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美国亚裔新闻局 - Asian American News Bureau 美国亚裔新闻局(AANB)聚焦美国与中国政经文教热点,关注美中政治、经济、商务、科学教育、文化、社区交流,提供投资、留学、实习、就业、健康、法律信息。


You Are Invited to the 2022 Chinese Association of Iowa (CAI)‘s Business, Education, Cultural and Community Celebrations

Contact: Swallow X. Yan, phone 515-988-0901, email [email protected]
Sponsored by Chinese Association of Iowa
Volunteering, sponsorship, and promotion opportunities available.

Sat. April 2, 2022 at Grand View University Student Center

10:00am-12:00pm Iowa-China Business and Education Consortium
50 years after President Nixon visited China and 10 years after President Xi's second visit to Iowa, business, education, community leaders and students discuss the following topics:
The trend and future of U.S.-China relations
Why the China-US relation is at a crucial turning point
What has shaped and what will shape US-China relations
What is the impact of the Russian / Ukraine situation for the U.S., China and Iowa

Jonathan Hassid
Jonathan Hassid is an Associate Professor in Political Science. Prior to coming to Iowa State in 2015, he received his PhD from the University of California, Berkeley (2010) and was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Technology, Sydney (2010-2014). A China specialist, his research interests mainly revolve around the politics of the Chinese news media and ways to measure symbolic power around the world. He has published extensively, with articles in Comparative Political Studies, China Quarterly, the Journal of Communication, Journalism, and elsewhere.
Jonathan Hassid became interested in Chinese politics after taking Mandarin Chinese as an undergraduate (Amherst College, 2002) and spending a semester abroad in Beijing. The Chinese media is a microcosm for many of the broader changes in Chinese society, representing a fascinating and contradictory blend of commercialization and state oversight, resistance and censorship.
From 2008-2009 Jonathan Hassid was a visiting scholar at Peking University funded by a Fulbright-Hays fellowship to conduct field research on Chinese journalists. While there, Jonathan Hassid interviewed dozens of reporters, editors, academics and others in an effort to understand the changing contexts of the Chinese media. This fieldwork complements an extensive (15.4 million word) computer content analysis I conducted on 26 Chinese newspapers in an effort to look at systemic factors like region and market competition that affect newspaper content.
Jonathan Hassid is also involved in projects examining new media in China (especially blogs and microblogs) and investigating how states centralize and manipulate their symbolic resources -- things like anthems, monuments, street names and even time zones.

Rick Kimberley
In 2012, invited by Governor Branstad, Chinese then-Vice President Xi Jinping visited Iowa a second time, 27 years after his first visit in 1985. He visited the Kimberley’s farm, in Maxwell, Iowa, which he said Chinese farms should be modeled after. The Kimberley farm, the 5-generation farm, has an area of about 4,000 acres, similar to the demonstration farm being built in Hebei. Yet the farm only employs three people due to its use of technology and management.

“We have monitors that can make records of what we are planning. The records decide the planting rates and when we harvest we know the yields all through the field. We use GPS to make sure that we don’t over plant, overuse chemicals or overfertilize,” Kimberley said, adding that every step is monitored and standardized in the farm operation.

Mr. Kimberley has become a sought-after ambassador for modern farming methods in China. He travels there regularly to talk about precision farming and other tricks of his trade. Mr. Kimberley has been to 60 Chinese cities in 20 provinces during more than 20 visits in the past 10 years. In 2017 he was in China to break ground on a “Friendship Farm” in Hebei province, which is modelled on the Kimberley farm.

(More speakers will be confirmed)

12:00-02:00pm Iowa Chinese New Year Celebrations and Iowa Chinese Achievement Awards Ceremony
Food, children games/activities, silent auction, music/art, martial arts, business exhibits, award presentations


You Are Invited to the 2022 Chinese Association of Iowa (CAI)‘s Business, Education, Cultural and Community Celebrations

Contact: Swallow X. Yan, phone 515-988-0901, email [email protected]
Sponsored by Chinese Association of Iowa
Volunteering, sponsorship and promotion opportunities available.

Sat. April 2, 2022, at Grand View University Student Center

10:00am-12:00pm Iowa-China Business and Education Consortium
50 years after President Nixon visited China and 10 years after President Xi's second visit to Iowa, business, education, community leaders and students discuss the following topics:
The trend and future of U.S.-China relations
Why the China-US relation is at a crucial turning point
What has shaped and what will shape US-China relations
What is the impact of the Russian / Ukraine situation for the U.S., China and Iowa

12:00-02:00pm Iowa Chinese New Year Celebrations and Iowa Chinese Achievement Awards Ceremony
Food, children games/activities, silent auction, music/art, martial arts, business exhibits, award presentations

So far, so good for Nathan Chen and the U.S. Olympic figure skating team in Beijing Winter Olympics.The reigning three-t...

So far, so good for Nathan Chen and the U.S. Olympic figure skating team in Beijing Winter Olympics.
The reigning three-time world champion skated a calm, clean short program Friday to give the Americans an early lead after the first event of the team competition at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.
Chen, 22, donned a simple black sport coat while skating to a rendition of "La Boheme" by Charles Aznavour. He landed both of his quads and a triple axel en route to a season-best score of 111.71, drawing loud cheers from the rest of Team USA's skaters, perched at the end of the rink. Pairs skater Kaitlin Hawayek, one of his closest friends, held up a handmade sign that read "10 for Chen."
"It feels great to be able to have a short program that I actually skated well, at an Olympic experience," Chen said with a laugh, alluding to his disastrous short program at the 2018 Games. "So (I will) take as much as I can from this experience and then take it day by day from here."
Nathan Wei Chen (born May 5, 1999) is a son of the Chinese immigrants, his parents came in U.S. in mid-1980’s as international students and have worked and family in Salt Lakes, Utah. He is a three-time World champion (2018, 2019, 2021), a 2018 Olympic bronze medalist in the team event, the 2017 Four Continents champion, a three-time Grand Prix Final champion (2017, 2018, 2019), and a six-time U.S. national champion (2017–22). At the junior level, Chen is the 2015–16 Junior Grand Prix Final champion, 2013–14 Junior Grand Prix Final bronze medalist, and 2014 World Junior bronze medalist.
Chen is the first skater to have landed five types of quadruple jumps in competition – toe loop, Salchow, loop, flip, and Lutz – as well as eight quadruple jumps across a single competition (2018 World Championships). Since placing fifth at the 2018 Winter Olympics, he had been undefeated in every competition he had entered until October, 2021, both domestic and international. As of 2021, Chen is the world record holder for the free skate and the combined score.

The Year of the Tiger is the third zodiac.Birth Years: 2022, 2010, 1998, 1986, 1974, 1962, 1950, 1938, 1926, 1914Real Ti...

The Year of the Tiger is the third zodiac.

Birth Years: 2022, 2010, 1998, 1986, 1974, 1962, 1950, 1938, 1926, 1914

Real Tiger Behavior: Bengal tigers live solitary lives in Indian forests. Female tigers care for their young for two to three years before sending the cubs off to live on their own. These tigers are fierce, but they patiently stalk prey such as wild pigs and deer before attacking.

Are you like a Bengal tiger? You like your independence and always try to do things yourself before asking for help. If you fail, you just try again. You love hanging out with your friends at school but also are just fine relaxing by yourself at home.

Tigers’ positive qualities include being kind, adventurous and enthusiastic.

Their negative attributes can include being aggressive, short-tempered and anxious.

According to legend, Tiger was confident that no one could compete with its speed and vigor for the celestial race that would decide the order of the zodiacs.

However, when Tiger climbed out of the river, thinking it was first, it was informed that Rat placed first for its cunning and Ox placed second for its diligence.

This left the king of the jungle having to settle for third place.

People born in years of the Tiger are vigorous and ambitious, daring and courageous, enthusiastic and generous, self-confident with a sense of justice and a commitment to help others for the greater good.

Inspired by domestic and international students' tireless hard working for their dreams, the US Education Without Border...

Inspired by domestic and international students' tireless hard working for their dreams, the US Education Without Borders released the book "Life Without Borders" on Jan 1, 2022 for celebrating 15 years (2006-2021) of the US Education Without Borders' commitment, passion, vision and mission for helping students for their successes in their academic, professional and social lives! The Amazon Kindle ebook is scheduled for February 1, 2022 12AM PST to February 5, 2022 12AM PST. During that time, people can download the book for free. People do so and leave reviews on Amazon. The paperback print edition has been published and is available on Amazon:


One can go to Amazon, and “Look Inside” the book which allows them to see the front matter of the book, including the Acknowledgements which include Editorial Board bios.


李濠仲 2022年01月05日 作者為《上報》主筆

2021年底Netflix推出年度重頭戲《不要抬頭》(Don’t Look Up),由梅莉史翠普和李奧納多等巨星主演,它被稱為是過去兩年疫情風暴下,對美國社會政治信條壓制科學真理的最完美諷刺。梅莉史翠普劇中的美國總統扮相,毫無掩飾就是川普化身,全劇雖是虛構,每個角色又幾乎都是根據實際人物改編,有追美國政治的,應該一眼就能看出那些明星們是在影射誰。至於《不要抬頭》裡即將撞向地球的那顆彗星,則可以是「Covid-19」,也可以是對整個地球氣候變異的隱喻。

導演亞當·麥凱(Adam McKay)承襲個人諷刺喜劇風格,讓《不要抬頭》成了部荒誕而讓人最終笑不出來的沉思戲,尤其一反美國再次成為世界末日救世主的好萊塢情節,劇中著眼於彗星即將毀滅地球時,政客竟還在想著如何藉機拉抬民調;億萬富翁完全不在乎其他地球79億人口,只想著如何為自己謀財,而非拯救人類;談話節目繼續反智地以娛樂化形式談論這場危機。它凸顯了資本主義社會最貼近人性的反應,連「不要抬頭」片名本身也是在暗諷現代人科技成癮,就算大難臨頭也只會繼續低頭看手機。






Fact-checking former President Donald Trump’s Iowa speechLyle Muller and Caleb McCullough, The Daily IowanOctober 10, 20...

Fact-checking former President Donald Trump’s Iowa speech

Lyle Muller and Caleb McCullough, The Daily Iowan
October 10, 2021

“Just this week the latest Des Moines Register poll showed that Biden is a record low, 31% approval in Iowa…While your all-time favorite president…is at a record high, the highest we’ve ever been.”
Trump has received high marks among Iowa voters, especially Republicans. The most recent Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll, reported Oct. 4, showed that 53% of Iowans have a favorable view of Trump, while 45% have an unfavorable view. The approval numbers are better than he had when president, The Register reported. The poll questioned 805 adults between Sept. 12-15. Its margin of error was plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.
Among Republicans, 91% had a favorable view of Trump in the Iowa Poll survey. Another 7% viewed him unfavorably, while 2% didn’t know, the survey showed. The flipside showed 99% of Democrats in Iowa viewing Trump unfavorably, and only 1% viewing him favorably.
Whether it was a mistake or intentional, Trump flubbed the numbers on President Joe Biden’s favorability rating — in the same poll, 37% of voters said they had a favorable view of the president, not 31%.
Beyond the latest poll, Trump can point to his 2020 electoral performance in Iowa. He won 53% of the November vote for president, while Democrat Joe Biden collected 45%. Other candidates got the rest.
Few Iowans are ambivalent about Trump. In that latest Iowa Poll, only 2% said they were not sure how they feel about him.
But some Republicans in other parts of the United States have been upset by Trump’s rallies. In Perry, Georgia, on Sept. 25, Trump upset members of the Republican establishment by calling Gov. Brian Kemp a disaster and saying he’d prefer Democrat Stacey Abrams, a rising star in her party and a frequent target of derision among Republicans, as governor.
“They’ve never been so successful as they are now because of what we did,” talking about giving billions in subsidies to farmers.
Agriculture income was a mixed bag during the Trump Administration, in large part because of a trade war with China during which the federal government compensated farmers for lost sales. Net farm income – income minus expenses – increased from $75.1 billion to $81.1 billion from 2017 to 2018, went back to $79.1 billion in 2019 and up to $94.6 billion in 2020, U.S. Department of Agriculture data as of Sept. 2, 2021, show.
That net income was helped by government assistance in 2018 and 2019 to counteract the trade wars and assistance in 2020 for COVID-19 pandemic-related losses. The USDA Economic Research Service reported that federal government assistance to farmers totaled $11.5 billion in 2017 and $13.7 billion in 2018 before jumping to $22.4 billion in 2019 and $45.7 billion in 2020.
An analysis by The National Foundation for American Policy reported in January 2020 that Trump aid to farmers was exceeding federal spending on several federal government agencies. The nonpartisan research group, which focuses on immigration, international trade and other matters dealing with globalization and the economy, also reported that farm subsidies at that time exceeded how much the federal government spent on building naval ships and maintaining the United States’ nuclear arsenal.
The USDA’s most recent forecast calls for net farm income to increase 19.5% by $18.5 billion from 2020 to $113.0 billion in 2021.
The Arizona forensic audit of the state’s 2020 presidential election results “showed massive irregularities.”
PolitiFact looked into this when Trump previously made the false comment, which the fact-finders ruled to be “Pants on Fire.” That report showed that a Republican-led review of the 2020 election totals in crucial Arizona showed Biden with 45,469 more votes than Trump in Maricopa, the state’s largest county.
Not only was that close to the official results certified in November 2020, Cyber Ninjas, the firm hired to conduct the review, reported that Biden’s margin of victory was 360 votes larger than what the county’s official canvass showed.
Trump claimed that the audit showed “2,500 duplicate ballots,” but that claim is misleading. The previous fact check found that duplicate ballots are created when election officials find a ballot has inconsistent signature information and they contact the voter, but only one ballot is actually counted.
Trump also claimed that “10,324 voters might have voted in multiple counties.” This is an exaggeration of what the report says, and Maricopa County officials have said that the report’s criteria were not stringent enough to prove duplicate voting.
The report said it found 5,047 voters with the same first, middle, last name, and birth date, representing 10,342 votes among all Arizona counties. A report from Maricopa County officials, though, said the criteria used to identify voters resulted in false duplicates, and the firm should have used more specific criteria like social security number and driver’s license number.
“We won by a lot” in Wisconsin.
This is false. Biden won in Wisconsin with more than 20,000 more votes than Trump.
While he didn’t get into specifics, Trump made a similar claim about winning Wisconsin in August, which PolitiFact found to be “Pants on Fire.” It involves an email exchange in the early morning hours after Election Day from an election consultant to Claire Woodall-Vogg, executive director of the Milwaukee Elections Commission.
“Damn, Claire, you have a flair for drama, delivering just the margin needed at 3:00 a.m.” the consultant wrote. “I bet you had those votes counted at midnight, and just wanted to keep the world waiting!”
Woodall-Vogg responded about 10 minutes later: “Lol. I just wanted to say I had been awake for a full 24 hours!”
Right-leaning news organizations published the exchange and commentators jumped on it but Woodall-Vogg said the exchange was a joke, but inappropriate. Republican and Democratic observers were at Milwaukee’s absentee ballot-counting center until all results were tallied and no evidence exists showing ballots deliberately were miscounted. Trump’s efforts to impugn the process lost in both a recount requested by Trump and a Wisconsin Supreme Court ruling.
“Illegal aliens and deadly drug cartels are taking over our borders.”
This is another topic PolitiFact has researched, as have fact-checkers with other news organizations. Border security drew interest in Iowa before Trump came to the state when Gov. Kim Reynolds joined nine other Republican governors for an Oct. 6 trip to Anzaldaus Park, in Mission, Texas, where the U.S. border with Mexico exists. The governors used the setting to sharply criticize Biden’s handling of border crossings.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection data show crossings of the Mexican border into the United States are at an all-time high, with 200,599 encounters in July alone and 195,958 in August. Data for September had not been compiled. That compared with 38,536 the previous July and 50,648 the previous August, the data show.
Austin American-Statesman fact-checkers wrote in March that a surge in immigrants was the result of drastic changes between the immigration policies of Biden’s and Trump’s administrations, but also worsening economic circumstances in countries where the migrants have lived, notably Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador.
PolitiFact reported in June that a U.S. Customs and Border Protection status memo on border wall construction between 2017 and 2020 showed about 738 miles of barriers were planned, of which 453 miles were completed. About 17 miles of completed wall were in Texas.
Another 285 miles were either under construction or in the pre-construction phase when Trump left office. President Biden ordered that the work be stopped on his first day in office, although another some 13 miles of wall is being built in a flood control plan that has pro-immigration activists upset, NPR News reported.
Overall, U.S. Border Patrol total apprehensions at all of the nation’s borders totaled 405,036 in fiscal 2020, which ran from Oct. 1, 2019, through Sept. 30, 2020 on the federal calendar. That was a little more than one-half of the 859,501 apprehensions the previous fiscal year but close to those in fiscal 2018 and up from fiscal 2017, U.S. Border Patrol data show.
You have to go back to fiscal 2000 for the peak of almost 1.7 million apprehensions, the data show. The Border Patrol consistently had, with a few exceptions in the 900,000 to 970,000 range, more than 1 million apprehensions in a stretch from fiscal 1983 through fiscal 2006.
On the Oct. 7 Senate Judiciary Committee report on Trump’s efforts to overturn election: “The left’s new obsession is the un-select committee, I call it the un-select committee.”
The Judiciary Committee issued two reports on Oct. 7 on the former president’s efforts to overturn the 2020 president election. One was from the majority Democrats and one was from minority Republicans, led by ranking member Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa. The two reports were based on the same testimony but had different conclusions.
The majority report said Trump repeatedly asked leaders of his Department of Justice “to endorse his false claims that the election was stolen and to assist his efforts to overturn the election results.” They added that Trump’s Chief of Staff Mark Meadows asked Acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen “to initiate election fraud investigations on multiple occasions, violating longstanding restrictions on White House-DOJ communications about specific law enforcement matters.”
“Trump allies with links to the ‘Stop the Steal’ movement and the January 6 insurrection participated in the pressure campaign against DOJ,” the report also said.
The report said Rosen threatened to resign and that other Justice Department lawyers would, too, if Trump persisted with his pressure and that Trump forced the resignation of a U.S. attorney so that he could appoint someone who would “do something” about his claims of election fraud, the report said.
The minority report didn’t dispute any of the testimony but said Trump followed the Justice Department staff recommendations and did not take actions that an assistant attorney general, Jeffrey Clark, suggested: sending a draft letter to some states with reported voter irregularities and recommending that their legislatures choose different Electoral College electors. Biden won the states in question.
The Republican report also noted that Trump did not fire anyone over these matters. It said the Republicans believe Trump had legitimate complaints and reports of crimes involving the election, and that he was reaching out to the Justice Department to make it aware of those complaints and doing its job of investigating them. He did not, the Republicans said, issue an order to take any actions.
Multiple audits and reviews have shown no evidence of widespread voter fraud, and have confirmed that Biden beat Trump in the election.


Trump, talked out of announcing a 2024 bid for now, settles on a wink-and-nod unofficial candidacy

The Washington Post | Oct 4, 2021

By Michael Scherer, a national political reporter at The Washington Post. He was previously the Washington bureau chief for Time magazine, where he also served as the White House correspondent. Before joining Time, he was the Washington correspondent for Salon.com.

By Josh Dawsey, a political enterprise and investigations reporter for The Washington Post. He joined the paper in 2017 and previously covered the White House. Before that, he covered the White House for Politico, and New York City Hall and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie for the Wall Street Journal.

Trump has returned to traveling the country for rallies — including a one in Iowa on Saturday — designed to look identical to his campaign events. He is raising money with the same aggressive online tactics he used during his last campaign — an unprecedented move for a former president.

“We’re not supposed to be talking about it yet, from the standpoint of campaign finance laws, which frankly are ridiculous,” Trump said on Sept. 11, when asked if he would again be a candidate for president. “But I think you are going to be happy. Let me put it that way.”

Despite Trump’s interest in the 2024 race, a large and varied group of potential presidential candidates has begun to test the waters themselves. Pence has been working with Chip Saltsman, the strategist who led former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee to victory in the 2008 Iowa caucuses. Pence has already visited Iowa, joining former secretary of state Mike Pompeo and a gaggle of Republican senators, such as Tim Scott (S.C.), Tom Cotton (Ark.), Ted Cruz (Tex.) and Marco Rubio (Fla.). Sen. Rick Scott (Fla.), chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, will return to the state in the coming weeks for an address at the Polk County Republican Party gathering in Des Moines, according to a person familiar with the plans.

Pompeo has traveled throughout early states, quietly fundraising and campaigning with state candidates.

In August, Trump hired two Iowa experts, Eric Branstad and Alex Latcham, as advisers for his leadership PAC, Save America. Branstad, who helped Trump in his last two campaigns in the state, is the son of Terry Branstad, the former Iowa governor and Trump’s ambassador to China. Latcham, a Des Moines native who worked for Trump in the White House, previously worked in the state for Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah), former congresswoman Michelle Bachmann (R-Minn.) and Trump.

Trump also in August called the current Iowa GOP chairman, Jeff Kaufmann, just weeks before Kaufmann was appointed chairman of the Republican National Committee’s effort to design a 2024 nominating calendar.


Trump's Oct 9 Rally in Des Moines
When is Trump's rally in Des Moines?
Trump is scheduled to host a rally at 7 p.m. Saturday Oct. 9 at the Iowa State Fairgrounds in Des Moines. Doors to the event are scheduled to open much earlier at 2 p.m., and live entertainment is planned, according to an online event posting.
The event is organized by Trump's Save America PAC.
How to get tickets?
Those who want to attend can register for free tickets online at donaldjtrump.com beneath the "events" tab. Attendees can register for two tickets per phone number on a first come first served basis.
Attendees must submit their information online and then confirm their registration with a verification code sent to their cell phone. A confirmation web page says attendees will be sent more information before the event.
Is Trump running for president in 2024?
Trump has publicly flirted with another run for president in 2024. And because Iowa is expected to again kick off the Republicans' presidential nominating process with its first-in-the-nation caucuses, his visit here is amplifying speculation that he could enter the race.
Trump easily won Iowa in the 2016 and 2020 general elections, and he remains popular among many Republicans here. This is his first trip back to Iowa since losing the general election to Democrat Joe Biden.
But other national political figures have been making early treks to the state as well, including former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, former Vice President Mike Pence, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas and U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida.


Trump Said He Plans to Return to Iowa
Des Moines Register and Iowa City Press-Citizen reported, former President Trump’s presence continues to hang over the field of potential presidential candidates traveling to Iowa as he flirts with a possible third campaign. Trump said during an interview with Todd Starnes on Aug. 30 that he plans to return to Iowa for a rally — his first since campaigning ahead of the 2020 general election.
On Aug. 30-31, Florida Senator Marco Rubio joined other prominent Republicans who have visited Iowa this summer such as former Vice President Mike Pence, U.S. Senator Tom Cotton, R-Ark., former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem. On Aug. 19, U.S. Reps. Marjorie Taylor Green, R-Ga., and Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., held an America First rally in Des Moines. U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, R-Texas, the winner of the 2016 Iowa Caucus, spoke at Hinson’s fundraising event on August 28. U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, will headline a Dallas County GOP fundraiser on Sept. 2. U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Arkansas, will attend a tailgate-style event U.S. Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks is hosting before the University of Iowa's Sept. 18 football game.
On June 24, in West Des Moines, former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley told a crowded hall of Republicans, “from the classroom to the boardroom, the left is saying our country is rotten to the core. They claim America is racist,” Haley said. “Take it from me, the first female and minority governor of South Carolina: They are wrong.”
Haley, the daughter of Indian immigrants, said her family’s story proves the promise of America.
“My parents moved to a small southern town of 2,500 people and two stoplights,” she said. “My dad wore a turban. My mom wore a sari. I was a brown girl in a black-and-white world. Nobody knew who we were, what we were, or why we were there. But we knew. We were there because America is the best country the world has ever known. And every day, we have watched America become better still.”

Common People News (CPN)民间新闻 2021年3月7日新冠疫苗:“一针还是两针”等重要问题的科学解答BBC初稿2021年2月6日最近更新: 2021年3月7日图像来源,GETTY IMAGES新冠疫苗,打一针够不够?必...

Common People News (CPN)
民间新闻 2021年3月7日

BBC初稿2021年2月6日最近更新: 2021年3月7日

稍早,美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)2月底批准强生公司研发的新冠疫苗“杨森Covid-19”(Janssen Covid-19),只需注射一针,可在常规冰箱温度下储存,使用于18岁以上成年人。强生公司承诺6月底前为美国生产1亿剂疫苗。这是美国第三种投入接种的疫苗。
2月上旬,中国制药公司康希诺生物宣布自己研发的腺病毒载体疫苗(Ad5-nCoV )“克威莎”获墨西哥政府紧急使用授权,适用于18岁以上成年人。康希诺宣布,这款重组新冠病毒疫苗只需单针接种,对预防重症的有效率也超过90%。
俄罗斯从1月中旬开始试验“卫星 V”疫苗的单剂接种版,Sputnik-Light,目的是以更快的速度接种更多人,但功效是否会减弱目前尚无定论。
查莉娅·戈维特(Zaria Gorvett)稍早为 BBC Future 梳理了疫苗的原理和一些需要解答的重要问题。

伦敦帝国理工学院免疫学教授丹尼·奥特曼(Danny Altmann) 解释说,后续增强剂可以激发接种者自身免疫机能进入一种新的微调模式。


辉瑞-BioNTech (Pfizer-BioNTech)-
牛津-阿斯利康疫苗略有不同。根据2021年1月发表的论文,第一接种提供64.1%保护,第二次接种后提升到70.4%,而接种半剂+全剂的有效率是90%。由于三期试验包括了两次接种间隔 6周和12周,因此可以比较肯定地说,第一剂疫苗至少在两、三个月内可以提供一定程度的保护。

科兴(Sinovac)疫苗比较特殊,因为三期试验在几个国家进行,而各国公布的功效数据差别较大,从土耳其的91.25%到 巴西的50.4%,但到目前为止没有一个国家公布单剂接种的数据,都是相隔14天两次接种的试验数据。另外,有观察人士指出这些数据都是通过新闻发布的形式公布的,而没有在专业期刊上发表,试验的方式和数据收集方式都不详,同行评审有困难。
国药(Sinopharm)BBIBP-CorV -
国药(Sinopharm)BBIBP-CorV 疫苗, 中国官方公布数据显示有效率为79%,但试验方式和数据收集方式不清楚,同行评审较困难。同样,国药疫苗数据是两次接种的结果,单剂功效如何没有数据。这支疫苗已经获巴林、埃及、约旦、阿联酋和塞舌尔政府批准接种。阿联酋最早宣布有效率为86%。
与病毒共处 — 新冠、流感和人类的三角关系


美国波士顿大学微生物学教授罗纳德·考利(Ronald Corley)曾在校刊上表示,利用遗传信息指令开发的疫苗没有先例可循,也没有可靠的参照物作对比,有许多未知数,好比在没有航标的水域航行。

萨里大学免疫学教授戴博拉·邓恩-沃特斯(Deborah Dunn-Walters)直截了当说,疫苗不能提供百分之百的保护,此其一;其次,现在没有证据显示接种疫苗后就不会感染也不会把病毒传染给别人。
邓恩-沃特斯指出,有一点很重要 - 别忘了免疫力的产生需要时间。因此,任何一种疫苗,无论接种一次还是两次,首次注射后的几个星期内你的免疫力都跟注射前一样。
这个适应、获得过程需要时间;任何疫苗都必须刺激身体产生更多免疫细胞,然后 部分免疫细胞会生成抗体。







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