/6/24
People of Ka’u gather in Hilo to protect Punalu’u Black Sands Beach from corporate development and exploitation.
HTG: Unity of Hawaiians of all Colors... (Kahalui Harbor 1-21-2024) ... ("From the Mountain to the Sea"/Mauka to Makai Ahupua'a).
Whenever the "absolute power" of the corporate financial capital system must inevitably reveal their "absolute" corruption ...its "antithesis" of ORGANIZED Labor will resist "absolutely".
In the "settler-colonized" country of Ko Hawaii Pae 'Aina ... the ORGANIZED anti-colonial/ anti-imperialist (neo-colonialist) Nationalist resistance must be united with that of the "debt-slaves and wage-slaves"...as such oppression and Desecration will only continue... and labor will continue having to "walk a picket line". No victory for either the "class struggle or the nationalist struggle" will be "absolutely" successful without this unity.
There can be no lasting "Ho'oponopono" until this "united front" becomes the restored sovereign government able to resolve a 130 year war paradigm with a negotiated "Peace Treaty" and with no over-lording "Occupation" by any NASDAQ (or NASDAQ-type) "Bankster/ Federal Reserve Note /Monopoly corporate fiat currency politics and economics".
Malama Market in Pahoa is Foodland owned.
LINE IN THE SAND NEEDS TO BE DRAWN ...or forever be begging on our knees from Neo-colonial Desecrators ("District of Columbia, Inc.) for some token "trickle-down" "Bankster and Poverty Pimp"