Healthy Italian Imports

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Healthy Italian Imports Eating healthy , keeps you healthy. Fresh Pressed and Pure Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Direct from the fields of South Italy to your table.

Meet me in Calabria….Sicily……?Are you interested in looking at a place on the Calabria Coastline or in the Sicilian Sun ...

Meet me in Calabria….Sicily……?
Are you interested in looking at a place on the Calabria Coastline or in the Sicilian Sun ? Let me help you find a place for you ….
…..view video below for more information

For many people living in an historic town in Italy seems like an unaffordable dream. But thanks to an ambitious social experiment you can live la dolce vita...

Ciao tutti… here is a link to today’s 3:00 pm New York time zone live stream talking about Italian-American culture and ...

Ciao tutti… here is a link to today’s 3:00 pm New York time zone live stream talking about Italian-American culture and memories of days gone by.

Three Italian-American Podcasts hosting a roundtable to talk about Growing Up Italian in America and their memories with some great guests

Calabria[a] is a region in Southern Italy. It is a peninsula bordered by Basilicata to the north, the Ionian Sea to the east, the Strait of Messina to the southwest, which separates it from Sicily, and the Tyrrhenian Sea to the west. It has almost 2 million residents across a total area of 15,222 k...


Sersale sorge a 740 mt s.l.m. e oggi conta 4.450 abitanti. Fa parte della provincia e della arcidiocesi di Catanzaro – Squillace. Dista 30 km da Catanzaro, 17 km da Sellia Marina e 61 km da Crotone. Interessante è la sua posizione geografica che “[…] è sito nella Presila catanzarese, per una estensione di circa 52 Kmq, coincide all’incirca con il settore sud-orientale del massiccio silano e della Sila rappresenta le ultime propaggini, che si prolungano nella corona collinare degradante verso la stretta fascia costiera che si affaccia al mare Ionio, proprio al centro dell’ampio golfo di Squillace. La particolare esposizione, unita alla vicinanza del mare, determina la presenza di numerosi microclimi, con alto grado di differenziazione su scala locale, e di una vegetazione particolarmente ricca e variegata con differenziazione di paesaggio passando da quello costiero a quello collinare e montano in meno di 20 minuti di percorrenza e 15 km di distanza (si passa dal mare di Cropani agli 800 m s.l.m. del centro di Sersale)[…] L’area in argomento e il territorio che lo contorna presentano dunque delle emergenze naturalistiche di rilievo, inserite in ambiti di notevole pregio ambientale. Sono presenti nell’area una Riserva Naturale Regionale : Valli Cupe localizzata nel territorio di Sersale e Zagarise e il Parco Nazionale della Sila che arriva a comprendere la parte di territorio superiore a 1200 m s.l.m delle montagne di Sersale”(1).

Have you tried this ?hai provato questo?

Have you tried this ?

hai provato questo?

A new study from the University of Naples published in the Journal of Functional Foods examines the sensory and nutritional aspects of non-dairy olive oil ice cream.

The researchers found that plant-based ice cream offers less fat and fewer calories than traditional milk-based ice cream.

Additionally, the research identified that chemical interactions allowed polyphenols to be released upon digestion, providing potential antioxidants. The data showed that extra virgin olive oil offers the possibility for innovative ice creams which can be potentially healthy and functional.

Learn more 👇👇



Giovedì prossimo 22 giugno alle ore 17:00 incontro pubblico per far nascere a CROPANI una Comunità Energetica.
I dettagli dell'iniziativa nella locandina allegata👇


Known for its health benefits as a key component of the Mediterranean diet, Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) is a natural juice of a fruit, the olive.

Extra virgin olive oil is the highest olive oil quality, an oil with irreproachable qualities and properties that make it an ideal product for the kitchen and excellent for our health and one of the healthiest fats that exist.

In order to obtain high quality EVOO there are multiple factors to take into account. We can say it is a 10 step process.

We passed 500 likes in our FB page....Thank you all for your support and please Share Where You Care !

We passed 500 likes in our FB page....Thank you all for your support and please Share Where You Care !

In today’s video, we will tell you what these amazing benefits are. From promoting heart health, avoiding diabetes, preventing cancer, skin issues to giving ...


The now popular Mediterranean diet rich with high quality Olive Oil has been a dietary staple for the healthy populations throughout the world for ages.

After extensive clinical research on its unique phytonutrient composition, there is widespread agreement among healthcare providers that olive oil is one of the healthiest fats on the planet, primarily because of its high concentration of anti-inflammatory polyphenols.

The benefits include lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease, balancing LDL and HDL cholesterols, bone health, improved cognitive function, lowering the risk of inflammatory and auto immune disease problems as well as digestive tract functional advantages and decreased risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis.

However, all Olive Oils are not created equal. Most markets sell Olive Oils that contain a mix of different Olives with lesser quality Oils. This reduces the benefits and may be harmful to your health. It is important to use Oil from organic fruit, harvested at the time when the Olives have the highest nutritional value and processed to optimize the polyphenol content for health benefits.

Located in Southern Italy, for over seventy years the Ligaro family at Casa Ligarò have dedicated themselves to producing the highest quality Olive Oil possible. The composition and content of the phenolic compounds vary by cultivar. Therefore, the Ligaro family grows and harvests their Olives from Carolea trees ensuring a high nutraceutical value combined with an award-winning taste. The family controls the entire supply chain from the cultivation of the earth to the bottle set at your table in order to secure the purity and quality of the Oil. Their trees, fruit and bottling procedure are registered guaranteeing the traceability of the product. Thanks to its organoleptic properties, Casa Ligarò Olive Oil is ideal for raw consumption, gourmet cuisine, and nutrition from children to the elderly.


Extra-virgin olive oil can reduce inflammation, which may be one of the mainreasons for its health benefits. The main anti-inflammatory effects are mediated by the antioxidants. Key among them is oleocanthal, which has been shown to worksimilarly to ibuprofen, an anti-inflammatory drug.

At the end of the day, quality extra virgin olive oil is incredibly healthy. Due to itspowerful antioxidants, it benefits your heart, brain, joints and more. In fact, it maybe the healthiest fat on the planet.

Polyphenols are a key component to olive oil, and are considered to be sterols. The sterols in Extra Virgin Olive Oil are known to decrease the blood cholesterol levels.

The only negative effect of olive oil, unless you are allergic to it, is that it can cause mild diarrhea if large amounts are ingested. But this can also be beneficial, as it acts as a natural laxative if you are constipated. However, if you are taking medications for diabetes or blood pressure, decrease your intake of olive oil.

Olive oil, a staple of the Mediterranean diet, is a great choice for healthy eaters. It's rich in heart-healthy antioxidants and diet-friendly oleic acid, which helps curb hunger.


“La Regione Lombardia ha pronto un piano di intervento per riqualificare e rendere operativi i frantoi pubblici del Sebino”. Lo ha detto l’assessore regionale lombardo all’Agricoltura, Alimentazione e Sistemi verdi, Fabio Rolfi. “Un primo momento di confronto per gettare le basi di una pro...


entrare in contatto con la cultura di un territorio

Here in Calabria at Casa Ligaro’ you can relax in the hills and near the sea.   You can tour the olive trees and taste t...

Here in Calabria at Casa Ligaro’ you can relax in the hills and near the sea. You can tour the olive trees and taste the fresh organic healthy oil as it it is produced in this ancient Italian town. Stay here at our beautiful and unique bed and breakfast with a friendly staff that includes traditional southern italian food , music and culture.

I look forward to seeing you here soon.

For more information visit :


When you come to visit we will present to you the history and traditions of olive oil production and applications at our Olive Oil museum.
You will experience the taste , smell and feel of the sacred olive fruit.


When you come to visit we will present to you the history and traditions of olive oil production and applications at our Olive Oil museum.
You will experience the taste , smell and feel of the sacred olive fruit.


In Spagna si continua a fare molta attenzione ai prezzi dell’olio extravergine, non avendo paura di continuamente denunciare le politiche dei grandi marchi e della GDO. Di seguito un interessante articolo. Se nel monitoraggio mensile che facciamo dei prezzi di vendita al pubblico dell’olio extra...


Did you know that olive oil can boost your s*x life and may also reduce wrinkles? There are a lot of outstanding olive oil benefits in and out of the kitchen that you may not be acquainted with.
Extra-virgin olive oil has recently become a catalyst for research as part of the Mediterranean diet and is becoming widely known as a healthy alternative. But what else can olive oil do?


Pubblichiamo una sintesi dell’intervista a Domenico Ragno, che in Puglia ha guidato l’Arif dall’aprile 2016 al maggio 2019. Ovviamente non siamo d’accordo su alcuni punti esplicitati come, ad esempio, la discontinuità del monitoraggio, la sua effettuazione solo per le zone di contenimento e...


The famous farm­houses that dot Italy’s pic­turesque land­scapes from Puglia to Lig­uria have expe­ri­enced an 80-per­cent drop in vis­i­tors due to the COVID-19 pan­demic.

Home to some of the most renowned Ital­ian olive oils and wines, the pop­u­lar tourist des­ti­na­tions have been hard-hit by mea­sures to curb the spread of the dis­ease.

Now that those mea­sures are being relaxed, farm­houses and local author­i­ties are team­ing up to bring Ital­ian and inter­na­tional tourists back to these tra­di­tional hol­i­day des­ti­na­tions.

The farm­ers asso­ci­a­tion Coldiretti, mean­while, has warned that the dis­ap­point­ing spring­time fig­ures for agri­tourism may just be the tip of the ice­berg.

“Italy is home for 24,000 farm­houses spread across all of its regions,” Coldiretti said in a state­ment. ​“They offer more than 250,000 beds and more than 440,000 seats in restau­rants.” In 2019, 14 mil­lion vis­i­tors were booked by the farm­houses, with 59 per­cent com­ing from abroad.

“If we don’t turn the tables now, the sec­tor risks los­ing €1 bil­lion ($1.1 bil­lion) in 2020,” Coldiretti said.

Farm­houses pos­sess use­ful char­ac­ter­is­tics when it comes to virus pre­ven­tion, com­pared to many other restau­rants, hotels and hol­i­day venues, the group pointed out.

“Farms can count on wide spaces in the open for their restau­rant activ­i­ties, do not usu­ally offer many beds for vis­i­tors stay­ing overnight and are prob­a­bly the best and eas­i­est places where safety mea­sures can be applied — where fam­i­lies can be safe out­side of their own home,” Coldiretti said.

Their unique char­ac­ter­is­tics could play a cru­cial role in the relaunch of tourism in the lands of olive oil and wine, which is why many agribusi­ness oper­a­tors have applied to be included in a new gov­ern­ment web­site ded­i­cated to Ital­ian agri­tourism.

The direc­tory is man­aged by the Ital­ian Min­istry of Agri­cul­ture and pro­vides infor­ma­tion about the char­ac­ter­is­tics, ser­vices offered, his­to­ries and safety mea­sures taken by each of the farm­houses.

“Farm­houses play a cen­tral role because they pro­mote tourism in their area, like in nearby small and ancient vil­lages, which is where 92 per­cent of the Ital­ian agri-food spe­cial­ties are born,” said Diego Scara­muzza, pres­i­dent of the farm­houses asso­ci­a­tion within Coldiretti, Ter­ra­nos­tra.

Scara­muzza man­ages a sep­a­rate farm­house direc­tory web­site, Cam­pagna Amica (mean­ing friendly coun­try­side, in Ital­ian). Not only do the farm restau­rants pro­mote local spe­cial­ties, but they are often the pro­duc­ers of some of Italy’s most renowned gas­tro­nomic prod­ucts.

The role played by these coun­try houses in the revi­tal­iza­tion of the econ­omy was stated by the Min­is­ter of Agri­cul­ture, Teresa Bel­lanova, who has spent a few days actively tour­ing many such venues to bet­ter under­stand how they are cop­ing with the COVID-19 after­math.

In a tweet, the Min­is­ter talked about the beau­ti­ful farm­houses of the south while vis­it­ing Sante Le Muse, in the Puglia region, a farm focused on pro­duc­ing organic olive oil and pur­vey­ing fam­ily hol­i­days.


Extra Virgin Olive Oil Mask

During the summer period due to the constant changes in temperature and the sun, the skin is more easily stressed and needs more hydration. It needs a lot of water, but also oils and compresses based on natural products that nourish in depth, restoring softness and compactness.

Olive oil and honey will help to give the skin a new luster.

How to make a mask with oil and honey
Mix the honey and olive oil by adding a few drops of lemon. If you prefer less dense, dilute with a little natural water and gently massage into the skin. Leave on for about twenty minutes and wash away with running water.


Extra Virgin Olive Oil - EVOO can reduce and prevent the possibility of colon cancer...

From a study by the Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome and the University of Teramo, in collaboration with the University of Camerino and the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, it emerged that extra virgin olive oil, one of the most famous and typical condiments of our Mediterranean diet, reduces and prevents the possibility of colon cancer.

The study has now revealed, on a scientifically founded basis, the mechanism by which oil reduces the risk of developing colon cancer. In fact, extra virgin olive oil is able to increase the expression of CNR1 tumor suppressor gene, which is very important for the health of our body, because it is able to regulate the mechanisms at the origin of alterations of genes that are sensitive to environmental factors.

The results obtained by the researchers certify that adequate quantities of extra-virgin olive oil in the diet are important for reducing genetic alterations related to the alimentary style.
The study reinforces the confidence that an appropriate diet can help prevent tumors, but also other widespread diseases such as neurological disorders, obesity and diabetes. Epigenetic changes, that is those deriving from environmental factors and, therefore, from the diet, are potentially reversible.

The results obtained from the research should induce to rediscover the validity at the table of foods typical of the Mediterranean diet, especially in Western countries, able to reduce the incidence of cancer.

Polyphenols are micronutrients that we get through certain plant-based foods. They're packed with antioxidants and poten...

Polyphenols are micronutrients that we get through certain plant-based foods. They're packed with antioxidants and potential health benefits. It's thought that polyphenols can improve or help treat digestion issues, weight management difficulties, diabetes, neurodegenerative disease, and cardiovascular diseases.

Our Olive Oil is filled with polyphenols

Using our Olive Oil in your diet may keep you healthy.


Direct from the tree to your table , this nutritious and delicious pure golden olive oil is available now.

Contact me here for more information.

Stay healthy with this high quality organic olive oil.

We have your Italian Olive Oil available direct from the Olive groves of south Italy to the bottle to your table For mor...

We have your Italian Olive Oil available direct from the Olive groves of south Italy to the bottle to your table

For more information contact us here or email. [email protected]

IMAGE: Domenico Praticò, MD, Scott Richards North Star Foundation Chair for Alzheimer's Research, Professor in the Departments of Pharmacology and Microbiology, and Director of the Alzheimer's Center at Temple at the...


A recent New York Times article by Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Julia Moskin emphasizes the same point: “More than the flags on the bottle, more than the varietal, more than whether the oil appears grass-green or butter-yellow, many experts and producers now say the biggest factor in the deliciousness of olive oil is its freshness.”

The olive is a fruit. Olive oil is fruit juice. Similar to other fruit juices olive oil is amazingly delicious when fresh-squeezed. Olive oil is also at the peak of its nutritional potency when fresh-pressed. But when olive oil sits too long in a warehouse and then on a store shelf, it loses its freshness, flavor, and nutritional goodness. It turns dull, lifeless, and stale, which is not healthy for you.

If you’ve never tasted olive oil pressed from olives just-plucked from the tree, you’ve been missing one of the great culinary experiences of your life. Vibrant olive oil elevates the flavors of your salads, your grilled meats, your delicate fish and your pasta. Tear off a hunk of warm, crusty bread and use it to sop up a fresh olive oil from your plate. You will experience deep-down satisfaction.




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Healthy Italian Imports

Healthy Italian Imports brings you some of the best products from South Italy including Organic Cold Pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Olive Spreads, Wine and Coffee.

From the laughing hills of the Ionian Sea in the heart of South Italy our products are available for those people who place health and happiness as the top priority in their daily life.

From ancient recipes jealousy guarded, we supply a variety of traditional Calabrian preserves that can be purchased and consumed knowing you have obtained a high quality and pure product. Our Olive Oil is superior grade produced with cold mechanical processes, obtained from olives grown and processed in South Italy along the Ionian Sea.

Carolea olives are a superior olive category. Oil obtained directly from olives and solely by mechanical means. Obtained from olives not treated with pesticides. This is the Extra Virgin Olive Oil everyone is searching for around the world!